
Of course playing well has a huge impact, we have a warrior who played arms in Eternal Palace was beat most of the fury warriors he played against.

That said, there is a ceiling to how much playing perfect will do. A frost mage playing perfectly with full optimisation would currently lose to a pretty-good fire mage.


You’re arguing a moot point. Nowhere did I state that systems don’t change. But that doesn’t give it the excuse to be garbage for the sole reason for it to change later.


My understanding here is that we accept a poorly implemented system in hopes that next time it will be better.

Some people have been doing this since BC.

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The issues isn’t the loss, it’s how bad the loss is. As long as different classes play different, something will be on top. As long as the gap is reasonable, it’s fine imo.

Reasonable is relative. But the reality playing out before us, classic, bc and wrath were wildly unbalanced, people still enjoyed them. Frost isn’t “dead.” It’s just not fire. But when they try to nerf things, they get met with “fun detected.”

This is all a lose lose. It always has been. But knowing that, I’d rather they try to go big, and do something that has the potential to be fun, instead of give up.

Yes. They try new things. Some stick, like bgs, arenas, M+, hardmodes/ mythic raiding and some don’t, like islands or warfronts.

But I’d rather they tinker, then give up. PvP islands or expanded warfronts could have been fun. Now, we won’t know.

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No but you seem to think that bfa had ripcords that got pulled because it was garbage systems.

Anything can be called garbage that gets changed in this settings.

And im sure this system will get changed as well and balance will happen, but if any changes that gets made. People can just say told you the system does not work or blah blah. The point is, Blizzard already said that they don’t agree with the ripcord crowd, and asking for it now is just spam.

Yes this right here was arguing with Metro over the same thing in the Beta General.

Have you seen current fire mages? its a HUGE loss.

I’m baffled by how you guys keep thinking in terms of small percentages when we have clearly stated that is not the case.

I mean that is the very nature of mmo. No mmo is perfect, Even legion that people praise so much I think BFA is better in some ways and way worse in others.

I’m just saying that if wow does not offer more than the negatives. I’m not sure why people keep playing.

You say this like the whole forum is against new things.
Weir telling you theirs a gas leak in the coal mine and your telling me its ok to as long you hold your breath.

Obviously I’m being hyperbolic, but my point is we like new systems as well, weir saying this is a bad one.

Blizz balance team incoming

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You understating of us not wanting a bad MMO and your perception of our pursuit of perfection is extremely flawed.

Huge? 10% better? 20%? 30%? What fight, context, or parameters? This is about the same as well people tell me surv is unplayable trash. In reality it outputs about as much as my fury warrior does, i.e. middle of the pack. Frost is pretty middle too.

According to GD, they have all been bad. Every single one. And so they gave us classic with the #no changes. And that’s apparently bad now too…

Yeah the choices don’t matter if you are just out doing WQs and pet battles

So the same people? every time?

Or perhaps the forums is where people go to complain? So you only see negative opinions but from wide variety of people.

Good of you to just group all those opinions together to prove your point though.

WHy does it feel like some of these people that are going it doesn’t matter if you do 10% less then another or so what if you can’t do ad good in battle grounds as you can in a raids or mythic + were recipients of multiple Participation trophies?

It is almost as if actually wanting to do better and improve ones abilities is a bad thing.

We’ll look at Mythic Nzoth for example, say for 95 Percentile for Fire Frost:

Fire: 111,000.
Frost: 95,000.

Beast Mastery: 107,000
Survival: 91,000

99 Percentile:

Fire: 121,000
Frost: 106,000

Beast Mastery: 114,000
Survival: 93,000

A fire mage parsing at 70 percentile beats a frost mage parsing at 95 percentile.

Everything looks fine as a concept . The problem is not all concepts actually work once implemented .

You would be lucky if 50 % of all ideas actually worked in practical applications.

Well I’m going to return to my previous statement.

Because this just tells me that you haven’t been paying attention at all to what happened during this expansion. Either that or you’re defining that ripcord being pulled as something completely different.

wowmeta . com /bfa/dps-rankings

Here’s a generic tier list.

Go look at the logs yourself I’m not going to do your research for you.

But I still don’t understand how this system is bad? The pros and cons of the system gets told, player power tied to rpg choices is bad in what way?

Because other people might made a choice that makes them do more dps?

Again that is not a problem. The problem only comes is if the content can’t be done because of the choices you made. That is when the system is bad.

So again how is this system bad if you can still do said content with system not making the best min/max choice?