
You can’t pull something that doesn’t exist.

Oh I think they will make changes, they did with every system in BFA. But if you think it is going to be a free swap anytime you want, you are being stupid. My bet is they remove the covenant based abilities all together. Then make soul binds generic across all covenants. Then everyone is a cookie cutter of the other and covenants will be story arcs and transmogs.

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You are being stupid for not reading the original post.


That couldn’t happen without them massively redoing them. The soul binds have bonuses that directly support the covenant ability. So they would need to remain paired together to properly support each other. Now maybe you mean you can pick a set regardless of covenant, that might be possible.

And if it was about what you said, they why the hell did you mention the week long cool down on swapping them?!?

Then do it? You’re saying the same things people said about account bound essences and it didn’t stop them from doing it because the community wanted it and it presented a better playing experience.

Because Ion lied about the ripcord then did a 180 backflip saying it didn’t exist, but if covenants being more or less freely swappable then the technology is there for them to open the system up. On demand covenant swapping would be a perfect stop-gap while they go on redesigning the whole system.

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No, he if you actually listened to what he said it was that they can not delink the abilities for the covenant because the souls binds are designed to enhance the covenant abilities. That is the ripcord he said doesn’t exist.

Why are you mentioning his followup statement instead of discussing what he said originally? It’s pretty obvious the only reason he did monumental backflips is because people went all in on his statement where he specifically mentioned “opening everything up”. It’s obviously there, he just wanted to stop the heat from how much heat #PullTheRipcord was bringing.

His followup statement is a flat out lie :slight_smile:

Because he made that statement in the early days of ALPHA. Once the covenants matured, it because clear to them that it wouldn’t be possible to do it. They have already mentioned that if things are really that bad, they will revisit the system.

I mean you can’t hold them to everything they say will be in the game during an alpha presentation.

too much work for them

And there we go, basically exactly what the point of this thread is. Same point of the thread account bound essences had.

Except you are asking them to pull something that doesn’t even exist yet. I mean how to do you pull a ripcord you haven’t created. Anyways, this clearly not going anywhere and I have better things I should be doing.

Have fun and enjoy your night.

They do it by creating what they originally stated existed when this thread was created then pulling it.


Have a great day!



Honestly, at a minimum they need to allow free swapping with renown carry over every time they hit covenants with the nerf hammer.

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It really should be and hard for me to understand their decision even from a business perspective.

Blizz struggles to add enough content for players. Allowing for an “unlocking” of all covenants gives the player an interesting choice of which covenant orders to unlock first based on their desire for transmog vs. player power vs. which one is best for them. And in the end would allow the character to then stay in the covenant that most suits them most of the time.

Instead they created 4 separate covenants but then lock us into 1 covenant. From a content point of view they spent effort on 4 covenants but each player may only get to experience 1 out of 4 of those in the end-game. Sure we have alts if someone wants to levels alts through all 4. But remember, the problem is delivering enough content to ALL players. Let the players experience all the content Blizz developed otherwise it’s wasting effort on 3 out of 4 covenants.

As another streamer also put it, Shadowlands rewards us when we play all the content types (Mythic+, raids, pvp, Torghast, etc.) but then the devs say “we want you to be Kyrian Paladian in Shadowlands”. You can’t have both. Are you expecting us to do all the content or are we locking in to specific spec that is good at one thing?


I get what you’re saying, but if every person wanted to play with every covenant ability, each person would need, what, 36 max level characters?

Edit: Just to clarify, I agree with you, was just adding onto your point.

On the beta you could change Covenants willy nilly whenever you want as often as you want by just talking to the Covenant NPCs in Oribos (PS: iPhone is literally the worst - I had to fix autocorrect in that sentence at least 10 times). That’s the rip cord right there, and it already exists. Obviously, on beta it’s for testing purposes, but it’s still already there.


Most ripcord pullers don’t want to switch covenants . It has never been about that we just want the player power especially the covenant class abilities separated from the covenants.

We want to pick a covenant and stick with it but we are not going to do it at the cost of game play.


More spectacular hand-holding.

As I previously said, that would only be possible if the covenant and soul binds remained bound to one another. I mean you can’t pick the Night Fae covenant abilities and then the vampire soulbinds, they don’t work together correctly.

So maybe they packaged the covenant abilities and their supporting soul binds together, then allowed you to pick which “package” you wanted regardless of covenant. I mean it would look odd to be working with the Kyrian covenant but have Necrolords soul binds but what ever.

I see Sonechka is back again to add nothing to the conversation other then to bump the thread…

Hey don’t you have some kind of zoomer game like World of Tanks to play while the adults talk