
Maybe I’m not understanding how the vault works. Does being able to switch to the right covenant on demand give me extra drops?

Will go down as one of the most hilarious comments of all time.

Just like Ions comments on thinking corruption would be less RNG than Titanforging



Hybrid classes shouldn’t have to choose which spec to be good at, while being mediocre at another.


Amen, brother.

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It’s easier to play alts than play your other spec.

Just think about how ridiculous that is LOL.


So, instead of coming up with ways to bring parity to the abilities without resulting in full homogenization, it’s pull or nothing?

Weird, but ok. Any word then on fury getting ms or an immunity? I don’t want one of my specs being mediocre.

how is it homogenization when each covenant ability is different from one another, dude. I’d understand if we were going back to Legion with 43543863286 ashbringers running around, but what you’re saying is moronic at best.

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Can you name or list times in wow history where there wasn’t intense polarity in class balance? With some specs being utter garbage or being supremely fun to play/OP.

From my experience Blizzard has never been able to bring “parity” to abilities, classes, or even spec. Its a running gag that Shaman is always nerfed. That doesn’t come from Blizzard making things balanced and equal.

And specs not having access to abilities from other classes are good. But their other abilities should compensate to make sure they are viable. Not having a mage/rogue/druid should not make a group look for them for a specific dungeon.

Also that wasn’t what they were describing. Since hybrids don’t usually have abilities such as you described.

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And that is different from current covenant design how?

Hybrids don’t have MS?

Its different bc atm its asking them to balance out more abilites than they can already handle. They’ve already proven they can’t even balance classes and specs why would it be a good thing to 4 new abilities per class? On paper it sounds good but, in execution they haven’t displayed the capacity to do balance.

I was more referring to immunities since honestly don’t know what you meant by MS. Like I don’t think that fury should get an immunity. Their toolkit should make them viable without it.

Then why do people keep asking for a new class? Tinker for example. Or to bring back ranged surv and also keep melee surv.

Mortal Strike.

Pull the ripcord on immunities imo.

Not mentioning how the damage % is expanded when legiondaries and soulbinds/conduits are factored in.

Gonna need way more than a trust us from Blizzard.

None of us are asking for that that.

Sure as someone who progged on pre-nerf nzoth that would have been amazing.

And I thought Sonechka could strawman

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I miss sonechu, felt like time flew by when arguing with him.

Wonder where has falls on this bonus roll discussion.

25% DPS swings in covenants currently. LOL

pull it.

Pull it so hard Kaithos.

Yes daddy Timbae

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Those threads just appeared by magic?

Start the hashtag. I believe in you.

Hope this helps buddy!

But I thought this single thread represented “everyone” who plays. Are you trying to say that different players have different opinions? And that those different opinions might impact balance? I’m shocked.