
Honestly I didn’t raid (or really play) much after AOTC Uldir. I’m only a heroic skilled raider, and likely not even that right now.

But yeah, don’t trust them to balance at all. Largely because they implement so many systems that adjust power and makes it a nightmare to balance. And they have pushed the onus onto the players to make switches. And adding another switch isn’t, IMO, fun. It will just be an annoyance to me.

In fact, adding 2 new buttons isn’t something I particularly enjoy. I have 26 abilities on hotkeys on beta as a blood DK that I use regularly during fights. And only 2 of those are talents, and trinkets macro’d into abilities. And I should have more from engineering but haven’t gotten there yet. It’s a mess. I wouldn’t mind the 2 buttons if I didn’t also have to switch them out frequently.

It still baffles me how much time some people spend trying to be that guy

It’s been a while since I did keys. I don’t think I ever had the wrong talents for the content i was doing. Does it lower your key if you walk out?

Agreed, 100%. I mean they’re cool and fun and that’s neat. But if it’s just another system I need to do regular management of, no thanks.

Haha funny. :slight_smile: But in all honesty, there’s several things different people want here, and some are simply not going to get what they want. Either end of the argument is “that guy” if you’re on the opposite end of the argument. Finding a common ground or changing our minds through meaningful dialog is, IMO, going to make a better game. Assuming we can come up with meaningful arguments, and Blizzard listens.

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You know I never tested it to that extent, you can walk out, but the timer keeps going. You definitely cant bring someone new in if the timer is still up, they end up in a different instance.

As to whether you can swap specs or talents then walk back in is something I’m fuzzy on. I’d make the assumption that you cant do it but I would need confirmation

I am honestly having a hard time finding people who are able to let their minds be changed over the internet. Maybe just myself to an extent.

But I find that there are several people who would be just fine if they let one side have its way while continuing to play the other way.

For example people can chose not to fly if the game allows flying. They can also chose not to swap their covenant player power elements if they do not want to as well.
My point is that one side does not have to really win anything substantial by having it their way other than preventing the other side from having it their way by creating the image of a split playerbase to Blizzard

There’s lots of content you cannot do without flying. Some raids or dungeons you cannot get to. You cannot play the content without it.

With the switching of covenant abilities, you would need to in order to play some content. And you already have to switch a lot of things for a lot of content. It’s just another switch that, if it’s switchable, loses any real meaning. The only thing it adds gameplay wise is selecting the right one for the fight. For me, that’s an annoyance in a sea of pre-actually-playing-the-game annoyances.

Some people want to be able to play all their specs effectively though. So while you might end up “picking the M+ ability before doing M+” and that’s not super interesting, under the current paradigm you might very well pick the Ret Paladin ability for raiding and then be stuck with a poor ability for healing M+ as Holy. It’s a question between being nudged to make an obvious choice on one end, and being nudged to play only one of your specs effectively on the other.

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I am one of the people who generally do not even switch their talents after deciding on an versatile build.

But the whole concept of having to pick between the aesthetics I want, the ability that looks cool and the ability that works best overall with my spec, seems a really frustrating choice.

For example I think that I will select Night fae cause being able to move faster within rest zones is just that great.

My problem is thus that covenants are a package deal of too many elements I would rather pick separately even if it was as time gated to change the picks again.

Necrolords have a “Flytrap” abom which allows super speedy movement indoors. But only in the open world, not in dungeons/raids.

Right now, you can change at any time to any other covenant once. Going back to a covenent you left has the 2 week time gate.

What I am trying to say that I would rather to be able to get the X covenant for the story and aesthetics while also selecting the abilities and soulbinds of another one if needed even with the same time gating.

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I would prefer that over something that would be a switch at any time between the 4 sets of abilities. But it would have the same balance problem. In that everyone would pick the best abilities and they would have plenty of time to probably never balance the others.

I believe this would still be better than having to chose between aesthetics and gameplay.

PS: Also, they will never get to balance the covenant abilities, because some are utility spells while others only have value in combat.

I tried out the Kyrians as a priest in the beta. While everything in Bastion looks visually amazing (including the cloth set), the abilities seem extremely MEH.

So if I want the aesthetics of the Kyrians I will have to settle for abilities and covenants that I do not like.
Meanwhile my suggestion meant that one could for example take the Kyrian as a source of aesthetics while also for example getting the Night Fae abilities and soulbinds, with the same time restrictions applied.

good morning



Woke up to see how the ‘discussion’ about fire mage somehow being the easiest spec to play because it can do the most damage played out. Sure wasn’t disappointed. Surprised no analogies were brought up…F1 car easier to drive than a honda civic because it can vroom vroom more? :joy:

As always this thread continues to show that the most staunch anti-ripcord folks are completely detached from reality.

Pull it please…sooner rather than later. I suppose 9.0 is a wash but hopefully this little thread might gain some attention after the masses get their hands on these meaningful systems :upside_down_face:


Good morning fellow ripcord puller.

May your choices be many, and may them be meaningful.


This is also coming from someone who has no first hand knowledge of how to play a mage in the first place.

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Yessir, the evidence of delusion is abudant here thankfully.

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I don’t doubt it, they always add extreme catch up mechanics since many players today would rather have things thrown in their lap instead of getting it the old fashioned way. I sincerely hope that Blizzard sticks to their guns.

Why would you “have to” switch? You don’t do any content where switching would be necessary. You could stick to one covenant and be done. You just don’t want anyone else to be able to switch and have fun.