
Finally, something we agree on.

I mean all they could just make them easily changeable so this applies:

Blizzard has what, 5 weeks left to balance everything and conduits don’t even work on beta yet :laughing:

It’s funny that you guys literally just agreed with each other and you’re still arguing.

I’m still having trouble understanding why you want them locked… you can do all these things with the abilities unlocked as well.
I will have zero effect on your gameplay, just your perception of the game itself.

I already addressed this in a previous reply to you. And you’re repeating yourself without addressing my response.

Making it sub-optimal to not flip a switch into a system with existing switches is not fun gameplay, to me. That’s all. I would rather not have covenant abilities than another system of buttons I need to press before a progression fight.

Im sorry to keep harping on you but, no it wont. How will it slow the game down?

It will have no effect on how fast the game is, it just arbitrarily prevents you from using 3 other abilities without some convoluted quest line.

I have been saying this to you for hours.

Agreed, but balance is an ongoing process. The classes are not balanced, and there’s far more to tune there.

Yeah at least this way instead of designing a permanent set of talents to be incorporated to the game that will last the remainder of the time WoW has left we can spend a tonne of time designing a new set of borrowed powers and systems that will go away in the new expansion.

Wait something doesn’t add up

They’re going to spend much more time trying to balance the systems than if they weren’t locked to covenants. Which means less time for raids.

I would like an answer to my previous statement, are you hoping for a return to classic style talents and specs? Because im pretty sure thats not happening.

The thing we agree on is not the basis of #pulltheripcord. That’s that removing covenant abilities would satisfy a larger playerbase.

Decoupling covenant abilities from covenants*

Fixed that for you.

Timba argued for them earlier in the thread.

No. The core of my concern is having to make more decisions between fights or activities than I already have to. I would prefer covenant abilities were removed entirely rather than making them another switchy thing.

If they were decoupled you could continue not having to do that, if your guild doesn’t allow that you should find a guild that shares similar ideals in how content should be tackled.

Oh, so you lied.

You literally responded to a quote that wasn’t me.

Calmaf quoted a different post.

Great job :+1:

I want powers decoupled from covenants, and if they won’t do that I’d rather they scrap them all. At least they are scrapped nobody will feel at a disadvantage for multiple-speccing or wanting to excel in multiple forms of content. :slight_smile:

Well, they technically do this in M+, you have one set of talents for the entire run and cant swap between fights.
Or are you talking about, you want one set of talents, don’t ever want to swap, and maybe they should split up specs so people cant ask you to change?

My problem with this mentality is generally Blizzard has a hard time keeping all spec relevant at any one time, so while your spec may be the best now, it could be relegated to the trash because of a single nerf or set of nerfs.

I mean look at Feral druids, the stigma with them is crippling.

The only way they seem to be able to balance things is the nerf anything that’s fun into obscurity, and at that point why have the ability at all if it has almost no effect on the game.

1 Like
  1. Feral
  2. Arcane Mage all of BFA
  3. WW Monks all of BFA
  4. MM Hunters all of BFA
  5. Survival hunters all of BFA
  6. Sub rogues after nerfs from Zul all of BFA
  7. Demo locks all of BFA

And blizzard want us to trust them :slight_smile:


Right. And if you mess up, you hop out and make the changes you have to. Not fun IMO.

I wouldn’t have a problem if they did. It would make balancing easier for them. But I am not advocating this. I am saying don’t add more that I need to do pre-fight/preM+/pre-anything.

If they cannot balance them I would prefer they were removed over another switchy thing. Anything that sounds like or even rhymes with another opinion is not the opinion I am putting forward.

That’s only true if the key timer runs out, I’m pretty sure anyway. Seems a bit of a nitpick.

Not to mention you running out of a M+ while the timer is running is a net negative, no matter how useful the talent swap.

Well at least we agree here, but I do like new abilities I would prefer they think them through a little more rather than putting them out there, finding out they break the game, nerfing them to obscurity, then removing them the next expansion (RIP Symbiosis)

I feel compelled to mention the brief few weeks of utter glory we had when Blizzard randomly buffed Explosive Potential by 100% and Demo was like 20% stronger than any other spec in the game.