
tl;dr that ish


Let’s make a couple assumptions, shall we?

Assume for a moment Blizzard manages to perfectly tune the numbers of all covenant abilities, and no one ability has an average performance greater than that of another in any content played (I know, I know, but stick with me here).

The part that appears to be missing from the equation is the highly subjective thing that represents the entire reason we play video games: fun.

What do I mean exactly?

Well, perhaps I decide to pick Night Fae knowing that I will never be turned down because the community now knows everything is perfectly balanced. I’m happy with the story line, and the appearance. What happens, though, if I despise the way the Night Fae covenant ability plays? Perhaps I really like the way the Venthyr one plays but cannot stand the Venthyr storyline or the aesthetic? What then?

TLDR: Regret at picking a covenant is not always purely about numbers and tuning. Fun and what feels good to play is every bit as important.

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No one is marching to blizzard HQ and holding a gun to their heads, weir just saying it’s going to be bad and you should change it.

Yes they have a right to make the game the way they want
We also have a right to complain, no matter how frivolous it is, stop making that argument.

No one is asking for a sandbox weir asking for player choice, this is a literal straw man argument.

Comparing abilities that we will never see again to gear which is constantly changing and evolving is stupid, you might as well say the abilities damage ratios that change from level to level is borrowed power so we should be ok with not having a completely different and distinct ability after a single expansion.

Please stop making that argument, it just dumb.

This whole wall of text is you conflating issues, making straw men, or boiling down arguments so that YOU can defend or argue against them because you can’t argue the the actual points.

I hate that people base if they are going to enjoy a game because others have created a meta they think is best or that works out numbers wise to be the best, you are not a computer nor can you play the way a computer does so you cannot be as good as the metas say it could be. Yes there are classes that play better, and specs that play better then others for a given class, I have this with Warriors, people want to say Arms is better and does more DPS, and while I can have spike DPS higher then Furry I have now run long term calculations on both with most idea gearing and ability configs and Furry actually is on top dps, by a small margin but still there it is. Also Furry has more options, has better AoE and healing, and tanking I end up doing as much or more passive healing to myself then the healer does, now does that mean I don’t need a healer, heck no not at all, I love healers, but making their job easier so they can help other members is not a bad thing, people complain about class homogeneous and yet almost all other type MMOs have way more, look at new world, you can switch in combat what loadout and DPS type you are, FFXIV you can switch out of combat and level any other class you want and it has its own gear and everything I love not having to roll new toons and as a monk and warrior classes I still have healing to a limited degree I’m FFXIV just like WoW. I like that in an all out emergancy I can heal and possibly save my raid/mythic run if the healer dies, and I have done this many times, but this is the end of a fight, I can’t go and solo a current level mythic xx without a healer that would be stupid. But when it comes down to the line I like to be able to heal and this meta was in the game since wrath with DK’s and Warriors have shields that do the same as a heal just prevent the same instead of healing it, so having victory rush and other passive heals is a good thing and some and I do mean some homogeneous between classes is good.
But the idea of going back and forth between covenants because you want to possible 1% DPS increase is stupid. If you are a pro and doing world firsts and speed runs for comps that’s one thing, but the idea of having some diversity between classes and even the same class is what we have all wanted, everyone loved transmog because we now didn’t all look the same because we had the same gear. I betaed wow back in 2004 and have been a constant active player since and I can tell you back then we all had a line, Fashion before function as fashion is everything kids, especially for alliance because gear either looked good or like trash and no one wanted to look like trash so you many times would keep on a priec of gear even after you had better, because it looked better, now we have a real choice, and yes I’m glad you can change if you want but I’m glad you can’t just swap daily for what ever reason you might like. There needs to be some actual choice here like Ion said “Hi I’m a xxxx warrior” I don’t know what I’m choosing yet btw so that’s why it’s xxxx. I think people need to calm down and appreciate that this adds good dynamics into the game.
Oh here is my final thought. Everyone has been whinning about when SL was coming out, now they have released the date, and people as whinning that it will take a patch to fix some things, yes ok it might, but do you know how many patchs a week we got for the first year of wow 3-5 so many some week that they would be gifting is a day of free time each day over 2 patch days to compensate us for lost time. So be happy that they are coming out with such a good game, but be even more glad they are still willing to patch it and come out with more content as so many games takes months upon months or years. Back then it was almost 4 years for an exp now it’s ever 2 be happy.

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Welp here we have it folks. Once again Blizzard is being a stubborn little child and we will to suffer for months (if not for the entirety of the expansion) because of their ego getting in the way of admitting their bad game design.

If the sub numbers drop massively again, I won’t be surprised. Till then, take care everyone. Let it be known that we fought our hardest.



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I think at this point this is all we can really hope for. Blizzard will act when they see a financial loss.

Agreed. Aesthetics are also important to me. I have to choose between character power and what I think is cool. It doesn’t feel good to have to make that choice.


Oh, here we go hoping that people lose their jobs. So salty.


If a chef decided to change the menu of a restaurant that served burgers for 15 years to vegan Pizza and the customers all left, should the chef be allowed to keep his job?


No menu lasts forever, my son.


Yo don’t bother trying to hold logical arguments with Sonechka. I think it was established in her last thread that she’s a bit off-the-noggin.


Would be nice though article from PC gamer stated they won’t. Told my 2 besties their meta comp; felt kinda sad about that.

Good thing I’m drinking water to pass all this salt…

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Not sure how that has anything to do with my retort to your point?

How does a business survive without paying customers? Ion has made it painfully clear by his recent post that he just doesn’t care about feedback. It’s not the feedback he wants. If he gets feedback, ignores it and continues going down his path and more people quit than people come in why would ActivisionBlizz continue to suppor thim?

Ok you’re back to trolling, good talk.

How classy of you to come in to gloat and insult us.

financial loss in no way, not even a little implies they want people to lose their jobs… damn that is quite the jump to conclusions LOL

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Thinking that General Discussion is a reflection of class…

You sure do prove that.

“No menu lasts forever, but I’m still not gonna admit that the business will still lose all its customers because that would just make me look stupid lmao

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