
You’ve got to love the irony in people complaining about all these spam threads but seeing 15 threads about the new mount vote an hour.

Where’s our poll for if covenants should be tied together with power?


No chance they do one of those. That would show publicly how unpopular it is.

Closest I have seen was a clip from an asmon stream where over 50% had put “I will play the most powerful” and over 20% had put venthir when venthir was looking like the most powerful. That left 30% shared among the other 3…

Not specifically about separating power but it still shows pretty clearly Imo. Try getting 70% of people to agree on literally anything and you will struggle.


What do you mean! We’re the minority right? That’s what everyone keeps saying.

This only impacts the 0.0000001%!


I wonder if the opposition stopped replying in this thread because they kept getting swarmed with counter replies, and still think their opinion is the majority.



Or some of them are taking a nice little forum vacation. coughs like Ralph. coughs



remember azerite, remember corruptions, remember legion legendaries.


I don’t get it. People are so cool with the 1% totally screwing them over in real life but they fight tooth and nail over it in a videogame! /s

Remember the Sunwell!



“This thread that 5 people agree with me on means I’m right, while the 4k upvoted thread on the beta forum is biased by youtoobers and eleetests”.


No, It’s the russian bots!

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Deal with just a little of RPG on this MMO and stop it.

Please explain what you mean by “a little of RPG”, because if you’ve read through this post, or the many other posts complaining about both covenant powers and the base covenant story lines there is very little RP in this G other than what you the player make for yourself.

The “choice” has nothing to do with the role our characters play in the Shadowlands as the Maw Walker.



Heck you can probably find better rp on late night Cinemax then in SL


I am able to carry hundreds of mounts around in my back pocket, not to mention food that’s been in my bags for months without rotting, and I can fit multiple sets of armor next to all those mounts. Also hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pieces of gold, which would get extremely heavy. Why wouldn’t I have covenants fawning over me and despite who’s super cool secret handshake I learn, why wouldn’t they be trying to give me the best chance at saving them? Please explain what RPG means to you, in relation to the aforementioned.

While you’re at it, can you explain to me how personal loot fits into your RPG elements equation? My buddy looks through a bosses corpse, but the item hides from his sight until I go look at it? Or, if I choose not to, the body up and marches it’s dead butt to a mailbox to make sure I get said item mailed to me at a later date? Please explain. I want to understand the RPG elements in this game.

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What is this rp they speak of ?

I’m actually a Mag’har Orc MM Hunter in real life :roll_eyes:

Yeah, but we know you like to play Steve the underpaid data entry clerk in Houses and Humans.

Data entry is a great place to get your WorkExperienceIO score up, to be fair.

Someone did a spreadsheet of the covenants ranked per spec, granted these should be taken with a grain of salt.


How balanced :rofl:

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Reminds me of a silly video I saw once called “Cubicles and Careers.”

A genuine role playing game for those orcs and wizards who just need a break from adventuring once in awhile.
