
You’ve been given plenty, you just dismis them and every single time come back with the “just play the game my way” because you seem to think fun is an objective thing.

Let’s take some of the choices in the Witcher 3

When I had to choose between taking the rose from Iris von Everec and putting her to rest or letting her keep it to make her exists in her tormented form for eternity, that was a choice that made me feel something and reflect upon my own decision. It affected the story and had an emotional impact.

I was given options in how to treat and raise Ciri that had an incredibly strong impact on the eventual outcome of the entire storyline of the game, and all made sense.

I had to choose whether to believe the spirit trapped in the tree and free it, or kill it, and this decision had impact on the aftermath of this quest that I could see for myself once the quest was done.

Three examples out of a massive amount of choices that have actual impact on the story and the characters present, all in one game.

Now let’s compare it to covenants

I finished leveling and for some unknown reason I now have to choose one of four groups, each of which I just helped save, for some reason they will change my gameplay in a way that, for the most part, has nothing to do with the group and there’s a good chance that I won’t like the combination of group + abilility, nothing except the zone where I will have my “home” will change and I will have some random bonuses in two dungeons.

See the difference? A lot of choices that each impact the world, change the narative and the outcome of the quests that these choices are a part of, each in their own way on one hand, and a forced, bulky, “all-in-one” choice that makes no sense, has no impact on the story, characters or outcomes, but gives you some shiny mog that everyone else in that group will be wearing, something to ride around that everyone else in that groop will be riding, and a stupid amount of unpredictable player power, all in one huge package, on the other hand. One forces the player to potentially compromise between gameplay and character identity and develompment, while the other does not.

Almost as if CDPR can do RPG and story choices without forcing just any choice down my throat, just for the sake of one very limited choice being in the game, without affecting the gameplay in a significant, potentially negative way. Choices are good if they make sense, and the same goes for the consequences of that choice.


Good morning.

Just stopping by to say I had fun last night running an off meta build in raid last night. It was great that I had the option to try it out, knowing that if it wasn’t fun I could go back to my original build and continue to have fun.



Youre always so positive, its a pity you’re a filthy horde player, I’m would’ve loved to run stuff with you otherwise. Also doesn’t help that we’re both healing specs. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I used to be a filthy alliance player. Went horde cause there’s more people to do stuff with. Faction balance is its own beast. I’d love to be a night elf again.

Yeah, my group of people is kinda debating the same thing rn. General consensus is that if we want to try to get back into mythic we should move to horde, or we can just stay alliance and crush heroic then take a break between tiers

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Still beating this drum Blizzard.


Best of luck in whichever you decide to do. I hope you enjoy the game. Also I hope for all of our sakes that the ripcord gets pulled sooner instead of later.

If this mess launches unchanged then the soonest they can recover is January of 2021…that is a long time for the bean counters to look at the massive sub losses that will happen all through Nov and Dec.

And once the bean counters ears are perked up and they start looking around then it is GG for the current diablo B team. :thinking: :raising_hand_woman:

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Thanks, I appreciate it. As long as there are ways for me to enjoy myself, I’ll stick around. If all the systems get too tedious, I’ll just stop until it gets fixed, and hope they dont add new systems every patch. The barrier to re-entry in 8.3 was brutal.

As someone who loves alts, I completely understand and agree. I took…9 alts through the cloak questline, I think? And I had 10 active in 8.2 before they relented on account wide essences.
I love to just sit down and play and experiment with different classes and abilities. I’m hoping that this system at least fulfills their promise of “alt friendly.”

Does anyone honestly think this dev team is going to sit there in Nov and Dec aka holiday season months trying to balance all this mess from the expansion launch?


They are going to head out of town and claim mission accomplished while WoW forums and other fan sites explode in disappointment.

That is how arrogant and much disregard they have for their own player base.

Watch what happens and see their actions and not what they say.

Call me chicken little for all you like but I was right about Battle for Abilities.



Kariyali again. Hoping I get to find out how Night Fae ends. I was super excited when I read the article about the Teldrassil souls. I might end up doing it on this character just to have my cake and eat it too!


Holidays or not, they are going to stubbornly try and make it work until it blows back right in their faces before they even start doing something about it, just like with the previous systems they’ve been told are disfunctional.


At least Kyrian looks to be strong for my Discipline Priest alt, when I get around to leveling her. I always felt that was the covenant that she would fit into just from the previews.

Not going to bother going through them all, but I have all the healers at 120 on both factions. And most of the dps classes too. I’m not fond of tanking.

The story locks don’t bother me quite as much as the ability ones, because I do have the ability to go through all of the stories with my alts. We’ll be in shadowlands for two years. But I want the ability to experiment with all of the powers, and right now it looks like its going to be more trouble than its worth.


Here is how it goes.

  • Systemlands launches

  • Then soon after the first season of systemlands starts.

  • Helicopter parent BlizZard does a few balance changes then they go away for Thanksgiving and most of December/early January.

  • BlizZard comes back and says we let the meta organically develop and we might do a few tweaks with the first patch in January/Feb of 2021.

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No, I want the new expansion to be as big of a dumpster fire are possible

I have returned to boost the post count boys I missed you all


I fully agree either they pull the rip cord at launch or we wait until maybe 9.1.5 at the earliest but most likely 9.2.

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As far as I know, this is the only (known) major flaw going into Shadowlands. C’mon, Blizz; you want this expansion to be met with high praise, don’t you?