
So did you forget about warrior utility like Shout, or…


Are you Night Fae or Kyrian?

For today.

So if X Covenant isn’t OP, it’s actually Y Covenant, clearly it’s the theorycrafters fault they made a mistake, and not y’know, Blizzards, for making an OP Covenant?

Neither, you?

Unless they break the ability, pretty much for live as well.

Still haven’t answered my question there, bud.

Yeah, see this a lot in LFG… “looking for warrior, need shout…”

Imo, pull all the coords, give me meta.

I have. It’s just not what you want to hear.

More than welcome to point it out for me because I’m pretty sure you never answered on whether you are a warrior or demon hunter.

Also, why would I not want to hear that? Rofl.

Edit: Guess he had to go log into the game real quick to double check which class he plays.

Rallying Cry (which I just learned isn’t called shout? I even play a Warrior alt, rip) is pretty strong in a lot of Mythic raids. For stuff that can be pugged, it probably doesn’t matter as much.

Warriors very much will continue to have a place in SL raids. Dunno if that place is Arms or Fury, but the class brings important stuff. And yes, DH has useful utility, too. It’s more melee like Feral or WW that don’t bring a lot.


edit: phone autocorrect

Just a daily reminder to Blizz that not every player wants this. Leave the ripcord alone Blizz please. Don’t give into minmaxers who want everything.


You should try getting that hashtag started and see what kind of traction you get.

It’s totally fair not to want the ripcord pulled, but I still haven’t seen a persuasive argument that wasn’t just “I like it when people can’t min max more than one part of the game on their main.”


Character identity. There would be none if everyone is just every covenant.

I’m a warrior. Despite DH filling the same roll and it’s considerably better atm. Across most content. But I choose to play warrior, for better or worse.

Covenants are pretty much the same. They are a choice you make, for better or worse. Classes, Races, and Factions do this. There have been calls to change those restrictions too. Those aren’t more or less valid than your desire for swappable covenants.

You can call it shout, most people will know. It did used to be commanding shout.

Calm down. You aren’t that important that I drop everything I’m doing to respond to you.

Get off your vanilla alt. Oh, wait, you probably don’t have any content done that’s worth your opinion, right?

Darrk doesn’t understand what logical fallacies are. Try as hard as you might Sabbia they just don’t get how their argument is flawed(pretty much all the anti-rip cord people use them when attempting to make their points). They could google it…but these are the same people that Blizzard has been catering to who couldn’t figure out reforging or find the PvP Vendors.

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Nah, protecting myself from you cultists. I don’t need death threats and griefing in-game from you people.

Guess you’ll just have to deal with my actual post content instead huh? Aw so sad.

That’s… not really what a lot of #PullTheRipcord wants. I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I think most of us just want the covenant class spells to not be locked to a single Covenant. I wouldn’t consider that “being every covenant.”

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So, you don’t have any content done worth your opinion. Wonderful. Thank you for proving me right, man.

Google what? That regardless of the circumstances, you believe your opinions are always well thought out, relevant and backed by the “majority.”

And that any dissenting opinion is made by casuals that don’t play wow? Ok.

That took a while. Did you forget or something? Anyway, how are you going to be the best warrior by being the best demon hunter?

No they haven’t, they aren’t the same in the slightest. You are trying to compare an entire class to a singular ability. It’s beyond asinine lol. Seriously, even trying to make that comparison makes you look like a fool. Even so, the process of being the best warrior you can be still exists with covenants, you just haven’t figured it out yet.

Also, I’m not for swapping anything, I’m for removal of player power from the stupid covenants entirely because it’s the same thing as BFA all over again. It’s a waste of time, it’s going to get rejected by the general playerbase, and Blizzards going to waste half the expansion patching in bandaids for the stupid thing.

Yes I am.

It absolutely would be. You are swapping covenants nilly-willy under the system you want and that kills the identity.