
Only a small portion of the playerbase wants to be the strongest version of themselves? Lol wut?


Almost everybody who plays WoW wants to perform better, that’s why people pursue and equip gear upgrades, rather than leaving them to rot on the boss corpse.

On the other hand, people in favor of covenant locks are driven entirely by their intense hatred of everybody else who plays WoW. And THAT population, I’m happy to say, IS the tiny minority.


I’ve looked at the beta notes about paladin covenants. Guess what? There is ONE worth taking. And it’s just a speed boost. The other options are useless. I don’t see a point in picking anything but the speed boost because it;s the only option that offers something my class can use. It’s depressing really that even if I level multiple palies, there’s only one good covenet for me because of the poor design of them.


I pose a question for those more informed on the beta than myself. A while back I heard that you couldn’t use battle pets from other covenants. Is this still a thing, and if so does this impact the pet battle meta? I’m not big on pet battling myself mind you, but the idea that the covenants are also hitting every form of content that I can think of beyond like fishing is kind of an amusing one.

I haven’t seen the covenants pets. But they would need to be specific type with really good abilities to mater for the meta, something that doesn’t appear often.

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Again you need to say this plainly. Just say you want the system to work without restrictions. The term lock implies you have no options to switch freely. The devs have stated they didn’t want an environment in which people are swapping each boss encounter. Which we know would happen. This means the story of covenants in a game which is a RPG would be hurt. This game is story driven.

Don’t get upset because you aren’t communicating in a way that represents the truth.

People are behaving as if they can never switch covenants and thats not true at all.

Thats good for the game. I was slightly hoping I’d hear there was THE pet battle covenant which would make for great banter at some point, but at least one system might not be heavily impacted.

I’ve done the entire Venthyr campaign on beta and haven’t seen even a mention of a single battle pet.

Possibly just hasn’t been implemented (there’s a reputation for Court of the Harvesters, for example, but no quartermaster…).

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More casuals than min maxers get punished with the system.


And freely would mean without any restrictions.
Without any lock.

You’re the one getting upset my dude.

No most people understand the ramifications of not being able to swap how they want and are fine using the term being locked out because it’s appropriate.

Especially if they don’t check the Soulbind calculator on wowhead before choosing, since the game doesn’t show you any of that until AFTER you’ve picked a covenant, and there’s no way to see the other covenants’ soulbinds without joining them first.


We don’t care if were locked to a covenant. What we care about is how the abilities are locked to a certain covenant.


Depends. JoeF’s Fury guide basically says Fury is worse version of ww or dh. Is stronger version of myself just reroll dh?

Is a warrior a demon hunter?


Ions already admitted Covenants are bad. That’s why we know about the Ripcord in the first place.

If it was a system that would probably suck, but sucking isn’t a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but admitting that the ripcord exists is basically an admission that they’re worried about the consequences of Covenants blowing up in their face, so they’re trying to assure people that they’ve got an out.

They’re trying to tell us that mixing ammonia and bleach will end up fine, simply because they’ve got a window open in-case it goes bad.

You’re essentially asked to make the most important decision 5 minutes after hitting level cap, without having access to any of the information of Soulbinds, Conduits or Legendaries.

You go onto class discords and basically every question is “What covenant is good for X spec or in Y content”. It’s a complicated choice and not one that you can really make a judgement call on purely from leveling, since I think it’s the Mage Venthyr ability, that goes from the absolute worst ability they have while leveling, to one of the best once you get the right soulbind or conduit for it, and it might take weeks for that to happen.

Soulbinds are going to be an unmitigated disaster if they go live in their current edition, once people realize how big of a gap there is between the covenant they chose because they liked it’s ability, or liked it’s story/aesthetic, and the Covenant that is actually good, they’re going to be mad as hell.

98.4% of all Hunters in Mythic Nya’lotha play BM.


Fury and dh fill the same roll in a comp. Fury is just pretty much worse across the board.

By most the arguments here, by not re-rolling dh, I’m trolling.

Bm is op? Who knew? Didn’t preach say they were all benched? I thought he had all the answers…

That’s not what I asked.

So people play BM Hunters because they’re OP, but won’t pick Covenants because they’re OP?

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So, just be the best version of yourself right? Night Fae Human Sub Rogue for example. Necro Night Elf Outlaw isn’t the same.

People have done this since 2004. Things get changed, also since 2004. Some streamers and theory crafters will be wrong, have been since 2004. Covenants are just your fotm scapegoat.

So are you a warrior or a demon hunter?

Considering Necro is best for all Rogue specs, not sure you know what the heck you are even talking about lol.

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