
Right? They don’t even realize how much more work it’s going to be to have to balance these soulbinds ontop of class balance. The abilities themselves are easy to tune but every time you nerf a soul bind because maybe one class is doing super well with it every class that also likes using that soul bind gets nerfed as well. That won’t feel good.

But why should my choice have to come with a consequence on my fun?

I’m fine with consequences such as you don’t get to see the whole story from all sides. Or you don’t get every mount. Or you earn smaller rewards by being a mercenary.

But the choice of how my character works in different content should be something I have continued control over, as I do now in many ways. Essences, specs, talents, corruptions. All added flavor in the same way covenant abilities will he added flavor. Also, all easily swappable.

Not easily swappable and more meaningful because of it? Faction and class. I’m fine with a balance of these concepts. Covenant locked power not.

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I don’t know? I’m not in this particular players head. If he can’t clear Mythic on Arcane alone that might diminish his achievement.

It will probably be a learning experience for them. xd

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The Night Fae leader and Necrolord leader are BFFs. They aren’t rivals at all. None of the Covenants are. Hell you’ll be helping out those ‘rivals’ doing world quests unless you decide to skip them for RP purposes and put yourself behind the anima/renown grind.


That’s not my point, but not being able to clear a mythic boss with a suboptimal covenant might do the same, no?

Not to mention they give you their powers during leveling, so you already know their sooper special secret skills.


I’m back just to reaffirm my recent change to Team Ripcord.



Depends on the person, I guess.

I’d think it’s more impressive to get further in an sub-optimal build than following trends, but that’s just me.

Whoa what? we actually changed a mind? Welcome to the party! what pushed you over the edge though?

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Has nothing to do with my point.

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Yeah I wrote some stuff on it above.

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Then what is your point?

I can see how that might be impressive on a class but Covenants aren’t that deep. It’s literally one ability. I bring “bad” classes to my mythic raids all the time because there is an actual playstyle behind it. There is no play style behind covenants. you press button when CD is up and it does damage.

How about giving a definition? Its a lot more practical then unilaterally going its not its not. I would say that a talent is a passive or ability of varying use that you can choose among other passives and abilities for a specific class. I would also say covenant abilities are abilities of varying use that you can choose among other abilities for a specific class. So beyond the passive part are they really all that different in concept? Obviously they are different systems, but the systems do the same function of providing chosen power which can and will play a part in greater builds.

They are literally exactly like talents, anyone who disagrees is unable to provide a valid argument why they aren’t talents.

People keep echoing this point of it’s supposed to make each character feel different based on what they picked… like talents

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Your mistake here is trying to classify the difference by function. When the biggest difference is purpose.
If your name is billy, and your middle name is bob. There is functionally no difference between the two names. But they serve different purposes.
Just because a talent and a covenant ability have roughly the same function. They could and do serve different purposes.

Call a spade a spade, please.

Tmba got us to 4500. I’m here for 4501.


Edit: Now carry my Rogue through 12/12M Nyalotha Timba :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The developers intended it to be closer to class choice than the other direction. Take it up with them.
Just because you call a Pinto a Ferrari does not make it one. Though they are both cars.

They have a different purpose.