
The problem is you don’t state how much you want the abilities to be stronger.

Would you feel just as good about being a mage if you could turn into a warlock or a demon hunter or a warrior whenever you felt like it? Would you still have that connection to the mage class?

That’s kinda what covenants do with signature abilities tho.
Covenants aren’t perfect as signature and soulbinds are homogenization.

It has more impact than taking the path of least resistance.

He might. He can’t clear Mythic on Arcane and had to dip into Fire because it happens to be FoTM could put an asterisk next to that achievement.

Enough to justify staying when asked to switch.

“I really don’t like Necrolords but it’s fine I have a rank 5 night fae ability, let’s just power through.”

Okay so you don’t really want a compromise xd

I’ve explained multiple times I will enjoy my covenant less if I don’t like the ability that comes with it. That’s what will be stopping me. I may betray my chosen covenant because they told me I can’t use an ability I learned while leveling up.

Also I can’t be the best covenant person I can be if the ability that will help my mythic plus performance belongs to a different covenant than my raid performance ability.

Right now I can have more fun on low keys in frost than on fire, and more fun in high keys on fire vs frost. I’m not betraying my mage buddies by switching my entire kit, but I’m betraying my covenant by switching one ability? That’s nonsense.

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If you started cozying up to my rivals after I shared my secrets and power with you, that would be betrayal.

Um, the compromise is you can’t switch covenants, soulbinds, conduit placement on a whim. Only 1 power.

The path of least resistance argument makes no sense here. If they’re in the mindset of “making something suboptimal work”, the path of least resistance is irrelevant to them.

What does that have to do with a player who beats N’zoth as arcane? And how is this situation you propose different than covenants?

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You mean those guys that the other covenants ask you to go save?


Then don’t pick that Covenant?

That ability doesn’t define your class. It just compliments it. Like all abilities, they wax and wane in different scenarios…

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Having an alliance is different from being a member.

While we are at it let’s lock talent choices and gear so we have more interesting g choices.

Just kidding. Pull the damn ripcord.


But they are helping each other. This argument holds no weight.

Also, I already have learned the power. It has nothing to do with my chosen allegiance.


Well it does. For example Froom said he liked to experiment, having temporary locks can affect someone working on optimizing the sub-optimal build than another player just ticking boxes with whatever he reads on IcyVeins.

Your asking me to get into someone else’s head and make their decisions for them…

And I would go Garrosh on your butt. I’d put on a spike every rebelling covenants members on oribos walls.

The time they waste trying to get this system to work they could have reworked every other spec that needed it


I agree, #pulltheripcord

No, I’m asking how a player being able to play fire might diminish their achievement of killing N’zoth as arcane. I also asked how the question you posed is any different than a similar situation between covenant choices instead of specs.

Covenants aren’t really rivals with each other. You’re going to be very disappointed if you expect a story where the Covenants are plotting against each other instead of uniting against the real baddies of Shadowlands (i.e. the Jailer and pals).