
This isn’t a single player RPG. They’re adding abilities to the game that will make you good in some areas, and poor in others. I’ve always been allowed to play my character to its fullest, covenant abilities limit it to only a certain area of content.

Yeah? How so? You get an ability that says you can’t zone in to dungeons or something?

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There are certain abilities that will give a huge advantage if used properly in different pieces of content. For example priests who are venthyr gain an ability that when used in arena will be able to negate some super big cooldowns such as Vendetta/Infernals etc, but that same ability is quite literally useless in all PVE content. I’m not being hyperbolic here, it’s a huge deal. I enjoy Mythic raiding, relatively high m+, and relatively high arena. Making a choice that will make me worse in 2 of the 3 things I love really sucks.


So it sounds like it’s a meaningful choice and you’re going to have to decide which one you really want, huh? You can’t just be good at all of them by freely switching between them?

Sounds like a good system.


So it’s a good system because it hurts me, thanks for your input.



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Pull the rip cord.


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Nah leave the ripcord in. Not everything needs to be freely switchable. We’ve been babied for too long. Make peace with this and save yourselves a ton of trouble.

All the “pull the ripcord” spamming time could be better spent researching your covenant options and making the best choice you can.

Rip it out, there is a reason that not even T/E like this system.

Actually, Azreluna, per Ion Hazzikostas the choice is not really meant to be meaningful - it’s meant to be interesting in that you chose the covenant that interests you the most.

That’s the core of the issue that the #pulltheripcord people are trying to express. No matter how much they try to make the choice “universally right or wrong” there will always be a wrong choice in the world of those who are attempting to get the most performance that their character can offer.

What is meant to be an interesting choice ends up being a non-choice choice. There will be a best covenant for each spec so the only choice players will have is to choose between being able to match the meta required for the content they desire to do or have the covenant that they are most interested in.

There is no meaningful choice. There never was. There was never meant to be one. Personally, I’m sad that I won’t be able to pursuit the aesthetic of my choice while not feeling like I’m making things harder for my team. That’s a really dumpy reality to live in.



Did you even read the quote? He just mentioned that the gap isn’t going to be large. You can pick any covenant on any class on any spec and you’ll be largely fine.


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Saying it won’t be large is relative. Some people think 1-2% isn’t large but remember there are 20 people in a mythic raid. That 1-2% adds up to being almost a third of another player, across the roster. That’s large. Very large.

So when he says it won’t be large, do you think he means to say that covenant choices will be tighter than 1-2% difference from one another? Beta testing has demonstrated that’s not the case and we’re already looking at “meaningful” differences in power. Obviously, they’ve promised to balance but therein lies another portion of the problem. If they keep their word that means it’s very likely that you’re going to change beit for an interesting choice or performance and if it’s not easy to change…

You should pay more attention to the data we already have coming from our testers. These are not the wails of baseless crybaby know it alls - it’s the feedback from tried veterans experiencing the problems as we speak. Meanwhile we have people like you who think it will be fine arguing against it for what seems like the sake of arguing against a demographic that you just don’t personally like.

I promise you, the voices will unify if this goes live and there will be a lot of “Told ya” going on. The fact that they already have a rip cord designed means they concede that there is potential for the system to be problematic.



Tell you what; if no guild anywhere ever kills a mythic boss ever again with this system, if Method is totally blocked off and left confused wondering what to do, I will reconsider my position. Deal?

But until then, leave the ripcord alone.

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Method is dead and has been for over a month now. You’re arguing on turf you’re unfamiliar in against people who play entirely different than you. However, you’ll be among the people who regret this system going live. You just have to actually experience it impacting your game play and the way you play. When people are asking you to link your covenant in game and ignoring your requests to join their groups when you link the wrong one, your tune will change.


I have a guild and friends. I could pick no covenant and still get into groups.

Didn’t method peeps get absorbed into another guild? I doubt the majority of them just went poof.

He was letting Grymes know that Method the guild was dead, and because Grymes referenced said guild shows that maybe he isn’t as in the know about mythic raiding as he’d like to believe, and shouldn’t make such blanket statements over something that likely won’t affect him.


Exactly, but there are many players who aren’t in guilds or don’t have friends who enjoy m+ who will get screwed over by this, and that’s the point.

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