
WoW is literally the only game I play that introduces bad things and tries to fix them later. Everything else is released as a finished product and actually works as intended and fun. Blizz really should try to be more like Nintendo and less like EA.

Somehow I doubt your word on software design carries any weight at all.

I’m not sure cause I don’t play Nintendo. I’m assuming alot since I stopped playing Nintendo at N64.

If it’s all digital purchases, like WoW, then it will be limited by the hardware capacities of the latest console.

Somehow I doubt they were expecting this haha.

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Like I said in an earlier reply .

Non of these keep it in people have given a reason other then more variations of no then there are in all human languages.

I’ve equated it to a person standing on a train track . We want to step off before it hits us and they want to wait to see what happens.

This coming from someone whose opinion I don’t value.

The feeling is mutual, believe me.

Honestly it doesn’t matter what company or game I used the principle is still the same. They know the system is disliked and doesn’t make sense for the type of game we’ve been playing for 15 years. They have a system that will work correctly but for some reason want us to deal with the poor version of it first before we’re allowed to use it the way most people would like to in the first place.

If your plan B is a better plan than your Plan A just do Plan B first.


This is really the difference from someone who listens to unhappy raiders complain each week about their bad proc rates and bad logs and someone who doesn’t.

There are a few classes that still run RNG corruptions because it’s the best for them. If they get a bad log, they will not parse well. It’s how it works and it stinks.

So you don’t play Nintendo games but you just spout nonsense anyways? Kind of like how you don’t actually play WoW but spout nonsense anyways.

I dont need to play Nintendo games to understand the underlying technologies :slight_smile:

You don’t understand them though. Switch games work just like PC games, which is the opposite of what you originally said.

If they actually wanted the RP choices to matter each covenant should’ve changed the world in a different way and offered new stories with each patch. You really think your Covenant is going to matter in the second raid tier when they skimp out on story editions and the only thing that your choice will mean is some flavor text the raid boss might say to you based on your covenant?

They took such a simple way out of trying to make a choice matter, tying it to power, when some of the most meaning full choice in games were about how you aligned with certain characters, the actions you committed in said game, and the ending that those actions made you come to.

The Covenant system could’ve actually been a good story device instead of a grindy player lock.


This is as great as the criticise preach until being asked if they watch it

no why would i watch preach he sucks

The funny part is that the people who bash Preach for being some ‘clickbaity youtuber’ or whatever probably watch T&E.

Yep. Zuldumar has almost 200 posts in this thread and he still hasn’t answered how locking people to 2 rental abilities will make the game better.

Like I said, I don’t play Nintendo. But I’m 100% certain the console hardware will dictate what the developers can and cannot do.

Even T&E have spoken out saying the system’s bad. It’s bad out there right now.

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Actually I can’t think of another expansion in the past where Blizz ever said they have a ripcord just in case.