#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

No Blizzard dev ever said that, so I will assume this is completely untrue. This is the first time I see this idea that covenant are supposed to be a subclass. Born entirely of the thoughts of people obsessed with RPG decisions.

Well guess what, the covenants remain a significant RPG decision even if you take out the class spells.

The difference is that locking covenants will seriously affect everyone who wants to get the most out of their character, and it will be a very minor inconvenience for RPGers if it’s unlocked. Guess what? You can still pick Night Fae if you want and they’re unlocked

You are misunderstanding the system then. A class ability is restricted to a class, why would untying the class abilities off the covenants force the spells to be usable on all 12 classes ? Doesn’t make any sense.

The content should not be tuned so tightly to require that kind of optimization. If it is, that seems to be the real root cause of the problem.


True to an extent, but the very existence of Mythic raiding, and the fact that Mythic+ are designed to be “technically” infinitely progress-able makes it so it can never be solved without removing one of the most fun parts of the game. Therefore it is a completely unviable alternative.

Well it is. You’re 10 years too late in that one.

In m+ we push infinitely scaling content. In infinitely scaling content you will eventually get down to 1% being the difference between a pass and a fail

One thing I know everyone here can agree on is Blizzard can not balance anything to save their lives. You are correct that the covenants are designed to NOT be balanced across all content. Some are by design supposed to be better in X content while others better in Y content. This is a bold move by Blizzard. They are as someone stated above adding basically a subclass for the Shadowlands expansion. I am excited to see how this turns out but understand why so many people are frustrated.

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For someone who would want to partake in PvP, M+ and Raiding, this is going to be a disaster. And a decision like this shouldn’t come at the expense of others gameplay because they’re wanting to try something new.

I’m not sure what you expect to accomplish by typing stuff like this except a vacation from the forum. There is no reason to start name-calling and bashing.

This is exactly what I gathered from your whole post and I have to respectfully disagree.

RPG > esports for WoW


Yea we could call it like a Hero Class or something! Yea!

Good lord…

The biggest issue with this will likely be community created. People will be declined in M+ and Heroic+ raids because they do not have the desired covenant the party/raid leader wants. It should not play out that way because outside of world firsts/highest keys nothing is tuned that way. Unfortunately the community we have is always looking for the easiest way and that means the most optimal classes and now covenants.

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If people don’t cry for the unlocking of soul binds as well, which is bound to happen once more people realize they’re there.

Yeah, but there is no mechanics tied to that if covenant abilities and soulbinds are free for all. If they put covenant abilities free for all and keep soulbinds, there is still rpg mechanics behind the choice, less, but still existant.

The RPG is not in the visuals, is in the mechanics as well, at least it should be, but like i said, competitive players don’t want that, they want everything to be exactly the same.

Wanting to get the most out of their character is great, i understand that, but that is also a matter of perspective, do I want to get the most of being a warrior? If then, i change specs and equipment to fit the best performing spec. Do i want to be the best Arms Warrior? Then i choose talents and gear to be the best arms warrior, even if arms warrior end up being worse than fury during a certain period. Do i wamt to be the best arms warrior from bastion? I think you get my view.

Great! Are you aware that picking a Covenant remains an incredibly impactful decision, even if the class abilities were to not be included in all of the stuff a Covenant can offer? Therefore preserving the precious RPG aspect of the whole thing.

If yes, then what do you think of making the class abilities untied to their covenant?

And it will be an unmitigated disaster.

If this goes live and I am neutered in all engame content except one I will just quit. Not a threat or anything, it will just be so unfun that I’ll have to

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Covenants should be swappable at will. But your soulbind tree is reset when you do. That’ll give people to opportunity to swap to their preferred covenant for their preferred content, but it’ll also reward players for sticking with the one they’ve chosen

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And if I want to be the best resto druid I can pick night fae or necrolord? There is no wanting to get the most out of my character. A different covenant will always win.

Not to mention if I want to go dps I’m already screwed. Might as well just stay heals

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Remember when you respectfully disagreed account bound essences would ever happen in 12 of my threads then vanished from the forums for a month when we tried to get your comments?

Account bound essences has been the most celebrated thing in the entire expansion. Maybe you just have bad takes on the game or are out of touch like Ion?

Wait, you think I vanished from the forum because you chased me away? Yikes. lol yeah… you can’t be serious. lol oh man.

If you must know, I did take a decently lengthy vacation in Europe, I even made a “see you later” post when I left. lol

I’ve got faith in the guy and believe he is doing a good job.

Yeah Warfronts, Islands, Heart of Azeroth, Corruption were really great additions to the game glad we got to play with them.

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And that’s completely fine. Players who want to push content should have the choice in doing so. As well as players who want to take a specific Covenant that doesn’t seem to be the most favorable and do whatever they want with it. Does it matter in lower difficulties? Of course not. But when you create a system that’s meant for everyone, you have to open things up because it’s going to cause frustration.