The reverse will be true in content that your covenant choice excels in.
Ah yes, instead of being optimal for all. You must now choose one you want to be good in and be okay with being “viable” in others.
What a joke LOL.
Which is dumb. An outside source that’s going to disappear after SL shouldn’t come anywhere close to determining which content you’ll excel at and then punish players for wanting to swap. That’s bad game design.
Those things all went live as designed. I think you misunderstood the question.
When, ever, has blizzard said “we want to do x” and then they couldn’t. “Bad” design is subjective, and isn’t the same thing as missing a goal.
The closest they ever came was the demo warlock issues at the end of WoD, where they famously said “we’d rather you not play demonology”. They realized it couldn’t be balanced effectively and basically told the community to scrap it.
Again. Azerite. Because it was so hated that Blizzard came forward and said they’ll have a solution after BoD.
Corruption was meant to be a system that had less RNG than Titanforging and instead quad rippled it and made the worst version of lottery gear in history.
Yet the NORMAL behavior in MMORPG games. Yes this is new to WoW in recent years. It might take players some time to adjust. If history repeats, this choice will only be around for a single expansion before they try something else down the road.
Right. So when I see the DH that has his raid covenant on guess what? I’m going to kick him because he’s going to automatically do 10% less damage than he should because it might cost us the key.
I play with 4 friends. We do m+ and raid together. We’re all picking the dungeon one. Now we are screwing our raid and going to extend prog by probably a decent amount because 1/4 of the entire raid is going to be wearing terrible covenants. Not to mention whoever else rolled the dice and picked the wrong raid covenant
Did you hit your head? In Vanilla you could only play one spec and were punished seriously (gold respec) to swap. They changed it to freely being able to swap between specs because it wasn’t fun to play.
They even punished you to change your talents.
Why would they change the system if it was fine?
Well, no, those are talents. A covenant would be like a Druids base spells and talents, then an choice of 3 other talent trees on top of that, then a choice of X number of legendary items (both as yet not in the alpha). That’s a subclass. Trying to boil a covenant down to a single ability or a +/- damage bonus in a given situation isn’t reasonable.
Instead of single target build and an AoE build, you’ll have a different build for each covenant variant, (ST Fae build, ST Venthyr Build, etc) and those might have different talent and stat weights. THAT is amazing, and is with the effort.
Actually it has existed in recent years. Some Legendaries during Legion determined whether or not you were going to be a top parser or be relatively okay to trash and people hated it. That should’ve been the sign that people hate systems like this.
Absolutely loving seeing Corbenzos tear apart these lfr raiders and mount collectors. Best points I’ve ever seen so far in favor
This is the kind of mentality we need going forward.
Uhhhh covenants are talents with a different name and if you believe otherwise then you are just allowing Blizzard to make a fool out of you. Right now I can see and insane dungeon one for druid and an insane raid one. If you think Blizz will be able to balance around soulbinds, covenants and legendaries I don’t think there’s anything I can do for you
So you are admitting that the current system must not be fine then? I mean they are changing it.
They have made tons of changes over the years, some good and some bad. Classic WoW is very popular however so I would say some aspects that were changed maybe were not for the best overall. Trying to go back to the RPG elements a little IMO is worth a shot. Will it work? I don’t know.
Likewise, I believe my words fall on deaf ears for as long as you hold this to be true.
That system was RNG based, covenant is 100% choice. I do not think the two are comparable.
The difference is clear here in people that want rpg mechanics and people that want their competitive experience.
The only real build differentiation in a class is picking a different spec.
Then, you just pick the best talent for the situation you’re in.
Covenants are designed to work like a subclass, and people don’t want that, because it is a hard variation on builds.
Easy answer is then, covenant abilities should be removed, then you have nothing to complain about, remove soulbinds while at it.
You could put the covenants in a talent row and they’d fit right in, do you not agree?
They are. Because guess what? Legendaries weren’t balanced. Covenant abilities already are showing they aren’t going to be balanced. Legion legendaries are punishing because RNG screwed you. SL Covenants are punishing because Blizzard designed them to be. That’s even worse than what they did in Legion.
Here’s why you can’t just unlock the class ability. Then every class ability would have to work for every class. So it’d have to be homogenized generic ability everyone can choose and use effectively.