#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

Asking again so hopefully you stop dodging the hard questions!

Great! Are you aware that picking a Covenant remains an incredibly impactful decision, even if the class abilities were to not be included in all of the stuff a Covenant can offer? Therefore preserving the precious RPG aspect of the whole thing.

If yes, then what do you think of making the class abilities untied to their covenant?

Yeah if I ever see a DK with abomb arm in my raid he’s getting the insta boot. I can get a DK that does 20% more dmg than him because he prefers to raid than PvP


Nothing makes me want to do content that I casually enjoy (sometimes) like PvP than already starting with a talent covenant objectively worse than others in PvP.

What a great system!


Yep. Any way to Sunday, there will be a best. And if there’s a best for “x” content on any of the classes within any of the specs, God help them.

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In my opinion just take the abilities off the covenants and turn them into a new row of talents.

Make new covenant abilities and make then fun instead of useful! Like being able to summon a vampiric servant or a swarm of moths or something.


Not even a “best” if they buff abomb arm to do dmg worthy of even a green parser it will be so disgustingly broken in PvP that pvpers will be forced to use it.

And if they don’t buff the dmg then dks will be stuck with a useless utility spell in raids


If you saw being a night fae resto druid as a different thing from a necrolord resto druid perharps.

In the same way, if you want to be the best realer for raids, you might have to drop resto druid during a patch and level a Holy Pal or something.

Do you want to be the best healer? the best druid? the best resto druid? the best night fae resto druid?

If you think as covenants as being subclasses where you’ll have to learn to deal that they might not be the best, like sometimes some classes and some specs are, it doesn’t seem like a big deal.

But if you don’t see that way, actually, no one is seeing that way, then covenants look like just being a bad choice.

I know you aren’t asking that of me, but since we touched on that, again, that is IF people don’t cry out for the opening of soulbinds and the generic covenant ability, and I’m pretty sure people will start crying out for soulbinds.

If they ever do, you can count on me to be on your side this time around. I know soulbinds are not nearly as impactful as the class abilities and I’ve no care to have them untied. That part makes sense to me.

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Yeah I’m not seeing covenants as a subclass. I’m seeing them as a meaningless restriction on someone who is the same class as me, same gear, being able to do higher m+ than me because they chose the right covenant. Because that’s what it comes down to. Covenants are not a subclass lol. We have specializations for that


Strawman take right here.

Yeah, that makes sense. I always saw them as kind of subclasses, since they affect all specs And I saw potential in the soulbinds.

Why? I’m just pointing out some classes aren’t as good as other, because that is the nature of different classes.

I just want to see more build variation inside specs, more than “pick talent X for mythic + and talent Y for raiding”

There will be talent (covenant) variation. There will be some that are better for certain fights and dungeons, some that are better into different comps.

You will have people who just follow in the footsteps of the pros, but those of us who care to maximize our damage will be changing these very very often

Yeah, i don’t know how people don’t see what’s going to happen honestly. For example a person getting into raiding.

  1. Go to Icyveins
  2. Look under “Covenants” section
  3. Select what Covenant is best for raiding
  4. Pick what talents are best for raiding.

God all that meaningful choice is overwhelming i’ll tell you what. Just so meaningful DAMN!

You have a very small vocal minority here in GD that doesn’t care about prog, have never wiped on 1% and don’t know the frustration this will cause anyone who sets foot in any sort of difficult content who just want it for the RP gains. They want to feel like a night fae, never mind that it’s preventing people from progressing everywhere


Clips like this come to mind.


Heart breaking, 0.03% off killing the boss.

I feel that :frowning: missed a timer on a 20 sots a little while ago by less than a second…

Man I feel the 1% thing. Our guild quit doing Mythic when we 1% wiped on Ghuun due to idiotic decisions made by Blizz.

Can’t wait to be able to swap my class spells at will

Gonna be fun!

It’s important to get mad ahead of time so we aren’t doing things backwards.

That is something simple that even the diablo B devs can do.

But they will not do it.

My prediction is that it will hit live and they will later back track and make it happen for the first patch.