#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

If I could change from this stupid alt rogue I would but it won’t let me. But you can check my dungeons timed on this guy I think I have a 17? Also I’m pretty sure it shows account wide keystone master from January.

I’d love to put in the work. I put in the work learning the dungeons, the mechanics, the routes, the abilities. What I would like is the ability to choose how to counter each one. Doesn’t matter how you swing it, bringing a ST talent that I use once in the dungeon just feels awful and it makes me feel like I’m letting the group down.

Man you just don’t do difficult content. There’s no way for you to understand. I really wish that sometime before SL launches you go and do some and then come back and tell me they don’t need to be unlocked

In Legion they also gave you the illusion that you wouldn’t be able to fill out your artifact weapon, like the old talent trees, but that wasn’t true either.

Again each iteration was bad in its own way. The Covenants will be no different.

No, but it makes it easier. Instead of the traditional adaptation of an RPG, raiding and M+ has become more of the Rock, Paper, Scissors adaptation of a MOBA. One is more daunting than the other.

Legion legendaries, BFA Azerite… When will Blizz learn that their idea of a fun, engaging system is completely opposite to what the community wants. It’s not like it’s even hard to foresee, the potential downsides are immediately apparent and will be a massive problem from day 1

They did? Because I knew they would be able to be filled up so there was no misunderstanding there for me. And each iteration is bad in its own way and isn’t learning from the previous one. That’s the problem right now. We’re being faced with the exact same problems presented with both Azerite and Legion Legendaries.

But not easier to the point to where it’s a handout. And will more than likely still result in 200-400 wipes on a boss encounter. There haven’t been any boss encounters that I’m aware of on the hardest difficulty where having the ability to switch your customization became an actual detriment to an entire difficulty.

RPG elements are fine. But when they begin to interfere with gameplay is when they should be either toned down or straight up removed. Like I said, they’re already talking about it and are more than likely ready for the fallout that’s going to be players upset with the punishment system.

My original post has been restored because it was removed by angry jealous people.

Justice has been done.


Remove the RPG gameplay from an MMO-RPG so we can play with more MOBA mechanics? Really?

I too am ready for the sheer amounts of hyperbole and exaggeration to flood the boards.

Not really. Outside of Torghast, the Azerite system is gone and there are only crafted Legendaries.

Wait, don’t tell me. Covenants having different crafted Legendaries are also unacceptable.

convenient you seem forget to the RP in RPG is Role playing, that has nothing to do with power.

So 2/3 of the acronym RPG doesn’t involve gameplay mechanics but you’re hung up on the G.


Like how I’d like to role-play my shaman in being a certain covenant.

That’s why it’s called RPG and not RP and G. All three are tied together.

Yes, but you brought up the gameplay elements only. So our argument of being able to choose based on the story/lore reasons you could argue have even more weight.


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When it interferes with gameplay? Yes. These type of choices work fine in Single player RPG games. I’ve never seen a choice in WoW to a degree like this that was celebrated. And no, I don’t hear anyone jumping up and down in excitement for Aldors and Scryers.

You can have all the RPG elements in the world but if gameplay stinks, then the system fails.

Well you better get ready for them to remove the restrictions as well. It’s not going to last based on this feedback.

As long as there’s the restriction, yep. Remove the restriction and I will welcome crafted Legendaries

They also work remarkably well in ESO, Guild Wars, and FF14. But we don’t talk about the ‘other’ MMO’s–they’re not as pants on head like WoW.

Are we talking Alpha feedback or General Discussion feedback?

Because I’ve seen nothing but plaudits and actual bug reports from the testers both on the forum and YouTube.

Ugh. You’re the reason crafters can’t have nice things. Insulated Lining, Belt Buckles, Embroidery, Weapon and Armor Specializations all removed for the sake of progression.

WoD must’ve been extra fun.

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Don’t play those MMOs. But like I said, if they wanted to have decisions like this then the game as a whole needs to change to adhere it. And also like I said, this would’ve worked better in a game like Classic because they had decisions that stuck, the world took longer to traverse so when you’re out in the world and have specific talents you’re stuck with them and many other things.

Retail has none of those things. There are no RPG elements like that within the core of the game so trying to push it without addressing how accessible the game is on pretty much everything is the wrong move. And is why there’s so much push back right now.

I’m talking about the interview with Ion that was hosted by Sloot. Where he straight up asked about removing the punishment system on Covenants and he said that it’s already something they’re talking about in their offices. And based on if the players want them removed, then they’ll pull out of it but it’s not something they want to do. But if the players push back, which they already are, then they’ll feel forced to remove it entirely.

It’s not going to last.

I’m not the reason for anything. I’m one poster on a game with millions of players. All of those things can still exist in the game without the game trying to punish you for making a Covenant choice.

Or sadistic. I mean I feel like the players get hazed enough by blizzard - it’s worse when there’s part of the player base cheering and rooting for them at the same time.

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Where are players pushing back exactly? They seem to be in the minority on the Alpha general discussion, and the majority of player input as been positive, not to mention the entire ability system isn’t even being tested yet.

The largest outcry seems to be coming from this very thread from min/maxers who would care less about Covenants as a whole.

No they can’t. Specializations are the antithesis of what you’re advocating for. They’re unique in form and function, something that cannot exist in this MMO.

I’m still surprised we even have racial abilities despite all the rabid protests of restrictions.

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I think people do care about Covenants and think it’s a cool idea but just hate the restriction. The abilities are pretty cool and the idea reminds players of the Class Order Halls.

But the pushback in written form is primarily here on GD and a majority of the content creators and WF participants aren’t really crazy about this system. And it’s going to be even worse for them because that means for them to avoid these issues they’re going to have to make 4 iterations of their classes. Can’t imagine what that means for tanks considering that it’s a norm for tanks at that level to run alts just so they’re ready. When at the most in my opinion they should only have to worry about have 5 tanks ready instead of 20.

It’s not an unknown issue though. And right now the current outcry is about the timer in Toghast. But when players both hardcore and casual face the consequences of the Covenant system, they’re not going to be happy. It’s way too much for the hardcore and casuals who choose the wrong Covenant will then run into the issue of possibly getting denied from certain groups and guilds.

Which have shown their issues in terms of balancing. “Crafters not having nice things” is primarily a money loss rather than a strict power gain. I’d support creating different types of Blacksmiths, Alchemists, Leatherworkers ect. ect. That way players when making money in the market can have a bit more of an identity on their realm.

I openly said what my experience this lame expansion has been. Never tried to hide it. My talents are whatever they are for the content I do. I do basically nothing in the group activities atm thus I am taking talents that help me in old content and WQ. I am sorry that you feel entitled enough that you think Blizzard should change WoW into a non RPG.

You and the few others who think choice should not matter have claimed that covenants will keep you from content simply because you would not be viable… your words not mine. In a previous discussion it turns out not viable meant you would fail on a 23 key and be kept to a 22. I am so sorry you stopped there. I am glad Blizzard reads forums because it is important for them to see what some of their players consider not viable. Blizzard owes its players a playable game that allows players the ability to get tangible in-game rewards. Your upper key running cap is beyond the limit of what they need to worry about when it comes to balance.

It is also good to see how the ‘skilled’ players resort to insults after they can not get their opponents to sink to their level. Such a sad world we live in. Someone plays the game differently from them and they feel the need to try to invalidate their opinion.

I do agree that taking a hard stand on this borrowed power system is a bit odd. I would rather them start with the core and add multiple layers of choices like this. Why they chose now is beyond me.

You… you… Think that the players pushing back are in the minority? Go look at the blue post about it, 90% of posts are angry they are locked. All content creators are pretty angry about it. Preach won’t give his opinion about it but look at his face and listen to the fear in his voice when he talks about them. Asmon hates them, sloot hates them, sco hates them, crew hates them, shall I go on or do you get the point?

Yes? Everything is viable in low end content. We’re talking about being restricted in the highest content where people push and it’s actually hard? Mythic and high end keys is the only place they need to worry about balance? It’s where the balance matters? And destroying the balance of an entire community of key pushers, mythic raiders and pvpers so a small minority can make a one time meaningful choice that really isn’t so meaningful… Yikes

By Blizzards standards a 15 key is not low content. I will not call it high end content but it is where the maximum award in game is given. Be it from the run itself or from the weekly chest. The gear gets no better the higher you run them after 15. Similar with Mythic difficulty in raids. That is the maximum award given and the only thing Blizzard has to make sure is possible is that the bosses can be killed with any of the covenants. How quickly they are killed really does not matter. If world first guilds have to gear up a bit more first then that is also fine.

Whatever becomes the new ‘normal’ for what is high end content will settle out and will be adapted to. It seems even you admit that keeping them locked will in no way prevent the maximum in-game rewards from being achieved. That is what Blizzard needs to focus around. Not the unending challenge that has no cap for a reason. No one will feel sorry for the community of key pushers if they are now limited to a 22 instead of a 23.

Completing Mythic raiding won’t be the same as M+. Even now, there are some specs with single digit parses because of how unviable those specs are for Mythic raiding.

Covenants will just compound on top of that.

A spec not being viable is absolutely an issue. I am not currently doing the mythic scene so I can not speak to if we are talking truly viable or just not optimal (thus not desired). I will take what you are saying at face value. Covenants you are right would compound this. Seems like Blizzard has their work cut out for them.

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