#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

All specs are “viable”, however some are severely hampered. A spec that is really bad being slapped with an additional 20% dps loss for having the wrong covenant is unviable however

good thing im not one of those players

to be fair, unless you´re into the racing for the first kill, picking what do you think its looks cool not gonna change much.
im raiding mythic as well even though my server didnt reached M nzoth yet, im just lucky unholy most fun build is also the meta build, but if i change some things in order to look cooler or feel better, sure my dps my decrease but it will still be good, and thats not gonna impact my experience.
i sincerely dont care about the meta, i care more about enjoying the game a lot more than this

There are obvious choices if you’re NOT a big world first chaser kind of guy. Like the Venthyr Warrior one that straight up just upgrades your Execute, no planning around mythic boss burst windows needed, just push the glowing button. Why would I NOT want that as a self-aware scrub? Where’s the choice?


Going to reopen this thread as more and more people are getting beta and seeing definite issues coming up.

I recommend everyone take a look at preach’s latest video as he covers a lot of our worries well.


Preach spent his last video telling us how hunters were going to be garbage this tier.

Let’s stop pretending that anything he or any other streamer says is anything other than opinion and/ or that they are interested in anything other than views/ clicks.

TBH a lot of people I respect were caught off guard by hunters being good.

I’m gonna watch the vid even if it is just opinion, I’ve disagreed with Preach before on his opinions but I don’t dislike the guy.

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More worried about collecting all the mogs myself but I don’t do much content beyond lfr and heroic dungeons, plus a little PvP. I hope they let us collect all the mogs on one character.

You might be able to collect them but they have said that you must be with the covenant to use the mog, meaning if you learn it and switch you will not be able to use it

I’ve updated my original post because I now have three shamans in preparation for a terrible system to be released.

In case anyone missed the memo, now is the time to panic and make noise.

its going to be a crap show especially when they nerf covenant abilities.

i would not make a choice on the covenant abilities the correct thing to do is make a choice on soulbinds.

Yeah, and we’ve seen how Blizzard does things.

What systems in BFA got balanced by buffing under performing ones instead of sledgehammering overpowered ones?

When corruption came out they had a golden opportunity to bring the lower strength ones up to performance of first: Infinite stars, then EV, then IT then TW.

Instead they nerfed IS and burned millions of peoples gold.
Then nerfed EV by 50%
Then nerfed IT
Then nerfed TD.

When everyone inevitably picks the overtuned one in a system with compounding subsystems (Soulbinds) and it gets nerfed, the people who picked that one will have mud on their face and the others will have a smug look on their face.


im just going for the soulbinds that do the most damage and pvp the whole expansion pvp vendor with up gradeable gear.

Yeah, This system seems okay if you only do one kind of content.

But people that do multiple forms of high content, like if you decided you wanted to start pushing keys and found out your covenant was the worst covenant for doing keys as shaman - It would kinda damper your spirits to get involved in it no?

there is on one real covenant for shamans with the vesper totem and i think it has the best soulbinds as well.

It’s looking that way, yeah :frowning:

I’d like to see the signature and class ability be a talent row and then the soulbinds be unlocked based on the talent picked. I do not believe that the Renown nor Conduit system need to exist. It’s a bit too much. And the balancing will be a nightmare. The legendaries I am fine with so far.

Can we just remember they spent their efforts with essences enticing people to do content for power that they wouldn’t usually do, arena for C/S, BGS for BoTE.

Only to the next expansion actively punish people for wanting to explore out of their focus content? If you pick the best pvp covenant ability and want to dabble in m+, you are literally starting a 100m race but 15 metres behind everyone else because…?

Because Blizzard???

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After suffering a crippling blow in the polls, will the pro-restrictions team be able to come up with a new defense of why we shouldn’t open them up?

Find out more as the story develops.

I agree. #PullTheRipCord

Blizzard is removing posts because sad people are reporting these threads.

Blizzard wants to silence us