#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

Pretty rich coming from a Classic alt.

I don’t want content nerfed before its even released. The 12/12 Mythic Raider is apparently so cowed by a single choice that Blizzard must immediately make the content easier before it releases.

Not at all. It’s more like a player with “Step into the Arena” is perplexed a Gladiator is demanding Blizzard to make Rank One easier to achieve.

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So i guess we’re not going to see that account eh?

Well this is my main. I have 2 Cutting Edge achievements and have pushed Rated PvP above 2300. I have experience to know that the system won’t work in its current iteration. Saying that content will be nerfed before its even released is a copout in my opinion. The only time where content was undertuned was during Emerald Nightmare which getting CE was much easier than others.

So this claim that suddenly because you can change Covenents, content will be nerfed is short sighted and in all honesty doesn’t make any sense.

Not quite the same analogy. Nobody’s asking for the Covenant swapping because they want content to be easier. They’re asking for Covenant swapping because they don’t want to make the choice in which content they’ll be at a disadvantage in.

Also you didn’t answer my request about your other account. I’ve shown mine so show me yours.


It was Ardalene - Bleeding Hollow. Knock yourself out.

Oh no stop he probably has a family!

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You want Blizzard to make a covenant ability accessible across all covenants. That’s a nerf. You can’t spin it any other way.

‘I can’t adapt to the ability I’ve chosen, but don’t want to put in any effort in changing Covenants. Blizzard, please allow me to make changes on a whim and have access to all covenant abilities.’

Making it easier to do content.

This is how you spot a failed trial in a mythic guild :clown_face:

What do you mean play fire? Arcane is just as good as fire I put a lot of effort into it! Wait no I didn’t enchant my weapons why do you need me to enchant my weapons that just makes the content easier!

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I could always ask Blizzard to make the content easier. I mean, that’s how you got your slot, right?

I’m the raid leader :clown_face:

Get a load of this guy.

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I can change my talents on a whim. Hell there are a lot of things that can be changed on a whim. Why does Covenants have to have a restriction? If we were playing something like Classic WoW where the game is built around these type of decisions then sure, but we’re way past that time. It’s an outdated concept and it doesn’t fit in the current iteration of the game.

If these type of decisions are something that they want to do, then they should start with the core and then work outward. Tossing in pretty much another system, which will be taken out by the way, is a waste of everyones time.

But not enough to make it a handout.

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And still asking for nerfs. Must be the B team leader.

Because Blizzard actually wants a change of pace for once. Instead of the faster, MOBA feeling of Diablo 3; they’re put in a small speedbump and all the competitors are losing their minds.

Using these systems allows them to experiment. Things that work remain. Things that don’t work are removed. The developers really want to invest in something outside of progression for once.

More power to them.

Not saying it’s a handout, but it’s definitely a nerf.

It’s not the first time they’ve done this. I said this earlier in the thread.

Somehow the exact same system can come into the game with red lipstick and a new dress on and Blizz can spin it to be an RPG decision and people think it’s new. It’s not new. And since they’re already talking about its removal, it’s definitely not gonna make it to the end.

Refer to the above.

If it’s not a handout and people would still have to put in work, then what’s wrong?

It’s not about making the content easier? It’s about bringing something that counters a problem instead of bringing something that does nothing in the encounter.

Its like if you were to go play a chess match and were 2 moves from being mated. Your argument is “no I’m not going to move my rook, that would make this match easier” it doesn’t make any sense. Your arguments are just getting weaker and weaker and you’re just resorting to insults.

Depends on its launch. I’m not going to say Covenants are going to be successful or not, but every new iteration brings something better than the previous. Anything is better than WoD.

People don’t want to put in the work.

It is exactly that. Instead of using the tools you have, make all the tools accessible.

No it isn’t. My argument is that you need to play with the rules your given, not ask the judge if you can move all your pieces on the board when you want to.

It’s very straightforward.

Says the guy achievement bashing and peacocking his own from another alt.


I disagree. Saying it’s getting better would not have resulted in the outrage that was the Reforging costs and yet another AP Grind after the whole upset with the Legion Legendaries and the Artifact Weapon.

Being innovative is completely fine to me. But what’s not fine is repeating the exact same mistakes they’ve made in the past. They seem hellbent on starting expansions with systems that aren’t really put together well.

You said it’s not a handout. So if it’s not a handout then it requires effort. Which is putting in work.

Let’s get real here at end of the day all the systems they’ve added have been interesting when you start then a week after you’ve max your level and started grinding they just become a pain in the behind that seems to get worse and worse as the week goes on

Pretty much. The problem is that they tied the most efficient places for AP to be in pretty boring content. World Quests and Island Expos were not fun in my opinion.

The AP grind was more player inflicted, since some got the strange notion to do nothing BUT grinding AP.

That aside; reforging is gone, Azerite is gone, and the essences are quasi-still here, but I actually liked the Essences system.

Taking a shortcut does not require effort. Asking the game master for an eraser does not require effort.

And the time gating on these systems is hyper obnoxious

Like it’s no good to me if I can’t play for 5 days because of work but then I get a full day to play WoW and I can only get 300 xp for my followers in naz because I’m a slave to daily roll over

Haven’t experienced it myself. I quit during Uldir because of how bad the game was in my eyes.

And I disagree. The thing was that they presented AP to be the thing you needed to grind in order to unlock Azerite abilities. Where in Legion whenever you got a new level for your Artifact weapon, you didn’t lose them. In my opinion, that’s regression.

What exactly am I erasing here? Do you actually believe that having the best Covenant abilities will result in a 1 shot on all the bosses in the hardest difficulty?