#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

There’s a cost associated with the swap. It’s substantial, so it makes people weigh their decisions instead of flippantly pressing the talent frame and shifting a few things while AFK in Orgrimmar.

Yea, I’m so bitter about the bronze runner up on the keystone treadmill that doesn’t bother posting on said toon.

It’s just really convenient that the ‘skilled’ players reply on their alts.

How do you know it’s substantial? Feels like you’re reaching when blizzard said precisely “with some difficulty”. That’s subjective to what difficult is. Like how the first boss on heroic could be done by you with “some difficulty” and people like me have done it on six characters.

Sorry, are you forgetting the argument which has been brought up over a dozen times now that people like different content? I’m a 12/12M raider and you’re a 3/9 LFR player.

Hilarious, in a swamp of bad takes you’ve definitely taken the cake so far.

Edit: I just saw that you turned your profile to private so nobody can point out the extent of your mythic raiding is Mythic Taloc and Mythic Mother. It’s important everyone understands you’re playing holy with the wrong talents and your experience of raiding in mythic is barely worth mentioning.


Because you wouldn’t be shrieking about it if there wasn’t considerable cost.


You want Blizzard to make the game easier and I don’t. Really puts an asterisk on that 12/12 Mythic achievement, doesn’t it?

Only the hottest take from the 3/9 LFR players who have objectively bad talents in this thread on mythic raiding.

I didn’t see a ‘no’. Trying to insult me is not helping Blizzard nerf the game for you. By the sound of it, you must’ve been ecstatic when M’uru, Heroic Yogg, and C’Thun were toned down so you could down them.

If they moved the big Covenant abilities to swappable talent rows, that’d be cool and fun and everything but you kids who cry about not having 100% optimal builds for every form of content every time would rage that the soulbinds are better for one or the other and then the conduits are better and the legendaries are better and so on and so forth until everything fun and impactful is gone.

That said I don’t even hate the idea of Covenant abilities being swappable. It’s just that crybabies are going to cry whether it’s a 1% difference or a 10% difference and demand everything be watered down and samey.

I don’t need to try and insult you, your profile is public and everyone can see you using objectively bad talents and lack of doing any content of any difficulty.

You’re akin to a janitor giving instructions to a surgeon about an operation.

And there we have it.

The original post has been flagged for trolling.

See you in the next one. Hopefully you can show up Kiaya.

The same content is going to be around for six/seven months, end of an expansion. I’m in no rush to do content.

Oh no, I’m not using talents ordained by the try-hards. Whatever to do…

If you can’t win an argument, it’s clearly trolling. Such thick skin from these ‘skilled’ players.

I meant my original post in the thread, so I think you’re actually attacking your own party… lol

Such thick skin from these ‘3/9 LFR raiders giving hot takes on Mythic raid balance and highkeys’

I mean based on your character it doesn’t matter because you don’t really partake in any content in the game. I sincerely hope that you’re not trying to convince people that the Covenant abilities should remain when you don’t partake in the content where said choice matters.

Oi vey. I do partake in Raids. Mythic + wasn’t around the last time I was here. But, I’m no rush. You can stop trying to achievement snipe on your alt.

Achievement snipe on my alt? Explain please?

I really hope you’re not under the impression that I’m the same guy as him. That’d be horribly foolish when I gladly swap my characters who have all done more content in a week than you have on your entire account. Yikers!

Why would I be? I already know you want content nerfed in Shadowlands, despite that 12/12 Mythic Achievement you keep beating your chest about.

And this account started in 8.3…

Ah i see we’re resorting to the “my old account had mythic achievements for every tier!”

Mythic didn’t even exist when my first account was around.

Don’t worry, classic is there for you to pretend you played vanilla and can talk about how you liked having to pay 50g to respec from healer to dps because choosing a spec was a meaningful choice.

I’m going to request that you bring that account forward. Not because I want to sit here and flame you, but you kind of have to understand that it’s a little difficult when listening to someone speak about how this restriction isn’t a problem when posting on a character that doesn’t really exemplify that they’ve done really any content.

It’s like a player with “Step into the Arena” achievement telling a Glad why they’re bad.


It’s more like a player with “Step into the Arena” achievement trying to tell the Gladiators why they shouldn’t bother picking the best talents or getting the best stats because they managed to get a win at 300 rating so it shouldn’t be a problem for the glad.

Boy i cannot wait for the hoops we’re going to see jumped through for this to be answered.

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I don’t see the hype with covenant abilities.

How is it a hard choice when the majority are clearly situational at the moment? And if they are clearly being designed to be situational that means there is no point to rigid restrictions.

I remember when Blizz changed the talents tree to have single target talents on the same row as AoE talents. Blizz justified that because they argued you can change the talents based on situations.

Players did not like this at all but at least we have an out with a change of talents. Blizz was taking a hard line stance with this for a while until they backed off.

I feel this is very similar situation now with covenants. And to a lesser extent the azerite armor situation at launch IMVHO.