#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

No, because I’ve already got a max level geared character of all the healing specs :slight_smile:

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No, because I’ve already got a max level geared character of all the healing specs :slight_smile:

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No, because I’ve already got a max level geared character of all the healing specs :slight_smile:

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can we talk about how the boomers are ignoring anything as soon as they are faced with the reality that picking a covenant is still a very impactful choice as it still impacts your character’s power even if the class abilities are untied :slight_smile:


I enjoyed them once. The first time that I ran them. After that, it was painful. Darkshore was the worst.

So because it does not benefit you (changing classes on the go) they should not change it but if it would benefit you (covenant choice) they should change it. I am glad to be getting to the root of the problem here. You want them to make decisions in favor for you.


I would completley be okay with changing classes on the fly actually, you’re allowed to do that on FFXIV which at this point is arguably a far superior MMORPG than WoW is. All power is tied to one character. I’d love that.

Make everything account bound. I fully support it.

Uh oh! What leg do you have to stand on now?


This topic falls on deaf ears on these forums.

People can’t wrap their heads around the fact that Covenants shouldn’t be a new talent row.
They don’t understand that you actually have more choice without the abilities.

They just think “What? Why would you want to remove new abilities!?”


It isn’t going over heads its just not desirable.
Many want to do the best and be the best in content they like. Being only viable feels half-a** . Why choose to simply be viable when you could be optimal?

It doesn’t need to be a world first player but any player that likes top tier / higher difficulty content. Actually by reading how many players who don’t do challenging content but really liked those WF/TF high ilevel gear… Why did they need that gear to WQ? They don’t but they wanted it.

Basically if there’s a better thing. People will want that thing. A lot of people aren’t going to choose to get a lesser thing… how is that hard to understand?


You said it yourself, what challenging content do I currently do in WoW? The answer is none. BFA has been very unfun for me and I have no horse in this race. I just want them to try something new. Bringing back some choice with actual consequences is that something new. I support this and if it blows up in my face so be it. I want to see this game returned to its glory days. Even you said FFXIV is an arguably better MMORPG at this point. I support new ideas even if unpopular simply because continuing what they have been doing is not going to cut it.

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Your logic is so chaotic.

You no longer like the game, so you don’t care if they risk something awful because if it goes bad… no skin of my nose.
Can you not appreciate how awful that is for people who do still enjoy the game?


If you have no horse in this race, then there isn’t a reason you should be against having an open system.


Something new? How is this something new?

They create a new borrowed power system (Legion Legendaries / BFA Azerite Abilities).

They then create some bogus wall that players need to hurdle over (Legion Legendaries RNG drops / Azerite Reforging Costs).

And then finally later into the expansion they make changes to something that was already told to be a massive mistake during Alpha/Beta only to drop it off for the next one.

This is nothing new.


Part of MMORPGs is making choices that have consequences. Not being optimal at everything is normal. You just be as optimal as you can based on choices you made. It starts with your class, then your spec, and now your covenant. For Shadowlands consider the covenant as part of your class/spec. Yes that other healer might be better in M+ but hey you are better in raids… that is no different than what we have now. They just added another layer of choice.


I want zero impact. Uncouple every last car. Period. I do not trust them to balance anything. I do not trust them to let anything remain balanced.

In fact, the only thing I trust is after the expac has been marred and the ship’s mast is just barely poking up from the horizon - they’ll uncouple it. It would be fine if they would do so before launch, but we all know that’s not the way they work.

I would gratefully accept a system that lets me work through the story of my chosen Covenant to get a sacred token (They love currencies, right!?! You know we’d love another!) to then lock me into whatever grand power gameplay matrix they want to mess around with. That’s the “meaningful choice” right? How and where your character is weak. (although I am against locking into specific end-game content)

Fine. Knock yourself out. Just don’t tie it to cosmetics and story!


I want to get off this broken record.

It’s not when Blizzard creates challenging content that forces players to push every single % of damage out.


3 personal problems with the system:

  1. If you made the druid tier 75 talent row like the covenants - unswappable - I would be unable to do tyrannical KR above a 20. I literally would not have the throughput. But since I can change talents I can pick soul of the forest, which gives me the throughout to heal through this niche damage situation. Anyone who says different has not taken a tick from severing axe that does 90% of their HP.

  2. Before I raided in WoD I was a PvP player. I didn’t know that claws of shirvallah was bad in PvE. I joined my very first normal raid and the raid leader instantly kicked me when he saw I was specced shirvallah. He said “bloodtalons are the raid talent bro”. This is how covenants will be, I can promise you.

  3. I want you guys to think for a second. Would you have fun if you were locked into the same essence from day 1 of the expansion, across all your specs. Doesn’t matter if you heal, dps or tank you are forced to use concentrated flame. Doesn’t matter if another one is a 25% dps gain you are locked in. Then add some legendaries on top of that that you are also locked into.

You are accepting all of these so that you can maintain an illusion of choice, that Blizzard will just take away from you at the end of the expansion with no explanation. Give me a break


And you can. Again, not being OPTIMAL does not mean it’s no longer VIABLE.

Funny. Especially after your~

Cause you are doing just that. For what it’s worth, just because I no longer play at that level doesn’t mean I don’t have experience playing at a high level. I raided hardcore during WotLK and Cata, with several server first kills. Jobs change, life changes, time changes. But now, because I just raid heroic, my opinion doesn’t matter on RPG aspects? That’s laughable. RPG aspects affect everyone. And it’s dumb when Blizzard balances and caters to the top 0.1%-1%.

Maybe, I just know the bit I’ve seen so far while watching some streams and youtube. But some are quite impactful, not to the extent of Covenant abilities but some are definitely impactful and will fuel the rage of the top end demanding changes to Covenant abilities, because I can assure you, it’ll move right to Soulbinds unless they are all made exactly the same and generic.

Ultimately though, like I said, which you quoted. I don’t care. I just don’t think it’s fair to all the players who are intrigued or excited about having a choice that holds weight, if the weight of that choice is largely removed to appease the top end.

If Covenants are made easy to interchange, fine. I’m okay with that. But if so, Soulbinds need to offer enough strengths and weaknesses from each other, as some already do. However, as I said, if that is the case, then what’s not to stop the top end from crying about Soulbinds? It’s never ending.

Further, like I’ve already said multiple times, For the top end. I UNDERSTAND THE COMPLAINTS. I truly do, but just because I understand them, doesn’t mean I support having RPG elements further removed from a MMORPG, when its already borderline not a RPG.

That’s why I said Blizzard put themselves between a rock and a hard place with this. It’ll be hard for them to win regardless of what they do. Ultimately, I do hope things can be made to work, for everyone.

Anywho, I’ve expressed my thoughts. Some of you disagree, which is to be expected because like I said, for the top end, I get it.

Carry on friends, supper time for me, then will probably pass out from lack of sleep.


For world firsts yes this is true. You are as active in hunting world firsts as I am… we aren’t. Will a covenant choice not aligned with the best M+ choice cost you a key level down the road? Possibly. That single key level does not matter though. Every healer is viable for healing up to whatever the key cap is for the weekly reward.


Definitely. Not sure how you can be so naive to think this isn’t going to happen.

How on earth are you going to lump me and you in the same hand? Because I’m not a world first raider I can’t want to do my best? Like have you even timed a 15 key this expansion?