#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target.

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I’m still not bothered

Did you know that it’s not an unknown thing for them to bench players to create a better comp?

You’re missing the point. The point isn’t about flexing. Its about how you’re speaking to other people. We’re all nobodies to each other, so talking down to people, being condescending to others, or trying to intimidate others on a forum is fruitless. Its better to just speak civil to one another.


I, like most people I believe, play this game for fun. Im not focused on what other people are doing. Forum posting is just a way to pass time during downtime at work. Thus topic has caught my interest because over the last 18 years I’ve watched the genre go down hill due to players like your describing. I want this game to re-embrace the RPG of MMORPG


This game has not gone downhill because of “players like we’re describing”. What an absolutely ridiculous comment.

Isent the rp community like tiny these days? To the point where it’s far smaller than even the mythic raiding one? I know the player base in between is massive but 90% of them wouldent care either way right?

Great. Me too. This isn’t the way to do it.

No thanks. I don’t want a game without any gameplay choices just so that the 1% of players that push mythic raiding can satisfy their pathological need to min/max.

Class fantasy and gameplay across the board has already been homogenized over the last several expansions to make balancing for this crowd easier. You are not special, you do not deserve the whole game to be tailored to how you want to play.

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Who said anything about role-playing. I said RPG. Meaning RPG elements, such as having to make hard choices for your character. Choices that leave the character with strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses that are covered by grouping with others who cover those weaknesses.


Guarantee you the punishment system won’t last. Dunno why people can’t see it’s Legendaries and Azerite Reforging all over again but with a new red dress.


So if you want to raid mythic or reach 4k IO without handicapping yourself, youre going to need to choose the covenant that performs best numerically. But, if you want to choose cosmetically/aesthetically and still want to achieve highest level gameplay youre effectively handicapping yourself? Personally, its going to feel bad if I really want to roll Night Fae for the class fantasy on my main, but am forced to go Kyrian because it’s stronger.


Imagine all the super casuals as well with not enough time to play 4 characters of the same class just to be able to try out each of the abilities. All of a sudden you deny a lot of people a lot of content. That’s not a nice feeling either… this doesn’t just effect top end raiders.


The people who are pro restriction have essentially put all the non mythic raiders in their camp, which has been proven time and time again in this thread and others that there are many players who don’t push high keys/glad/mythic raiding that still want to be the best version of themselves.

This isn’t Mythic Vs Non Mythic fight.

It’s people with a chip on their shoulder vs others.

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The way it seems now, I’m going to be forced into a covenant since it numerically outperforms the others. I’ll need to roll the desired covenants on alts for the fantasy aspect. It just feels backwards. I want to be able to enjoy the covenant of my choice for it’s fantasy on my main, not because it’s the strongest.

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The preach interview with Morgan Day they discussed this very topic.

“Meaningful choice” was mentioned a total of zero times.

Dude honestly it really sucks that we’re not going to be able to swap these cause you’ll be benched or unable to prog with the wrong ones…

But there’s literally nothing worse than when Blizz makes a cool/fun talent useless for the entire expansion(full moon) - and now we’re getting 3. Some of these abilities look so fun to play but I’m never going to get to touch them :frowning: if I want to try out a cool new covenant it’s a 3 week grind…

Also lol imagine a heroic raid who shows up first day with all the wrong choices :joy: everyone running the worst covenant and they all do like 20% less dps than they’re supposed to

Lots of overwhelming support in the bluepost for them unlocking the abilities.

Keep fighting :muscle:

Based on the blue post about covenants recently… where are the hundreds of thousands of people loving being locked in? Cause I’m seeing the vast vast majority hating it in that post… hmm I read about a hundred posts and about 90% of them hated the lock in


Yeah it’s really strange everyone criticising the system of locking in has over a hundred likes… what on earth!