#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

Well, in the end that is how the game is designed. It is designed to kill stuff (which is totally fine in this game) and if the devs put something in the game that makes that easier, people will always flood to it. Corruption was a poor answer to TF WF mistake, pretty much everyone saw that at the start. Why should I spend 10 mins killing a boss when I could take 7 if everyone has the right corruption? Just so I can play and make the whole team frustrated that the dps is not high enough to push a new boss? That is a design flaw, not a player choice flaw.

The tinfoil-hat-person in me thinks they did this just to prove it was an “alt-friendly expansion”, because you’ll be needing to roll so many alts to get the covenant powers you need to do x!

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So a ability you gain from joining a covenant can’t come from a covenant? How is that supposed to work. Is that like a meaningful choice that means nothing?

Umm, you expect us to believe that a team you’ve raided with week in and week out, and possibly run keys with; who you have gotten to know, and who understands the RNG nature of corruption, just heartlessly benched you? I don’t believe that for a second. PUG raid groups, sure, but not guildies. If that is true, I’d find a new guild. I don’t even treat employees I pay good money to that way and WOW is just a game.

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I got benched for carapace and nzoth prog cos I was playing monk and dident have corruption to play the haste build. Been with the guild all bfa lol so yes it does happen


When you raid Mythic and get to the end boss you can only take 20 people. Who do you take? The firemage with 4x Masterful or the mage with 0x Masterful and does 45k less damage? It will be the same for Mythic in shadowlands.

You take the strongest roster you can get the boss down earlier so people spend less time on the bench, it’s inevitable.

I return to this thread for the hottest takes from people who killed two mythic bosses all expansion. :clown_face:

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Oh you sweet summer child…

You actually think people don’t get benched for not having the best setup for an encounter?


Do you get rotated in if/when its on farm? Sounds horrible.

How are you posting in this thread while being so out of touch with reality? honestly rofl

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Because that level of play isn’t the vast majority of the playerbase?

Have you ever observed a guild doing Mythic?

Maybe you should educate yourself a little on the topic before you join threads like these of the players who do participate in the content(and also those that don’t but are still) worried about Blizzard caking up the expansion and driving away that playerbase (again)

I’ve watched Method, of course

Most guilds run a roster of 21-24 (Some guilds are way higher).

What do you do when you get the end boss which will take weeks? Why on earth would you bring an objective weaker version of a class when there is a better option.

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I just noticed how close in spelling untied and united are because of the topic name. Really changes the meanings when misread.

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I’m all for mythic players having their own place to play, but im not for their play style impacting design choices for the rest of it. So I’m in the right place to advocate for what I believe the design direction should be headed. The loss of a few mythic raiders who can’t learn to play nice is less impactful than losing several hundred thousand low to mid tier players who prefer having meaningful permanent choices.


Sorry, just so we are crystal clear here

You think them making the covenant abilities a talent row type system would lose “several hundred thousand” players who prefer to have meaningful choices?

I mean surely you’re having me on here.

of course I don’t think that. But I don’t think it’d stop there. I think you all would be right back on the forums advocating for more change when you realize that soulbinds and legendary have a far greater effect than 1 ability does.

Well, that’s what you said.

Here i’ll help you by quoting you to refresh your memory. Because there would be several hundred thousand players who would be OUTRAGED that they have more choice to play with.


Go sit in a corner and think about what you said.

I’m quivering in my boots. Youre not a hardass nor are you anywhere close to being my superior. I’ve faced down more dangerous people in every day life and in the Marine Corps when I was deployed to Iraq than some internet badass