#PullTheRipcord The covenant class abilities must be untied to the covenant choice

Then why are you even offering feedback, and fighting the people who will run into gamebreaking feelsbad off of the system, when you don’t play hard enough for Covenants to matter for you in any capacity? You should honestly just stop posting about it.

Your play won’t be impacted at all. Other people’s will. Why should you try to silence the voices that are saying “This system will ruin the game for me”, when you dont get affected if the system is good or bad? Like the covenants could be a 50% throughput gap and a player like you wouldn’t care.

Top performing? Only one thing can be top. In most peoples eyes though even a 2% damage loss would be considered so vastly inferior that no one would want to do it. In truth that 2% will likely never matter and if your guild is so hard core they require stuff like that you likely already have multiples of every class or WILL have that by SL launch.

if you’re good enough to be raiding at the mythic level, then covenant choice shouldn’t be the reason you fail. Things aren’t balanced to that extreme. Failing at mythic is just about getting good. Even lower parsing specs in every expansions are clearing mythic, proving you don’t have to be optimal. Viable is good enough


You really like to stretch the consequences thing don’t ya? Like how in any world does spending a small amount of time on FF14 to level a second job (which gets bonus xp i might add with special content specificly to speed boost you to your main jobs lvl to let you do all content with as much freedom as possible) to locking abilities in wow to somehow preserve and rpg aspect while deminishing gameplay. while in FF14 you aren’t deminished in any form outside you spend a day lvling another job and not months dealing with locked abilities…right anyway you people have your fun trying to have arguments on why we need terrible game design we already got a interview today where they just want stuff tested and if it feels bad they will redesign entire system from ground up and even open it up if they cannot make it feel good with the choices. So have fun when it gets changed since it feels terrible!

Look at the pvp covenants rofl. What do you lose a whole hell of a lot. This isn’t a good example of choice because it’s purely driven by what content you play. A good choice is based on your personality or morals not whether you want to do 10% more damage to boss or be a pvp beast.

No. You pick one thing you are better at and the other things you are baseline at. You are not worse in the other areas than your class would otherwise be. You just did not augment your class with a buff in those other categories. Some others likely did but those who did are now going to be just baseline in what you excel at.

But it would be a reason why I would get declined in my application process.

You have no skin in the game. You are totally and utterly immune to the concequences of this system, again, stop posting about it, your opinion is hilariously ignorant of how the game is played on a social level.

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Optimized is baseline in 2020. IDK if you’ve checked out the gaming landscape recently, but people care if you suck. They don’t want to play with you if you do.

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This really isn’t true. Most low parsing specs who are still playing that spec have been with the guild for multiple tiers. Nobody with a brain is looking to trial WW for example unless they literally just need a 20th body. To get into a new guild you do need to be playing a top spec or next expac the right covenant.


Look at Rogues.

Venthyr slaughter is basically a worse wound poison and ambush.

Night Fae Sepsis is an execute that is a DoT.

Kyrian Echoing Repreimand requires exact combo point usage when Rogue combo point generation can be RNG.

Necrolord Serrated Bone Spike? That sounds like a DK ability not a Rogue ability.

Yeah…covenants are not looking like they are going to be something Blizz should design around or force rigid “hard choices”.

Oh no, someone declined you. People would learn to accept covenants just as they do with classes now. Some groups will want a specific class and/or covenant but others will take any that they feel can fill the desired role. It would be no different than what we have now. It just adds one more filter that people can sort others by.

You have never stepped foot into mythic progression, what would you know about the social metagame in progression content? What do you honestly know, out of first hand experience, of the mythic scene and M+ pushing community and what they require for raid? Because from what I’m reading, you know exactly nothing, and just like the other dude, you wouldn’t be affected no matter how this system plays out, and you’re trying to silence the voices that are saying that it’s gamebreaking.

Like you don’t even have skin in this game, why are you trying to tell people who KNOW it will be a backbreaking issue for their social circles, that it’s not gonna be a problem? You haven’t set a single foot out of heroic for progression content, why is your opinion remotely relevant for mythic players and aspiring mythic players?

You don’t know how the scene operates, you don’t know what’s demanded of players, and you don’t understand the values that are held by competitive players. You are not the demographic that suffers from Covenants, and your personal progression proves that.

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If time allows it, I would love to push mythic raiding. That takes a lot of skill, which you get from a lot of practice, so it all depends on the demands of real life responsibilities, career advancement, friends, and family, which i place higher than my gaming hobby.

You know the game is more than just high end progression, right? Like, that is such a small fraction of what actually goes on its absurd to assume that everything must cater to it.

That being said, the experience shouldn’t be awful for those players because content creators leverage them to create some universally interesting entertainment, and it is a healthy part of the game. To that end i would hope you are allowed to switch frequently enough to avoid being screwed by a balance patch. I think anymore than that would weaken the game overall.

MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: This all goes out the window if the abilities are as unbalanced and game breaking as some people fear from looking at the alpha. If they aren’t remotely balanced then yeah, switch at will. I’d prefer the covenants work like prestige classes, but if they are borked then it isn’t going to work anyway so might as well make them a talent row.

Twitch is gaming’s biggest advertising service, and most top streamers are at the level where their covenant will impact their play. Trickle down will apply. If the streamers and content creators get screwed over, the game’s entire PR goes to hell.

Just make a darn choice.

It’s like choosing a class. (But way easier to change later)

You can re-roll if you want, but you don’t get to class change from Druid to Rogue to DH on a single character just because the situation or content you find yourself in at the moment isn’t the most optimal for what you are currently playing.

You want to run Druid for Boss 1-4 in the raid, Rogue for M+, and DH for everything else you do; sure go ahead. But that’s on you.

The game isn’t designed around players constantly class swapping like this and there is no indication that SL will be designed around players constantly swapping their covenant abilities either.

Swapping to the ideal class, race, faction, Covenant ect. for the situation at hand, in theory, would be something you can do in order to obtain a competitive advantage. But it ain’t what the game is designed around.


I agree with that.

Looks like we agree.

I guess it’s just a matter of degrees. Hopefully there is a good balance point between no switching and switching all the time.

I wouldn’t personally change my covenant, but if Blizzard does a significant balance pass on covenants then I think people should get a free swap. There’s precedent for developers doing this for large balance changes and allowing a free respec with the changes

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I mean I think we all want the covenant system to be fun and functional. I’ve got strong feelings about specific covenants, and my prefered mode of play, at this point, won’t let me chose my covenant based on theme, it’ll just be determined by Simcraft.

IE I will never play Nightfae, because I wouldn’t be caught dead playing one, and if DK’s optimal Covenant for raiding is Nightfae, for some reason, I won’t be playing DK. And if I’m not playing DK, I’m probably not playing the game, cause I’ve played this class for 12 years. There are some serious concerns about gameplay vs themes with the covenant system

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