The problem with Covenant abilities is that the game is not an RPG. It hasn’t been an RPG for years. There are countless systems designed in the game that are not RPG focused. WoW is at its core, right now, a gameplay focused title, not a RPG. There would need to be hundred of systemic changes and massive ground level changes in order for the game to viably support covenants.
Not all of the Covenant abilities are created equal, which means if you’re a mage and you pick Venthyr, good luck getting into a good PvE guild, nobody will take you because you’re speccing for PvP. The suggested Covenant system ignores the way that existing players are playing the game, and how the game is played on a social level.
There were rerolls for Legendary items in Legion. I have no reason not to expect top guilds expecting players to have 4 characters of each class, which I think is purely and utterly degenerate filth design. Blizzard should never incentivize a system where players have to make a permant choice between M+, PvP, and raid power, because no matter what you chose, you will lose.
Right now players have so many resources and tools to minmax and optimize that the meta covenant choices will be known from the moment any given tuning pass goes live on test realms. There will be no meaningul choice, every player with 1 character will need to determine what content is most important to them, and sacrifice performance in ALL other elements of the game, that’s a choice, sure, but it’s not an empowering choice, it’s a choice of what power you’re losing, not what power you’re gaining.
Right now, optimized power is baseline. Anything less than optimal is a loss. Guilds demand players know their optimal specs, their optimal stats, their optimal rotation, and their optimal power in all elements of the game. You can’t force a player to chose between 4 different abilities, that shine in 4 vastly different scenarios, and expect that not to be taken as a major loss in freedom and flexibility.
Metagaming is part of gaming culture, and in order to make a system like Covenants work, you need to have a game that actually supports diverse builds. When has there EVER been multiple builds of the same spec top preforming in the game, and if there has been, when has there been a significant gameplay difference, without one being strictly superior and one being strictly inferior?