And if you read my post you would know I am a lfr hero or the post I replied to you stating if you looked me up ( not hidden just click on my pic) you would find that I am not a high end player .
Sorry to burst your bubble but people like you and Ralphe do not speak for the entire casual community .
You just speak for yourselves
i didnt say i was leaving for the day the give it a few days was for you guys for thinking.
is 100% correct thankyou for being honest.
Can you point out where literally anyone in this entire thread has tried to imply they speak for anyone else but themselves?
I even put in the original post:
I thought you were quitting?
I really need to thank Elismyra . They finally got me to learn how to do the ignore feature. Might actually be more annoying then Ralphe
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Only about half the people posting at ce raiders. Ralph has more progress than many of the people who are against covenant locking. People enjoy experimenting it’s really not a hard concept.
I am a super casual player that makes hexweave bags in my spare time.
#PUlltheRIPcord BlizZard!
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Pretty stupid that there will 100% be scenarios where you pick the “best” covenant for PvP but still lose matches because it’s bad into certain comps or because you need a different covenant ability to deal with certain comps. Just like PvP talents, which thankfully are easily switchable.
They need to just pull the ripcord early and get it over with. No sense in waiting until later patches.
No you don’t speak for the entire community nobody here does. The hunter you are quoting only said people like you and ralph do not speak for him he did not try to claim he spoke for more than just himself. Only you and certain others try to do that.
Might be what it takes to get some change on the team. Doesn’t seem like they are going to stop doing this stuff on their own.
He is a troll. Hard to believe until you encounter a real one and not just the people poking fun at a topic to get posts. Your reaction is exactly what he is counting on to give him enjoyment.
This is already my favorite post for the day, thank you. I guess I should kind of feel bad for the level of effort you put into being completely disconnected from reality but it’s too darn funny. Thank you for this.
Also, thank you for noticing my hat. Nobody ever comments on it but it really brings the outfit together.
What’s an “alpha savant” though? Is that like Good Will Hunting? Great movie.
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Good news everyone!
I am all of a sudden a raider!
Goes back to crafting hexweave bag in my garrison
P.S. PULL the ripcord!
Wait, aren’t you me? How am I posting on both accounts at once? I really need to get better at astroturfing.
Its very hilarious seeing people over react SO much over covenant abilities and the dungeon bonuses. Everyone acting like they are top 10%. How many of you used the shock bots in junkyard? Dungeon bonus right? You lost it when you died, same thing will happen with some of these bonuses that are minor. The Plaguefall one I’m sure will be nerfed.
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Somebody needs a snickers.
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Do you need to join a specific faction to use shock bots in Junkyard?
Being the top 10% is not that impressive. A demon hunter that ranks world #45000 on with the score of 2000 would be the top 10%. A world #5000 guild with a couple of mythic bosses downed would probably fall into top 10%.
There’s 15 shock bots in the dungeon. You can wipe twice and still get all 5 players buffed with it. There’s also the grease and welding bots giving substantial haste and stamina buffs respectively. This makes the dungeon significantly easier than any other.
It’s also not restricted by any race, class or anything else. Same as the buffs in Court of Starts wich were available to certain proffesions, which you can have two of and they don’t affect your player power outside of the dungeons, or to a very minor level. But for some reason people like to compare those covenant bonuses to CoS buffs. Just throwing it out here before you do it as well.
A 10 seconds stun to all enemies withing 30 yards is a minor bonus?
A 10 second 8 yard AoE stun that increases damage taken by the affected targets by 20% for the duration is minor?
A stacking 5% bonus healing and damage done buff all the way up to 50% is minor?
80% haste, movement speed, healing done and damage taken reduction for 40 seconds is minor?
Night Fae in Mists of Tirna Scithe will be able to open new paths, create checkpoints after every single boss and give access to mushroom that if clicked, heal the player to 100% health and gives a 10%, 10 minute buff to either main stat or stamina, is that just a minor bonus as well?
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