#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Ok but how?

Also I’m an Elite Shaman which means I do PvP :star:

How? How will it negatively effect you. You aren’t forced to change your covenant only your lack of self control would make you change it.


phewww, anyone who actually trusts blizzard in 2020 is either new to the game (welcome) or just plainly doesn’t care on a competitive level (which is totally fine but difficult for those that do, which is the argument for making covenants interchangeable).


If you have a sub optimal covenant for mythic+ why are you doing it? Don’t you only care about regular mythics and story? Don’t you only care about lfr? It literally doesint affect you because you dont do the higher content which requires min maxing

Just in case you’re missing Elismyras argument, here we go.

It effects me

Yes but how

By effecting me negatively.

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since you arnt thinking about everyone in the big picture atm im going to leave you to think every possible scenerio good or bad this can have on everyone besides your selves. give it a few days

Thank you for your input, and I also love puppys.

Thanks for keeping the thread bumped with whatever you were trying to argue.

Bless your heart.


You provided no argument just “wah players won’t take me into their group because I have a sub optimal covenant so I’m gonna force them to have a sub optimal covenant! Wah!”

There is zero way this can negatively effect you. You cannot be compelled to change your covenant and people who wouldn’t take you for a sub optimal content if you had free change still won’t if you don’t have free change. There will be a covenant addition to raiderio if it isn’t built into the base lfg. The only way you can be made to change your covenant is if you choose to.


I don’t think this person is even trying to get into group content, which makes their refusal to budge even more confusing.


The only reason he see’s only 4 or 5 people is because most of us are on ignore

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Covenant abilities seem far easier to balance than Azerite and Corruption though.

Corruption, maybe. But it’s more than just covenant abilities, there’s also soulbinds and conduits and legendaries. All these things together are going to make balancing an absolute nightmare.

Have you seen Blizzard’s track record for balancing WoW ?

This game has never been balanced what makes you think they can do it now ?

Well then go play ESO

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Balanced to the point where theoretically it doesn’t matter to a vast majority of the playerbase. I think that’s achievable.

Sorry one second,

Let me get this straight.

You think corruptions/azerite which had 1 line to be changed around is harder to balance than packages that have:

  1. A core ability with strengths/weaknesses
  2. Has legendaries that go along with the covenant
  3. Conduits that change your class depending on your covenant
  4. Signature abilities that tied in.

It’s not a covenant abilitiy, it’s a covenant package.

Where is this optimism coming from? Did you ever play BFA? LOL

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But conduits are basically Azerite with a new UI.


Really? What I saw on Wowhead didn’t seem that game changing.

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