#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

covenants need to be more complicated impossible to switch and soulbinds unchangeable until you completely unlocked all of them.

Tell me why you think this.

Curious how my two posts that point out how it is the same 4-5 people repeatedly bumping and spamming the thread with comments of 0 value when nobody bothers to start a discussion with them in an attempt to keep the thread up and inflate their hashtag, curious how those 2 post that point out what is really going on in this thread get flagged.

Also funny how the post where I questioned whenever or not someone can make a ticket about such spam got instantly flagged for “trolling”, almost as if they dont want people to notice what I ve been saying.

Looks like they know what they are doing is against the ToS and are trying to silence such posts, but thankfully more people will start reporting now.

Hey, can you complain about class balance? some have useless ideas baked into them and are just so unfun its incredible… maybe with your track record we can lobby for better class designers.

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thats not what the massive amounts of the playerbase thinks and even if it were restrctions in games like these are never good. ffxiv is successful because of its lack of rescrtions

Once again Ralph with the hot take. People aren’t allowed to post on the forums.

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it makes more sense and puts everyone at an equal starting point. choices need to matter regardless if you make a choice you stick with it even if you hate making it .

Ralph blaming other people for spamming and trolling and saying they should get silence is irony at best.


I really don’t know why he is in this thread. Is he upset he blocked all of us and can’t try to argue with us?

translation i wanna force restrictions on the other players even though it doesint affect me at all since i dont min max

How does one covenant having 20% more single target damage than you put everyone at an equal starting point?

So tonight I made the choice to eat toasts, I guess tommorow I won’t be able to eat something else than toast. Some choices don’t need to block other choices.


wait you can block people? that shouldnt be a thing.

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I absolutely disagree, and I’ll tell you why I disagree. From a lore perspective, the covenants all want our help, they should give us the best means of helping them, by lending us their power.

From a gameplay perspective, people like having the flexibility to overcome challenges via mechanical and cerebral gameplay.

What other perspectives would you like me to cover?

Why do you think Ralphe doesn’t respond to anyone here? He literally bragged about it two posts ago. I’m getting the feeling you’re not reading anything in this thread.


Blizzard said balancing comes last on Beta so anyone saying “Some are way better than others” isn’t looking at the bigger picture. If it’s overpowered it will be nerfed into line.

It’s not based on power alone as you can see in my second post.

Some abilities just do not function is certain forms of content. It’s impossible to balance some of them.

I suggest taking your own advice on looking at the bigger picture

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What track record has you believing this? Azerite launched and required bi-weekly tuning passes for the first few months, and years later they gave up and just handed everyone BiS in the last raid.

Yes like their balancing with corruptions or azerith traits, it will be good on release. At this point they will have to nerf all of them to racial level so they become irrelevant if perfect balance is their goal. Something that wouldn’t need to happen if you could switch.

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in ESO choice maters and impacts what you do and what you can or cannot do wow also should have RPG aspects. our choice needs to be impactful even if we dont like it this game wont last if people can do everything on a single character there has to be aspects of a game that you cannot do everyone on a single toon think legion.