See previous post. We end up helping all the covenants, and all the covenants are with us against the Jailer. It makes more sense for them to give us the most amount of power they can, no?
Amazing story such as:
- totally not Garrosh 2.0 Sylvanas.
- The entire brain trust of the greatest generals in the Alliance army Launching a siege on Plague capital near two towns that were plagued to the ground, a gate that was plagued and the whole wrath-gate plaguing without having any fallback plan for if the Horde use… the plague. (In case you haven’t done the siege for Undercity as horde they literally give out a mask that lets you walk around in the plague… A MASK HAHAHAHAH OH GOD. IF ONLY ALLIANCE HAD THOUGHT OF… A MASK HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA)
- Tyrande getting a cringe in game cut-scene becoming the literal vengeance of the moon incarnate, walking 50 metres telling the player This happened because i let Saurfang live… I won’t make that mistake again literally seconds before leaving Belmont alive “tO SeNd A mEsSaGe”
- Sylvanas doing 9D Mahjong ALLLLLLLLLL BFA.
not really it goes against RPG aspect which may be the reason it is how it is.
so just because you dont have to grind out a reputation twice i should be forced too? got it selfish prick
It doesn’t. In what way does it go against RPG aspects? ALL the covenants want the Jailer done with. ALL the covenants want anima restored to their properties. WEEEEEEE help them achieve both of these. Why would any of the covenants refuse to give us the strength to help them?
i intend to do all the story and all the covenants and all the contennt on my pally than do it on the others doing everything
Except it literally doesn’t the system as designed is what goes against the story. We help all the covenants while leveling. All the covenants are facing a common enemy we are a unique existence as the maw walker in that we can go anywhere in the shadowlands. If anything the covenants should be begging us to work with them all together against the jailer. Instead they are acting like high school mean girls and backstabbing each other and getting whiny if we want to try out abominations limb for a bit before going back to blue dnd.
Hopefully we can get more meaningful choice like if you remove the nzoth eye on your forehead that had drastic game changing repercussions such as :
not a valid argument your still forcing your way of play on everyone else when doing the systems suggested would have litteraly no effect on you, therefore you are a selfish prick
and i find that fun
person who writes this baffled when other people do not share their idea of fun.
Okay, so solution. YOU get a loyalty reward for sticking with your covenant. WE get the option of swapping when we want, thereby sacrificing the loyalty bonus you have access to. This is fair, right? We both get to win in this solution, isn’t it perfect?
Edit: Willing to bet this post also gets ignored. Too hard to argue against without admitting that he only likes the system because it’s at the expense of another subset of the population.
i think i mis explained im saying i plan to do every covenant every on each inividual toon all 4 on one to all four on another and so on so forth and i mean all of them their story covenants soulbinds everything. yes it will take a long time
Less people will do this that will get CE in the first tier in Shadowlands.
I can promise you that.
i dont care raiding is boring. LFR is trash and full of people who just buy runs on their mains and go into LFR Like they know what their doing normal raiding and heroic and mythic requires a group of people who IMO are trash and weilling to backstab others when ever. i know plent of people who quit raiding because many either stoped raiding or quit wow so i do not care what raiders like covenants are not flawed the classes shouldnt be ballanced and i think there should be more restrictions.
Imagine having the worst take in a thread with 1540 other posts.
Good job!
Edit: Even Ralph is in here you actually deserve an additional star
yes you can speak words and think your ego maters in the long term. you like all the others complain about everything when its differnt you dont dislike the stuff you guys only dislike change .
…what? Actually what? I’ve raided in a few different guilds, and despite the fact that I didn’t get along with each and every person, I’d never say ANY of these things about them. Stop inventing people in order to justify your fear of spooky boogeymen raiders. Raiders are just human people, just like you.
That’s all you had to say. You don’t want my earlier suggested system because this isn’t about what gameplay you want, it’s about punishing these fake boogeymen that haunt you every night.
Thanks for the information, I wasn’t sure what I liked and disliked, appreciate it!
My track record with complaints on this forum:
- Making allied races playable without doing rep grind Being changed in Slands
- Azerite vendor got azerite vendor
- Make essences account bound Essences became account bound
- Please make a corruption vendor we got a corruption vendor
What exactly the things I’ve complained about hasn’t been a good/position change?