#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

As someone who doesn’t raid at all, I will pick the covenant that’s more effective for me in open world content rather than working on my raider IO score.

Which is kind of ironic , that we are kind of being spec locked because of covenant choices .

Didn’t Ion at one point say they went to far with spec focus and were going to go to do more class focus .

You mean Door of Shadows from Venthyr which most people will choose because of the MAW, no flight whistles and no new hearthstone? Added bonus of mobility for M+, raids and PVP?

Guess what BlizZard will do once they see most people are choosing Venthyr for Door of Shadows?

Hammer time.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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I’m more excited about the chaos on the forums from the general playerbase when this goes live than the game itself.


At this point I feel like this is the only real pleasure we will be able to get.

An overwhelming amount of schadenfreude when the people against pulling the ripcord realise they played themselves.

Just like how I rubbed it in their noses when we got Azerite vendor, Bind on account essences and the corruption vendor.

Guess everyone should also be highmountain for that 2min mobility lmao

Door of shadows was proven to be overhyped and people already have found the other covenants are better for many specs but keep trying to push the failed narrative about how door of shadows is so OP and will break the game while everyone knows you are just pushing a false narrative that got proven wrong in the beta xD

Honestly I am already preparing to see the forums spammed about how broken covenants are day 1 from people who barely played them, sadly I wont be here since I ll actually be busy playing the game.

if you dont like the game dont play it clearly its no longer made for you. (which it never was)

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Wow Mafic, consider yourself blessed Ralphe doesn’t have you on ignore.

But it has been made for me for 15 years and now it’s changing, that’s really kind of the entire point of the post.


you do realise if dislike still existed your thread would be downvoted to blocked out.

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Door of Shadows is awesome. You simply don’t understand its power. I put it all into the spread sheet and I received my answer.

But you don’t like spread sheet calculations so I understand! :+1: :+1:


they dont make games for you they make games to be fun for as many people as possible they can get subs

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My post has 290 likes.

I’ve got 1700 Posts and 5200 likes.

I’m a man of the people.


You are a valued member of the WoW community. Well done! :100: :+1:


Yes but, again, this system they are designing isn’t fun for a group of people.

Can you take a chill pill and actually read the thread before you continue to embarrass yourself?


how many of those are multiple of the same person and varrious accounts and characters.

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Pretty much, the game is going to a new direction, Ion and the devs clearly got tired of watching people act as tryhard as if they are world first raiders to do a 15 or a heroic raid so they decided it is time to reduce that mentality by stopping the constant changes. People were playing the game wrong, so it is time to make that wrong way of playing not possible.

A genius move from them you have to admit since that crowd has been screeching about it in the forums since then and makes a million threads about it xD

lol .

I think I’ve said it in this thread or one of the others. That people that don’t want changes to covenants because we shouldn’t want to improve ourselves but should be content with mediocre /average

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i see the classic servers and whats there compared to now they obviously want it to be more accessable to more amount of player specifically all the content

You’re right It’s not fair to use my new main because I only started shaman this tier.

I’ll use my old character… wait second…

1500 posts / 5300 likes.

I’m a man of the people on two characters WHOA!

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God why does Ralph continue to post in here when he has everyone muted. Go away man.