#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

because you pledge loyalty to one group? Why would the others give you their power?

The other groups give us power because we are helping them restore their lands and defeat the Jailer.

Edit: Can someone please link the video?

I’m not going to lie here, I’d be perfectly fine with WoW crashing and burning entirely because of Blizzard’s bad decisions and lazy balancing. If you hate it, leave, I’d love to see what takes WoW’s place.

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Don’t forget Legion allied races. My brother quit after finishing the grind for void elves because he was so annoyed about it.


Yeah it showed through the conduit and covenant choices. I was amazed by how many things were put in to improve gust of mist. I was doubly surprised to see no overlapping conduits for mw/ww/brew you’d think there’d be one in a class based expansion especially since the entire tree has a weekly reset.

Yeah, I had a post like a year ago about how my work mate was going to come back and wanted to play Lightforged but saw what was required and just didn’t bother.


It’s not predicted yet, and the alpha and beta were never good testers for what comes next when we’re all playing in the new expansion.

But believe me Blizzard was never adept at balancing its game since vanilla, still trying it on TBC, Cataclysm, and Legion over pvp.

But for now not everything is announced, we will only see in the final retail.

You think that, for me it was worse in the latam forum with that’s spam result and with the help of the MVP of that version of the forum. We really are in an era where only haters rule. :anguished:

I don’t see how the glaring issues of covenants can’t be revealed by playing with them on Beta, what will change when it goes live?

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I can’t assure you, but if you saw something that was seen in the alpha and beta testers, it will surely be worse when we see the final product in retail.

Or the opposite, it is worth insinuating once again Blizzard was never excellent at balancing and we had to put up with the abuse even with the need or not to report a griefing or exploit for a small mistake they made while we became innocent victims for his incompetentness.

But we have it on good authority from many people who have now quit themselves that no one actually quit over that stuff. Very confusing. :thinking:

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That is correct.

Right now there are clear choices as to which is best and I don’t think a round of tuning will make a difference. :+1: :+1:


It’ll just make a different one best.

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It doesn’t make sense from a story perspective btw for the other covenants to stop lending you their power. You spend your time at max level helping out other covenants, completing their world quests (your calling sends you to help out other covenants), and all 4 covenants are working cooperatively and collectively to thwart the Jailer. And like every other WoW storyline, they’re relying on you, the player, to do all of this and save the slands, so it doesn’t make any sense for them to not lend their power just as they did while you were levelling.


It’s simply a contrived handcuff to force you into pigeon-holing your class and spec into hyper-specializing; the exact same way legion artifacts and legendaries worked on launch.


I would like to be able to do everything freely like i have in the past. If i wanted to raid as a different spec i could just go and farm gear and annoyingly farm corruptions which is doable, but now i need to either dps suboptimally with Kyrian as i main MW or swap covenants. That’s a bad design. I don’t want to be good at just one thing, i want to be able to be good at everything like i have been able to in the past.

Abilities shouldn’t be locked behind covenants, story telling should be open to all. Cosmetics and appearances should be the only thing locked to covenants. The covenant locking affects everyone from “tryhards” to “casuals”.

And Blizzard has a horrific track record with balancing these systems. So expect changes all the time and constant changing of covenants based on the Blizzard dart board nerf bat.
It will be like Sub Rogues and Azerite at the start of BFA every week a new change and new set of gear to farm.

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Or even worse, people pick a covenant they think is best and then they see it nerfed afterwards.

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They’ve already confirmed they will be doing balancing throughout the expansion, which makes what was said earlier about it not being a meaningful choice, but more of a meaningful guess.


That is something that’s almost certain to happen. They’ve attempted to mitigate this by promising that they’ll only do it between major patches so you can regrind whatever covenant. But, even that I doubt will be the case.


The old you know you shouldn’t but you just can’t help but watch the train wreck

That isn’t going to happen.

As we have seen with BFA they ignored balancing even during major patches. There was a flurry of balance passes for corruption but they came out of no where and long after the major patch released. They could have put in those changes for testing on the PTR.

But they lack confidence to make changes until they farm enough data metrics from live.

They will do the same with covenants.

They will look at the two most popular covenants and nerf those two while not buffing the two under powered ones. That is what they view as “balance”.

Mediocrity is the name of the game and that is what will happen. My prediction! :100: :thinking: