Remember how everyone said Azerite was going to be unbalanced, and they were right? And remember how everyone said corruption was going to be a terrible system, and they were right? And remember how we are all still paying our subs?
Ion and people like you keep hiding behind the “roleplaying” thing, despite the fact that under Ion’s leadership, the game has lost most of it’s RPG aspects, only now using it as a way to shield covenants because it’s the only meager way they can try and justify their bad system.
WoW isn’t Baldur’s Gate, and it never will be at this rate, it’s more like Fallout 76 if this is what passes as “RPG mechanics”.
They’ve said you can swap covenants easily by finishing a quest once, doing a series of handins is not being able to do it easily. You don’t even know what a strawman is.
You’re literally talking to a restoration shaman that hasn’t been meta in content in literally ever.
Is Mythic the new Heroic? I have heard about Mythic dungeons, maybe they are doing that with raids instead, though.
That is nice to hear. One of the reasons I liked doing the Normal versions and not Heroic was because nobody cared what you were doing and you could play however you wanted. It looks like some of the more solo players are requesting that other people do not tell them what to do, and I believe that they should show that same respect to the competitive players who are trying to do those Mythic-level dungeons.
It is a game and games are meant for people to have fun, why should anyone care about what other people are doing?
“I agreed to help a group of people older than time who are for all intents and purposes immortal, I then betrayed them and went to another group of immortals so I could do 0.5% more DPS. WTF, why don’t the first group of people like me anymore?”
Yes, something that I loosely follow but don’t hoist above my own enjoyment of the game. It’s the ‘most optimal way to play’, and often the most boring way to play.
If WoW weren’t as big as it was, any other game would have died in WoD.
WoW’s too big to die like Wildstar did, that’s the only reason it’s still around. It would take a lot of poison to kill this monster, but eventually it will die. Yet, the current team keeps injecting poison into it, despite it being pretty clear that the game has been regressing since MoP ended. People are getting real tired of the borrowed power and lack of depth.
This is what its all about. I sure dont tell people how to pet battle, but for some reason a lot of the pet battlers have a problem with how I raid. Interesting, but a little troubling at the same time lol.
No one said that about corruption. No one had enough time or testing to understand how corruption would play out. Even streamers who thought the system was “interesting” Had no idea how crazy powerful the corruptions were going to be when released into live.
While it’s true during beta they didn’t listen to player feedback for beans. This time is not the case. We’ve clearly seen the developers make changes based on player feedback. They’ve also said that they are making a commitment to being better at listening to feedback.
Would you be comfortable with not having the Heroic raid drop the higher item level gear? Maybe since it shows the item level, people feel pressured to go into those ones because that is how they measure their progress. But alternatively, perhaps you do too and that would not be fair.
Yep. WoW’s developers since WoD have been strikingly similar to the dumpster fire known as Carbine Studios. Carbine just didn’t have a massive franchise to drag them along like WoW’s current team does.
Biggest pissoff for me is that I really enjoy both the Kyrian and necrolord shaman covenants and they significantly change the playstyle when combined with certain legendaries and conduits (that you won’t get to test before making your choice) and I will be forced to only be able to play 1 of potentially many playstyles. Chain heal build vs riptide build, but I only ever get to play one and never test the others because I made a choice day 1 of the expansion LOL.
Second biggest problem is that I really love the necrolord ability but I despise everything about maldraxxus. Really glad I get to choose between the aesthetic of the expansion and my gameplay feeling good. Feels like a reallllly good choice, really fun!!
They’re riding on the coat-tails of a much better development team. Brand and the previous team’s successes carry this game HARD.
They’re never willing to back up when they are wrong, they rush things out the door, they go against what the players want and instead opt to add what they want. If this is what they ‘want’, they should play a different game.
Let’s be 100% real here, if they dropped covenants right now, dropped all class changes right now, and just copy pasted MoP classes, glyphs and talents 1:1, almost everyone would be better off, and the game would be more fun overall.