#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

I don’t play those classes.

Then let me help you out, it won’t. Priests will still be weaker than druids, because regardless of covenants, regardless of whether we have access to all the powers they offer, our classes come with baked in strengths and weaknesses, so this optimal in all situations argument is a dead end.

What it should be, and this is a failing on my part, is optimal in all situations within the confines of my class.

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You’re right I can’t be better at everything but the difference is the real world doesn’t prevent my ability to at least try to improve myself .

Yet we have a great disc priest in our guild that does great during both m+ and raids.

You can argue this for any game, but again I ve explained how raids are designed, you keep ignoring it so there’s nothing to repeat

Cuz you are forcing yourself to do it, the game doesnt require it and doesnt demand it, If anything covenants are telling you to STOP DOING THAT.

If that is what you find fun then sorry but what you find fun is not something the devs intend and are trying to remove from the game

You said yourself you were not as good as the rest dps, I was explaining a basic fact about how raids work

All healing specs can succeed if played by a decent player, at worst you need to wait a few weeks for some more gear before you kill bosses.

That isnt a raid design problem, you are making it a problem by refusing to wait 1-2 more weeks and believing you deserve to get kills asap.

Unless you are in his group then you better be pulling top damage.

Just so we’re clear both priests in Ralphes raid are Holy, not disc. The highest of the priests is Pastorjim at 2.1 k Raider io, not sure what what he is on about.

Well this is true because in his world it is better to buy hard then try hard

Remember back when Ralph hated blizz?

Then they announced that some SL characters are going to be homosexual and now he’s kissing their boots. :slight_smile:


Your disc priest primarily plays shadow in keys. You should probably go back to posting on low level alts before making claims that can easily be checked.

The game does require it to clear it in a timely fashion. Content will be tuned with optimal covenants in mind because otherwise it would fall over to optimal covenants.

Reallly shouldn’t be taking shots at the dps of others

This is literally not true there are objectively better healing specs. Devo Aura is the most busted cd in game for example. Disc once it’s mathed out is an objectively superior spec to holy. Even SLT has uses compare this to druids and monks that have very little raid cd wise.

Or you know wanting to kill bosses before nerfs because it’s fun I realize that fun is a crazy concept to you but a lot of people play this game to have fun not to “dunk on the tryhards”

I’m very proud of him, but a resto druid’s toolkit is still stronger than his, and will be regardless of the status of covenants.

You’ve told me how you think raids are designed, this seems to be contrary to how they’re -actually- designed, though. But, you do you Booboo.

Darn, how do you know my mentality or what I’m doing? Can you also tell me what I’m gonna have for breakfast tomorrow? It’d take a whole lotta stress out of my life if you could continue dictating what I do and don’t do.

Imagine that, my main role is healer and I’m not a perfect DPS, woe is my. Should I jump off a bridge? Do I not live up to your exacting green parse standards?

I’m very happy for you. You’re right, all healing specs -CAN- succeed. But, if damage output from the boss is significantly lower than another, then one of those healers can either swap DPS…or sit on the bench so another DPS can come in and help on the next boss, as his healing output is not required for the next fight. I don’t get where you’re pulling this, I never said that there was a healing spec that couldn’t clear the content.

Look dude, I think we’re gonna stop here. You’re wrong. I’ve led you to the information, I’ve tried to relate it to you multiple times. If you continue to choose not to accept it, that’s on you. As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

That said, all this crap you’re spouting about the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ way to play the game? You’re toxic, you’re one of the most insanely poisonous people I’ve ever spoken to. You’re horribly judgemental and incredibly rude, and you preach it all from this moral high ground you’ve created because the dev team, which is being paid scraps, currently agrees with you. I can almost guarantee you that will change, I just -pray- it happens before 9.3. Good luck.

Freedom always wins, less restrictions will lose. #PullTheRipcord

P.S. Throw me on ignore, I’ll wear it as a badge of honor.


You’re a god darned hero, I salute you.


Thanks, I’m exhausted. His stupidity is -oppressive-. Also RIP your namesake.



Taken from us too early… one of my oldest youtube memories.

BFA was so bad in that it managed to make people that liked legion systems dislike BFA. BFA basically took legion systems and simplified them further but with even more restrictions.

Systemlands is just legion 2.0 or legion 0.5b like BFA was legion 0.5a.

I think borrowed power has become a McGuffin that hurts the story more than helps while also impacting player power.

The suspension of disbelief has been shattered when you tack on layers of rental systems.

WoW is no longer a fantasy MMORPG but layers of systems that require spreadsheets.

Game design is part art and part math. Right now we need more art to be part of the design because being spreadsheeted to a million pieces and gated in many arbitrary ways is suffocating. :thinking:

Anyone keeping up? There’s only one person here obsessed.


Is this the post you mentioned?

It’s not currently flagged but I am inclined to agree with you, despite my personal lamentation that meaningful choices (and RP elements) are sorely needed in this game.


It’s just come off it’s sixth flagging, word’s are hurtful indeed !

`This is an automated message from the World of Warcraft Forums to inform you that one of your posts has been hidden and is awaiting moderator review.

Your post was flagged as a real life threat: the community feels it is threatening to a user.

If the post violates the Code of Conduct, we will silence your forum account. You will still be able to log in and view posts, but not start new topics or reply to existing ones.`

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Why won’t they just add a, “dislike,” button?

Or even a, “disagree,” button?

Flagging seems to be the only recourse for people to disagree and it’s become ridiculous.


Unsure if it has been posted before, but I just saw this on reddit. (Bit late it was posted a while ago).

I think this does a great job pointing out what appears to be inconsistencies in the story which can be used to open up the abilities.

Not that everyone needs to do everything which was my previous argument. but the story right now should support us gaining access to these since we’re the super special Maw Walker.


And the award for most ironic post of the day goes to…

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