#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Your opinion isn’t wrong!



Your opinion isn’t elitist, and I appreciate your input.



Explained previously, because people stop caring or playing the RPG and simply copy “what is best”, you show no interest in the character building aspect of RPGs, a core part of RPGs if you always change to the “best” build for every encounter. Aka playing the game wrong.
In addition competition is fine and great to a degree, dps meters, guild member fighting etc, but like Ion said “non skill factors will always affect your performance” because this isnt overwatch
This means because skill isnt always in complete control you arent meant to take the game so seriously, it is like someone obsessing over a facebook game and being best at everything in it and spending hours upon hours to achieve that.
Not saying WoW has no skill obviously, but it is not an FPS/RTS/Moba where skill is all that matters so you shouldnt be taking it as seriously as grinding your life away for max AP, bis,change builds all the time to be optimal at everything.RPG genre is just not ultra competitive.

In other words, people are playing the game wrong, therefore the devs are forcing people to play RPGs the way they are meant to be.

Think it from a game design perspective, you create a system yet the system is used in ways you didnt intend to. Azerite reforger was created to allow players who might decide to change specs or builds, but it was abused by some who would change to optimal traits all the time.
Which is why the azerite reforger failed, not because it was restrictive, but because it wasnt restrictive enough, you need to allow space for people who decide to change builds/specs every now and then, but want to stop people from changing all the time.

why do you need to insult people?

I don’t need to

and Ralph doesn’t need to either

I guess we have something in common in enjoying flaming what we perceive as bad opinions? Oh god, I should stop


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That is a myth perpetuated by tryhards, there’s guilds who down bosses without the most optimal combs or builds, they dont obsess over min maxing and still get a kill a week later with some more gear.

Plus we already know that some covenants will end up simming better for different bosses because sims depend on the encounter, therefore there will be no universally “best” covenant for every single raid boss.

Heck I’m all for pulling the ripcord and I may be more casual then Ralphe .

Highest I have done in raids is 4 normal Ny’alotha bosses , no mythic keys . About maybe half of my talents are the best for my spec . Oh yeah and speaking of spec I am a MM hunter.

So in my book Ralphe is the elitist



When did people play the game this way? Was it in vanilla when you didn’t get a raid spot as a druid unless you were resto? Or holy paladin? Or Holy/disc priest? Or frost mage? Or resto shaman?

So problem solving and adapting to a situation is playing an RPG wrong? Someone write nintendo and tell them to relabel the Zelda series.

Think of it from a player perspective. If they didn’t do bi-weekly tuning passes for the first 2 months and pull the rug out from under us in regards to what was strongest, we wouldn’t have had to. Also if they designed their raids to not have massively fluctuating healing and DPS requirements, requiring healers to multispec, azerite reforger wouldn’t have been a problem.



Why do you?

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All the time, which is why it is time to stop it since the mentality is spreading so Ion is taking a hard stance to eradicate that unhealthy mentality by severely reducing the number of tryhards since he creates more and more hoops before one can be optimal at everything.

Again this has been explained, the game is not designed to be beat with ultra optimal everything, if you are doing this you are reducing the challenge’s intended challenge.

If they did require it then only a tiny minority would ever get kills

And that’s the thing, the game is designed by the devs, the players are meant to obey the game’s rules, if they dont like a game’s rules then they simply should not be playing that game.

No they arent, they are telling you come back next week if you cant do it with your static team, more gear would fix that issue in time, you choose to believe you are forced to have multiple healers to fit the situation.

Let me try to explain it somewhat simpler, you have a situation, that situation is meant to be beat by a balance comb in time, there comes Mr.Tryhard refusing to take a break for a week and instead demands people change to most optimal comb with best healer/dps to get it a week early. That is the mentality he is trying to eradicate, because nobody is meant to do that, you are meant to come back next week if this bosses healing requirement is harder and you need specialized healing.

I thought Ion was the original tryhard of wow

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If their RPG roots are this toxic mentality, then they’re not returning to their RPG roots, are they?

You’re the only person dropping this ultra optimal around. I’m talking about encountering a problem and solving it with my brain. This is fun for me, I like solving problems. I like figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

Mega convenient you left out the rest of that quote, where Blizzard launched such a HORRIFICALLY imbalanced system they hit it with a tuning pass at least twice a week for months. The devs designed the game to be that way, really? Those are the devs you’re advocating for? I think they’d be insulted to hear that, dude.

My swapping from heals to DPS is a DPS increase for the raid of say…20K DPS. It’d take weeks of farming to dump on our main DPSers to accomplish the same goal. I’m grateful to my RL that he allowed us healers to multispec instead of just benching us to make room for a real DPS. This is an instance of a non-tryhard guild not tryharding. That should get you all hot and bothered, but it also required me to have halfway decent traits on my gear…so off to the reforger.
(Just wanna add, in regards to the 20K, this is in reference to Uldir, which is when this happened, I’m not a garbage player, I swear.)

See above.

Their story telling has gone down since Metzen retired . The characters are pretty much now some employee’s simp like Nathanos

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Why do choices need to be restricted? What gain does it give us? Trying new builds is what makes raiding fun. Learning new playstyles and being more versatile for your guild is fun. Being restricted to a setup because “rpg choice matters” is so silly.

Imagine if you wanted to use Renewal for a fight because your healers needed you to have an extra personal. You finally get that fight down, yippee, but now you’re locked into Renewal for an entire week and can’t switch back to Wild Charge which is more useful in most content. What is the point? Where is the gain? You’ll just feel bad and that’s exactly what’s going to happen with some of these terribly balanced covenants, only to an extreme since they’re class based and not spec based.

Runescape and FFXIV are both RPGS which allow you to change your entire class on the fly. Loosening up covenant restrictions won’t even come close to anything like that. So what are the actual positives to these restrictions other than “muh rpg choice” when WoW is already one of the most restricted rpgs in the first place?

All of these things are insanely subjective, please don’t state it like it’s a fact.

If you want to play it like this when why would the devs be trying to return in an era where nothing is different since even now the tryhard mentality of being optimal everywhere exists, would seem kinda pointless.

Unless of course they are implying they are going back to RPG roots of RPG design, INTENDED design more specifically, the design where you are meant to have strengths and weaknesses before tryhards abused the system to change builds all the times to be optimal at everything.

Those RPG roots

Oh, so similar to how some people like competition and skill yet play WoW of all games, a game where non skill factors will affect their performance therefore by design making it a less competitive game than fps, rts, mobas etc.

If that is your interest you should probably be joining games that are designed with that group of players in mind, what you are doing in WoW on the other hand is circumvented the intended design of raids and try to stack everything in your favor to kill bosses asap as if it is a race, which it isnt.

That’s what you dont seem to get, you are the kind of person Ion wants to remove from the game because you arent playing the game the way it is meant to be played, aka more statically, you find a build you enjoy, you excel at that thing, but you have weaknesses that are meaningful, weaknesses stop becoming relevant when you can change them for the encounter that those weaknesses would cause you problems.

Yes because at the end of the day blizzard is competent enough to balance specs and covenants to do a m15 and mythic bosses after the first month, if your goal is to down mythic bosses asap while not being world first so obsess over min maxing that is something you ve forced yourself into, not blizzard’s fault.

So what you are saying you want everyone to ultra min max to carry your lackluster dps performance when you come as dps?

This is what I ve been saying by mechanics failing or underperformance, if all 20 players are decent in their specs and can do mechanics you dont need to tryhard ultra minmax because you dont need to carry anyone. Now if you are trying to carry a few people that arent doing well, be it cuz of skill or lack of gear then of course you are gonna pretend as if min maxing is “needed”

Yeah that is why you should focus on being good at one area, have said strengths and weaknesses, then you wont need to change to dps to stay in the raid because they wouldnt need to change their most skilled healer to DPS outside of ultra niche scenarios like practice for new healers or if your healer spec is that that terrible for that boss which again is extremely rare since all bosses can be downed with all healer combs.

In Ralphes world anyone who strive to do better because they like challenging themselves is an elitist tryhard and that we should be happy with mediocre because average is so fulfilling

It’s just like real world: you can’t be better at everything, even if you want to.
And because it is not optimal, does not mean it’s mediocre: i don’t understand the extremes: is it to make your point more valid?

You mean like…right now? And in Shadowlands? Having covenants unlocked isn’t going to make a disc priest a better 5 man healer than a resto druid. What are you talking about?

Problem solving is absolutely 1000% one of the pillars of a role playing game. Another MAJOR facet of role playing games is exploration. Exploration can be physical, and usually in an RPG this is the case, but you can also explore means of gaining power, such as covenants. There is also zero roleplay explanation for why the covenants wouldn’t be working together against the Jailer.

Why do you keep using the word ‘forced’, I don’t think this word means what you think it means. I don’t force myself to do anything, except have this conversation currently. I -enjoy- making my character stronger through gear. I enjoy making my gameplay stronger by playing around with talents and stats to figure out what works best for me in any given situation.

My dude, are we really resorting to insults? I’m a main healer, and 20K was not ultra lackluster in Uldir. You remember Uldir? The first raid of BfA? When people didn’t have corruptions doing all their damage? This isn’t quite as far back as the ‘roots’ you claim Blizzard is trying to return to, so you should probably remember this.

So my raid shoulda tryharded and benched me from the raid because I should hyperspecialize in healing, despite the fact that Blizzard DESIGNED the encounters to require different healing and damage outputs? One could infer that Blizzard designed the fights with multispeccing in mind…either multispeccing or just having a rotating roster.

Honestly, I was joking earlier, but seriously. Are you on our team? Is all this inane babble designed to make your team seem completely delusional?

Please tell me how having covenants unlocked will make priests stronger healers in 5 man content than resto druids. I await your response.

I can’t imagine the thought process behind joining a thread you have the original poster and the majority of the thread on mute then proceeding to argue.

Like, didn’t he want to avoid engaging with us?