#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

No, he says people who play “FoTM” are garbage that don’t know how to play the game.

The devs, because often times by stacking optimal combs and most optimal builds the challenge is severely reduced.

Which is why I ve been saying SL raids will feel harder now that everyone will be forced to have more balanced combs since not everyone will have the best covenant for every single boss therefore they will need to get better skill wise instead of trying to stack mathematical advantages.

In case anyone wasn’t aware, Nzoth before significant nerfs needed 10 immunities, some got away with 9 but the vast majority of guilds ran 10(First 500 guilds).

If you go to nzoth before the nerfs you were SOL.


only took 10 words into his twitter bio to contradict himself fundamentally twice



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Nah, SL raids will just require bigger rosters so they can sit the AoE covs on ST fights and ST covs on AoE fights.

Something else he asserted a while back,

Be careful when reading this guys posts. He’s a troll.


Well yeah for the ultra tryhards that arent that great at the game and NEED to stack every advantage to their favor if they ever have hopes of downing bosses yeah, they can try do that, but many wont be able to do that or level 4 of each therefore the challenge the devs intended will be preserved.

You keep making this assertion, and it’s completely baseless. Why would I -want- to play something undertuned in mythic progression? If I’m a skilled player, why would I -intentionally- blunt my sword by playing something that is objectively worse than something else? It’s absolute idiocy, there’s no other explanation for this.


In case you’re out of the loop Ralph has basically all this thread muted.

If you try to engage with him you end up there too, why he decided he’d start posting on here instead of making his usual threads that get reported in record time i have no idea.

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It’s all good, I’m disagreeing so I’m sure I’ll be joining you soon.

Is spamming 1,000 word diary entries on the general forums multiple times a week about how much they hate tryhards for being good at the game, attacking people on Twitter like Preach, and spamming up the WoWhead comments really not taking WoW so seriously?


Because this game isnt a race, you arent world first, you arent meant to obsessively min max to kill a boss a week earlier when you could instead come back one week later with more gear and beat it with your more static group comb.

You are playing a non competitive game (Ion has said non skill factors will always affect your performance) ultra competitively which you arent meant to, you arent world first therefore everyone else should get used to playing the game in a normal manner.

I literally had to same the same thing to your king.

If Blizzard didn’t want WoW players to chase numbers, they wouldn’t of invested thousands of hours of developer time creating so many intricate ways to increase your throughput.

HOTS is there for you if you don’t want to worry about those things. WoW will always be a numbers game. You don’t have to participate in the numbers side of it, but it will always be there.

my name is ralph and my opinion is absolute undeniable truth and if you say otherwise you are an obsessed tryhard elitist minmaxer unskilled [insert the other 20 words he spams i dont remember] player

truly an inspiring individual


This doesn’t answer my question, I don’t care about it being a race. Why would I play something objectively worse than something else? I can play resto druid, holy priest, disc priest, resto shaman up to a pretty decent standard, resto druid is my best…but if it’s underperforming, I can and will swap to one of the others. Following your logic, this makes me a bad player, yeah? Tell me why.

Please don’t link Twitters with NSFW images of cows on it. That’s a big reported right there.


Yet you are min maxing obsessively trying to get a kill earlier which you would get anyway with a more static comb after a couple of weeks of extra gear.

Your behavior says it is a race in your mind and that mentality is wrong.

You don’t have to be obsessive to min/max. It’s really easy to do.

Step 1: run a sim on raidbots.

Step 2: that’s it.

…it’s not a race, it’s progression. I like to progress. If I can get a boss kill, why wouldn’t I? You seem insanely fixated on this race idea, please tell me why I’m a bad player because I have multiple healing specs in my arsenal and am willing to swap to them.

P.S. 1000000% unrelated, how do I link stuff on the forums? I know I surround the link with something, but what’s the key?


Because your life, mental health or ego doesnt depend on it?

Tell me what is wrong with having a more static raid group and when you reach your limits you take a break till next week to down it with extra gear. Maybe that group would get the kill this week if they stacked all the most optimal specs and builds but why should they suffer through leveling, gearing, grinding all those to be optimal at everything when they can instead, wait till reset?

Progression in your mind is clearly a race.

Cuz I am saying the same thing to you now, this mentality of “OMFG I NEED TO GET KILL ASAP OR MY LIFE IS OVER” is unhealthy and wrong.