#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Or they just want you to find a “faction” for you to choose (outside of the Alliance or Horde since it does not make sense in SL).

they aren’t really factions tho, you still play with people committed to other covenants, and help out other covenants with various tasks in their zones.

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Yeah, which is why all the horde venthyr and all the alliance venthyr are gonna be best buds and chat it up 24/7.

If it was a faction why can’t i do raids with Horde (same covenant people)?

I swear Blizzard is just letting the community make up what covenants are supposed to represent as we go along.

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Covenants are a sub factions, you are still part of the Alliance: an enemy of the Horde.

Kind of like… reputations…

Like how we’ve had reputations for 15 years … crazy

I identify as sub faction Argent Dawn.

Which is it my dude?

having progressed more of the end-game systems on beta i’m fairly certain the “meaningful rpg choices” is just a sad excuse to impose layers of frustration on character progression to later alleviate in 9.2 and 9.3 patches. The exact same pattern happened with BFA essences and legion legendaries, release systems with frustrating restrictions, and gradually loosen them through the expansion and call it “Content”

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You ever seen that gif of the guy on the train putting down planks/tracks at it moves forward? This is what it looks like in real time.

Any decent player wont have a problem because we know we can do content without being optimal at everything.

The people who need to stack all the advantages in their favor to win says everything about their ability.

Thank god my ignore list is back, this thread is a lot more readable now :smiley:

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Posting in a Ralph thread.

Looking forward to your new thread about try-hards to release in sub 10 minutes.

I feel like I’m in the presence of celebrity. Not a good celebrity like Tom Hanks but maybe like…Andy Dick?

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If you didn’t catch it, you can see Preach take on Ralph on twitter from this morning. It’s a great read.



oh my god ralph is back from his ban POGGERS

anyone else is a furry that loves spamming highly nsfw pandaren content on twitter?



That exchange actually hurt me. I felt it in my soul.

Yeah it’s a highly uncomfortable read.

It’s like watching a year 5 student try to argue with the teacher.

Well you explained way better than i did.

Do world first people even play the game after the win/loss?

Preach isn’t a world first raider. He is a mythic raider who enjoys raiding mythic with the boys. Much like anyone outside of the front page.


If Blizzard ever balanced mythic bosses to REQUIRE everyone to be optimal, only people who would kill mythic bosses would be world first and ultra tryhards.

That isnt the case, the reason some players are obsessed over min maxing is because they NEED min maxing to carry their mechanics failing and bad performance due to lack of knowing their class well since they always change to FotM.

Because of this, a group of 20 decent people dont need to min max very hard to get mythic bosses down.

Meanwhile a group who obsesses over minmaxing do that because they know they arent the best performers and they cant do mechanics as properly so they need that min maxing advantage to compensate for their mistakes.

That is why I am absolutely not worried about covenants, I know I am good enough at my class to be able to do all forms of content without the most optimal build because having 4-19 other decent people is more than enough to get things going.

Well, he seems to put value in minmaxer’s and world first people.
And what percentage of the playerbase is this?

Do that preach guy even play the game?