#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Or those who like to play around with different builds. Or those who want to see the entire story.


Here is how I have described Borrowed power .

I have seen people go Tier and old trinks were borrowed power .

I disagree . I put it this way before Legion a persons toon felt powerful even without tier or the trink of the day all they did was add a little buff or maybe make a long cast stand still spell mobile . So basically they were just icing on a really good cake that was the class/spec.

Since legion well to keep with the cake analogy … Class/spec are the dry ingredients and Borrowed power is the wet ingredients. Can’t have a complete cake with just the dry.


Yeah, that summarizes how I feel pretty well also. Some classes are a bit more put together than others, but we shouldn’t rest until ever class is its own whole.

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We have enough tough meaningful choices in our real lives why should our fun be as punishing as real life . What are you some kind of masochist that likes suffering?


Yeah it’s called picking your class.

Covenants are temporary and will most likely be gone by the 10.0 prepatch


Someone in the other thread said it best.

Making it a new talent row but have abilities unlock as you finish their zones, great idea.


Hell yeah scrap em entirely.


So essentially a massive and diverse group of people and not just “toxic tryhard 1%ers” like people are saying. Imagine that!

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I understand that to be the TOP is what you find fun in this game. Gaming should be about having fun. But with the direction Blizzard choose for early BFA and SL, it seems that you are no longer the targeted audience. Either you adapt and move or …

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Are we just gonna ignore the other 3 groups of people mentioned, then? Like, you even cut the quote short, kinda awkwardly.

Sorry folks, your arguments make too much sense, so we’re going to ignore you.

Not everyone want to be top or optimal in every kind of content and want to switch talents & abilities every 2 minutes…

I am just saying that Blizzard have all the stats (on all players) they need to make a decision to build the Covenant a certain way. They a clearly not creating Covenants features for minmax’ers. Just by logic i can deduce that minmax’ers are not a majority of the playerbase.

That’s fine, they can still pick the non optimal choice. Nothing stopped them with an opened up system. People still play sub, arcane, marksman hunter on BFA despite being a dead spec.

So we’re not here to keep covenants locked, we’re here to stick it to the TRYHARD ELITIST 1% TOXIC? See the other 3 groups of people and tell them why they’re not allowed to play around with covenants.

Damn min/maxers and their wanting to play for aesthetics.

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I am sure that people who want to see the entire story will dot it. Like they did in BFA with Alliance and Horde sides. ‎Transmogrification is very popular but restrictions are part of the game since the release of that feature.

Nothing is preventing you from trying stuff, again, there are restrictions.

If Blizzard did the Convenants the way they are, there must be a reason. I understand you are frustrated because it does not fit your play style. I wonder how many people changed gear/azerite traits/essences/corruptions in BFA on a regular basis. I which i could see the stats!

Did… did you just ignore every response in a thread with 1235 other replies? I’m impressed honestly.


Nothing is preventing me from trying stuff*

*Unless i mean covenants in which case the system is designed to prevent me from trying stuff


The restrictions are what’s preventing me from trying stuff. And I changed essences regularly, depending on the content I was doing.

Edit: I forgot. #PullTheRipcord


The current system doesn’t allow that experimentation. If you were that caring about meta expectations you wouldn’t be playing Warrior since most consider warrior a mid tier class outside of prot. A lot like DK outside unholy atm.

Literally this.

Let’s pretend, just as an example
Night Fae = Vitality Conduit
Kyrian = Crucible
Venthyr = VoP.

How awful is this? I use VC in Tyrannical weeks and 3’s, I use Crucible in 2’s and Non tryannical keys/low keys and I use VoP in raiding.

Imagine if i was stuck using VoP for arena and M+.

No thank you.



They clearly are creating covenants to drag out play time hence the time gates. It’s a scummy practice they have been doing a lot lately. The only people applauding this are the ones who want to stick it to the “hardcore”.


There was absolutely 0 reason outside of dragging out playtime to put a cap on cloak catch upgrades for alts and having a corruption vendor with rotating corruptions.

The wall should be how many visions i can run in a week or how much echoes i can farm.

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