#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

You must have missed the earlier comments, I have a guild. I’m the raid leader, I’m not going to suffer from the system.

It’s the casuals/pugs who will be punished.

You’re right, it’s time the game stopping catering to them. It’s also time they started considering everyone, such as PvPers like myself who want nothing to do with conduits and borrowed power.

All together even greater reason to just remove borrowed power, conduits, and soulbinds; leave in the cool visions so you guys can still RP with your flashy spells.

Win win.

They don’t get it man, min/maxxers aren’t saying maybe they’ll consider it. They’re saying they’re going to punish others further now because the efficiency of the guild is more important than the choices they make covenant wise.

My message was to them.

Join a guild and all of this complaining no longer matters. I have friends that will take me to all the contents no matter what. I will pick the covenant I want and it’ll be glorious.

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Exactly. Pug life has been hard from day 1. I don’t feel bad for pugs. There is no reason they can’t make some friends and run content with them.

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It’s the greatest. Stuff like warcraft logs, raider io and the like might as well not exist to us because we have friends and a guild to run content with. We can play what we want and still get groups.

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It’s how mmorpg’s were meant to be played. :wink:

Nothing stops you from picking your covenant dude, its the conduits and borrowed power that’s attached to it a problem.

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What difficulty someone is doing content on doesn’t seem super relevant to covenants discussion to me. People like to optimize in general.

Additionally, I don’t know where you get this “catering to the cutting edge” nonsense. Ever since Legion the systems design has gone specifically out of the way to NOT cater to the “cutting edge crowd.” Legiondaries, AP, Azerite, removal of master looter, corruptions, essences, covenants, and soulbinds all seem to be specifically targeted to make it harder/more annoying to optimize your character.

Like seriously, how could you possibly come to the conclusion that the past 5 years of WoW is anywhere near the same ZIP code as “catering to the cutting edge” mythic crowd?



Well that is a problem where you have to worry your choice will be nerfed after the expansion launches. :+1:



Please explain what positive prohibiting experimenting serves other than punishing those who apparently make you feel small.

I love how this was made specifically for people like you. :joy:


I just got back from my third suspension in the span of a month, a new personal best! Looks like the ripcord still hasn’t been pulled and the ground is getting closer and closer by the second.


Magnificent :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:

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Here is a thought for you. You can chose based on what ICEVEINS suggests like every other minmaxer does. Why should everyone else have to lose content that they like for the the sake of the 1% to 10% that clears hard content?

That’s why there is such push back on this. For those who actually are excited about this content we have to worry about those who only care about pushing numbers. The rest of the game and systems that go along with it doesn’t matter.

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Icyveins isn’t really for min/maxing, it’s mostly just a starting off point towards optimizations.

If covenants are unlocked, what do you lose? What content goes away?


Did you not read the initial post? Cut the cord means they want to kill the content not unlock it. Meaningful choices is why it matters.

Here is a thought. If choices shouldn’t matter then why not do away with them all and have a 1 base class and set of skills that everyone uses. The game would be balanced, and the rest doesn’t matter then right? We could skip the entire expansion, and Blizzard could just release 3 raids ties and call it good?

Your argument for decisions not being important just doesnt make sense.

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it feeling like it matters.