#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

So therefor, by this logic, they also won’t create balance by not creating another layer of differentiation?

I tend to disagree that things will be this extreme. I think most people in this thread think so as well, because if the issue really was that a narrow few choices will become “best” then people would just pick them. What people seem to be wary of is that what is “best” won’t be static and will be too difficult to chase. This would indicate that, although things are out of balance, there will be more possible answers to choosing the best option for specific situations.

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This precisely. Covenants are essentially a removal of choice rather then an addition.

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What’s wrong with story informing gameplay? You’ve accepted it literally in all other parts of the game.

You say it didn’t happen in Legion, yet your entire class only exists because the story created a space for them.

You just don’t want the game to have choices that might not get you into each and every PuG and that’s not a reason not to do something.

My class existing, isn’t the same thing as picking a story arc and having 40% weaker abilities or picking another story arc and being 40% more powerful.


Only on these forums would making a choice between options you’re given mean you didn’t have a choice.

I want this to be my forum signature.


It’s really not up for debate, unless you think Blizzard is also going to somehow quadruple the amount of “best” subclasses.

Also, I don’t think this is as cogent as you think it is. The obvious answer is “don’t make it worse.”

No, only these forums would intentionally misunderstand a topic then try to tear down a strawman.

If you think picking any single covenant is going to make your class entirely nonviable then maybe, but it’s not. Some going to be slightly stronger than others? Yeah, probably. Most likely insignificantly, and any that are significantly OP or UP will get changed, like always.

You people are really arguing that making a choice between for options is not a choice and that’s really amazing.

That’s literally what you just said. Just because you think you have a deeper argument doesn’t mean you do.

I don’t have any more time to give to this. Y’all are way too invested in a few extra DPS making or breaking the game.

Because there isn’t actually a choice if you want to play on a competitive level. Between conduits covenants souldbinds and legendaries and talents there are going to be something like 10k plus combinations per spec per class. Blizzard can’t balance that they can’t even balance the 12 classes and 36 specs currently in game.

This means there will be best options and you won’t be able to make your choice based on aesthetics or story or gameplay loop if you want to play any competitive level content. If you don’t want to then why would effect you to not have them locked?


Any Ripcord pullers?!



It’s what I said yes, but you are choosing to ignore why covenants are going to be limiting choice rather then giving it. You don’t want to even entertain the idea and you’re clearly doing it on purpose.

Sometimes the obvious answer is also specious. If chasing balance is an unwinnable race, then perhaps other factors should be weighed more when making design choices.

I’m on your side, but man you would hate Twitter and FB with your soul.

But that isn’t what they are doing lol? Their current choice is going to make it even harder for non optimal people to get into groups.

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The right answer is not “make it worse.” It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.

Quality isn’t a circular thing where if you make a situation bad enough it flips back around to good.

I haven’t really seen a convincing argument as to why that is true. Why is it that you believe that?

Surely, dumping this flammable oil onto this fire will quell the flames.

Wow it sure is hot in here. Those idiot players trying to put it out with water and fire extinguishers are clearly just elitists.