#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Everyone deserves to play how they like, regardless of difficulty if you ask me.


They’ve sent three waves of CE beta invites out already. How many LFR waves have gone out? By the way this is toxic min-maxing shaman number #3 :cool:

Not really. All the dungeon benefits will help ensure a healthy balance. Meta slaves can be meta slaves and never get anything done, if someone has a good .io score and if we don’t need some super specific strat. I’m down for inviting something off-meta.

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You know min maxing doesn’t go away with locked covenants, right?

Equipping the betterupgrade is not any kind of “plague” you sound like a whinging senior confused that the game has more controls than Pong.


Or for some people, the fun is being the strongest they can be to tackle difficult content.

There is nothing wrong with that.


You sweet summer child.


You ever made a group before as a healer/tank? I can wait an extra 20 seconds for the meta class with the meta covenant.

I hate to be blunt, but if you’re a DPS that pugs you better pray this system has a ripcord pull before it comes out.


It’s a step in the right direction.

And what is whinging? I dont know that word.


I like that. When I played retail, I would not do the Heroic and people were still nice in Normal and it was appropriate for me. I wish that people would not feel pressured to do the Heroic raids if they do not want, the only reason you should do that is to fulfill a personal desire. Whoever is complaining about covenant swapping would not have to swap themselves, no?

I look forward to this example not being answered all thread.


"Heather Newman: How do you swap covenants?

Ion Hazzikostas: If you just want to try a different experience or you regret your choice… [let’s say] you hit max level, you think the Venthyr are awesome, you join the Venthyr. And you know what, you decide that vampire parties are lame, and you want no part of them and you want to join the Kyrian — totally not vampires, but you know what I mean.

You want to join the Kyrian, you know what, you can go do that. You can say, I made a mistake, I’m going to join the Kyrian. You snap your fingers, and you’re now a Kyrian. That’s okay. But the Venthyr will remember that.

The Venthyr are not going to take too kindly to the fact that you entered into this sacred oath with them and then broke it to go off and join the Kyrian.

Newman: All right, so let’s say I regret my choices and swap back. What do I have to do?

Hazzikostas: So if you want to rejoin the Venthyr, you will need to atone for your transgressions. And we haven’t tuned that, exactly. But think of a series of turn-ins, basically, having to prove your dedication to them. Sorry, yeah, you made a mistake, you thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence, you thought the Kyrian and their wings were awesome. Actually, you want to come back and you want to host your parties again. And they’ll believe you, and let you back in."

I can’t post links, so there’s a chunk of the interview. The difficult/friction part is based on returning to a Covenant you left, not joining a new one.


I look forward to not wasting my time relating the history of mmos to you.


Nah, you try and play as well as you can within whatever limitations you set for yourself. You’re a min maxer.

Sheesh, what a plague it is to try and do things effectively.


That’s what i figured, I love how quickly people crumble when pushed for followups.


Let them suffer then.

Your pug your rules. Sorry if I like to have fun in my MMORPGS. I’ll pick Maldraxxus on this DK and screw anyone who thinks some Night Fae would be better.

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Agree to disagree on the definition I guess.

Why are you apologising? I’m not opting you to not have fun, yet you seem perfectly content about us not being able to have fun in my MMO RPGS.


Good of you to let us know you simply don’t actually care about the matter.

Don’t forget to close the door on your way out!



Hey, I’m not the one calling myself a plague on gaming. You do you, though.


I mean, potentially if you’re a top-tier player.

I doubt Covenant choice will be an issue for most people honestly.