#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Do you think a large part of the community wants to:

I suggest you read before you rush out replies.

this is true, both sides have been claiming theirs as the majority, and there’s really no way to tell.

i would just like an explanation and examples as to why covenants being unswappable is the hill your(?) side is intent on dying on.

I didn’t report you but you’ve made enough threads about this that I can see why people would consider it spam.

I didn’t say that about the side that wants locked covenants.

I said that about him saying

Other guy didn’t read before blurting out his reply.

I’m sure there is a sizeable amount of players that want locked covenants. But they can commit to one covenant with unlocked covenants if that is what they really want.


thanks on the clarity there, i must have misread the discussion a small bit.

regardless my question still stands for who i posed it to. I’ve talked to Samtaya before like 2 weeks ago and we agreed on permanently disagreeing

As a pilot in real life, can we not pull the ripcord till the plane gets off the ground?

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Sounds like “Bring the correct covenant and not the player”. Seems fine to me. I’m sure they don’t have the balls to keep it up. The choice you make should mean something and if you can change it at a whim, then what is the point? They might as well just remove them altogether if they’re going to allow people to change them whenever they want.

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I want to be optimal for every content i do because this is a MMO and im playing against other players, and my decision doesnt affect you.

It doesn’t stop me, but it sure disincentivizes me. I’m sure I’d wind up hopping around a lot if they were unlocked.

You’d probably be surprised-- and I’m sure not believe me-- when I say I really don’t care that much. Locked or unlocked Covenants, I’m still going to play the game unless the game sucks. I think it’s an interesting system and I’d like to see how it plays out. That’s pretty much it.

usually the parachute takes minimum 6 months to deploy tho…

I actually took it as a good sign when Blizzard said they were working on a backup plan in case they failed. It’s pretty rare for them to even acknowledge something they do might not work as planned.

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i agree, its exceptionally rare, and i applaud them for at least acknowledging the scenario. My fear is their stubbornness to admit it until we are something like 6 months deep and going into the second tier and a chunk of people have already fled or people are already disenchanted with the expansion (which besides this looks exceptional in alot of ways). i understand wanting to see it play out, as you and a few others have voiced. i dont agree, but i understand


LOL @ the alt trying to alt shame people.


People get around that by saying “you shouldn’t care if your abilities aren’t good if you’re not cutting edge.”

Because apparently there are only two types of players. Cutting edge tryhard min-maxer elitists, and literal amoebas who press buttons to receive stimuli and nothing more.

Which brings up the question - which one do these people think they are? Certainly not the “1%” they seem to hate.

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Sounds like when pro-flyers argue that you can “still use your ground mount…”

I have mixed feelings about the abundance of people complaining in Trade Chat on the Beta, on Twitter and in public Discord servers about being locked into one Covenant.

On the one hand, it’s so sad that so many people seem to dislike it and it may potentially cost Blizzard a lot of subs. I want this company to do good. On the other hand, it’s painfully hilarious how we saw this coming from miles away when the system was revealed and during the alpha cycle. Meanwhile, people were crying out about the evil minmaxers trying to force their opinions and preferences on other people. Because surely any person who doesn’t live for this game and spends all their time min-maxing and running sims can’t possibly dislike artificially limiting themselves to a covenant that impacts both your aesthetics/story as well as your player power. Right? Right?

Wrong. It is really becoming painfully clear that people do not want this. If Blizzard does not change their stance on this and does not pull the ripcord, be prepared for when Shadowlands launches and you will see complaining people everywhere in public channels, on the forums and in your closer circles as well.



You already make those decisions with your class and race.

People have been complaining since they day they announced TBC.

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I hope they get the balancing finalized before they release, I’d be very upset if they start swinging nerf bats after we already choose a covenant.

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Are you anti flying too?


This will be the same as flying, it won’t really be a choice. You either swap to the correct covenant for the given content, or you don’t get invited. Which coincidentally is the exact problem you claim swappable covenants will solve.

No, I enjoy the pathfinder style. Part of the xpac with flying, like the old days, part with, like the new.