#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

What is: Shadowmeld. What is dropping mob aggro.

Considering this is my first expac where I tried, I consider it a victory.

But regardless, covenants should be more than an aesthetic choice. Choosing stuff with your character ought to have benefits and consequences, and each covenant should feel unique.

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Sepsis is badly bugged that I am surprised it has made it this far. :+1: :thinking:

Pull too many mobs.
Horde tries to gank during an Elite Pull.
Getting detected.
Pulling an Elite.
Having your Vanish still up.
Avoiding the group wipe.
Avoiding certain dungeon mechanics.
Dropping threat.
Ganking Horde pulling Elite Mobs.
Breaking roots.

I can go on.


It bugs out in most of those instances.

Try again!


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Shifting the goal post, Alex. Just because you need a website to tell you what to do doesn’t mean we’re all incapable of thinking outside of it.

You do realize that Sepsis isn’t instant right? All of these scenarios imply you are going to be dead before the vanish even goes off lol.

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It only works reliably in PVP and instanced PVE which makes it a niche ability. In all other fantasy scenarios it bugs out. :+1:

Man, it’s almost like you have to think ahead when you use it…

It only bugs out when you use it because, well, you’re you.

You think ahead for accidental pulls that are going to kill you?


Great post but I think we are talking to someone that doesn’t play Rogue. :cry:



The thing that ticks me off is that I want to be in that covenant because it suits my personal style. This is one of the reasons I don’t like this system, it piggen holes me into choices. YOU don’t KNOW me Blizzard. Outlaw + Nightfaye does NOT equal pvp rogue!

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It would be a very refreshing thing if they could tune their game in less than the 9 month window it normally takes them.

For now, the best bet is to wait as long as possible to pick a covenant and mimic what the big shots are doing. WoW, as it is designed, punishes learning as you go. Visions was pretty bad regarding that and this is the template for SL.

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Level up 4 characters of the same class?

Ha! Don’t have the time for that. I am going to do 2 though: tank/dps and heals/dps and see how that goes. My early guess is that the tank better have the M+ checkpoints one, no matter how good the others are and I’ve no clue on the healer yet.


How do you not get this? The prices of the highest tier gear stayed stable until the vendor was announced. Corruptions are absolutely the first time this game has hit pay to win level.

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I agree.

But this is the systems they have designed and we have to see how it all plays out. :+1:

There’s no pay to win just because some idiots in attempting World First decided to cut out the grinding and buy up gear that other people farmed.

It’s not pay to win if only the World First idiots did it.

Other players simply took advantage of their laziness.

You should probably stop thinking outside websites judging by your trinket choice. You are using something that is literally worse than 400 boe trinket I’ll leave you to figure out which one.

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