#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

They just started altering mechanics in Mythics so raiders couldn’t cheeze the raids with certain class comps. But no its the numbers.

You miss the part where raid-wide damage is always ticking, and human errors are inevitable? You can know the mechanics of a boss inside out, but 1 time out of 100, you will mess up, so not having to do the mechanic over 100 times is literally the only way to down the boss.

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When did they change that? Becuase the first 500 guilds that killed nzoth 99% of them had 10 immunities with some getting away with 9.

(Mythic Nzoth being quite literally the latest end boss we’ve been able to fight)

Urg think worgen full of baloney.

Or bologna. However you spell. Urg is simple.


Games are meant to be fun. Fun is subjective to each person, sure, but optimizing actually doesn’t matter. I said it, yes, it does not matter. I know the theorycrafters, perfectionists, mythic raiders and those tryhards are all gonna go ballistic, but, I said it. Sorry bud, raids come out in 6 months or so cycles outside from the last raid of the xpac. You can do them any time you want, this expansion or from previous expansion raids. You can solo older raids from a few expansions ago.

This perfectionist crap of needing to pull every last drop is what kills the game, too, imo.

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So why it matter to you how elitist play if you can do it later on ez mode? How it affect you?


Immunities are not cheeze like Demonic Portals and Kil’Jaeden.

You only have fun when you succeed.

Learning and failing a boss stops being fun after like 80 or so pulls. This part is personal opinion.

Being optimized minimizes the number of pulls you’ll need for each boss.

And they sucked for the whole expansion

Follow the logic.

If covenants and conduits are being locked (behind a week to two week cooldown), then Blizzard cannot design encounters around the ‘optimal’ possible layout at the hardest level of progression. If they are not designing around the optimal possible build, then the content, to quote phoenickz, is getting ‘nerfed’.

If its getting nerfed then it has to be asked WHY?

And as yet i havent seen anyone actually address this issue. And it’s important because it indicates a possible sea-change in design goals.

And if there is a ‘sea-change in design goals’ what might be the next move?

They easily can. Urg say they will.

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Technically, it doesn’t matter to me. I just enjoy reading things, I found this topic, I put in two cents that most people do not like because it is not a popular opinion. They do not need to change their game, instead players just need to stop being spoiled brats. Yes, I said spoiled brats.

But really yeah it doesn’t matter nor effect me.

Oh I agree, it ain’t much fun there.


Have you tried going from Hive to Raden every week?

The biggest AoE fight in all of BFA, then straight into a big boss burn with minor cleave. Idk about other specs, but as Sin Rogue, I legit need two full sets of items/Azerites/Essences/Corruptions to excel in both fights.

The casual here that likes to do different content on a single toon votes



Thanks urg. Preach say no. Design say no. Wall comes down. If wall comes down, then what happen? If wall stay up, why big lock on core systems? Why not let Urg play as Urg want?

Legit discussion is stifled because it doesn’t fit the narrative. The more you know. :thinking: :+1:

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You realize that most of the content can be done without being optimal, right? Only pushing past +15 Keys and Mythic Raids is where your personal choice becomes irrelevant.

Preach mouthpiece for Limit. Preach tried to claim Devs made WoW ‘pay-to-win’. Preach is a horrendous example of ‘good gameplay’.

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At the end of the day, we’re going to go into this whole :poop:show on live as it currently is on the ptr, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Many people will be inconvenienced (you’re lucky if you’re not) and we’ll just have to deal with like we always do lol.

This is all just sad banter.


Blizzard has shown they can’t manage to balance 36 specs properly I’m not sure how they think they have the ability to properly balance over 5,000 different combinations of the various legendaries, conduits, and covenant abilities.

I’m not sure if they are doing it out of ignorance of their inability to balance things, stubbornness when shown their grand idea probably wont work well, or knowing that it wont work in the hopes that it kills optimization (it won’t.)

Anyway I look at it I don’t really want any part of it but I’m to hopelessly addicted to give up now in spite of this.


There are many simps out there.