#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

I love how people post that it’s only gonna matter at the top end when many of the abilities could easily decide arena matches regardless of rating. The same way picking the wrong PvP talent in the starting room does.And it’s even worse than switching in PvE because most of the time every different comp you queue into could require a different covenant ability.

But then again a lot of GD posters forget PvP even exists, especially the ones that don’t even play the game and just troll the forums.


Urg assure you. Urg play game. Lots of game. BEE EFF AYY is Urg favorite game!

Urg discover new bug everyday!


When you have spread-sheet raiders shrieking that ‘X Ability’ does 20% more than ‘Y Ability’, don’t be surprised when developers actually act on it.

If you need a spread sheet to know you’re 20% worse that’s on you fam

Sometimes upgrades and picking the best option is a lot easier than you seem to think

Case in point.

Urg pet spreadsheet named “Details.”


If you’ve wiped on mythic bosses during the last 5%, 4%, hell even 1%, you’ll start to realize that the raiders are completely justified in their shrieking.


Re-iterating that I agree with that to an extent because I know some people can be obnoxious especially about the “shrieking” bit :joy: but what Aeither said right below is quite valid as well haha.

So what? Whatever they are meant to be is still subject to feedback. If we don’t like what they are meant to be we say so and a lot of people say so

Except when they die to the fire, but blame the numbers instead.

It’s the same group of Mythic Raiders than whinge about the numbers, while pretending to care about the casuals when, in reality, wouldn’t sniff in their direction under any circumstance.

I can see you’re just picked up from the last few posts.

What about me having three shamans ready to work around this terrible system makes you think I don’t want to do anything without work? I’m not going to suffer, the overall game is.

Why do you think a raid leader of a 12/12 Mythic raiding guild that I could get away with never interacting with a pug group ever again is going to get punished by the system?

It’s the people who pug that are going to be crushed.

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(Urg here, had to swap toon because forum have rule about new posters having limited post count)

Urg queue for battleground.
Urg see Unbound Force and think “Urg like look.”
Urg use Unbound Force. Do 30,000 damage, make Urg sad because Urg lose.
Urg queue for more battleground.
Urg use reaping flame.
Reaping flame do 300,000. Make Urg happy.

Urg look at covenant and see same thing happen.

Urg no like


So, I’m going to tell people something they already know, and mythic raiders already know too, who have played this game for years. Stuff gets nerfed. Raiding gets nerfed when bosses are too hard/difficult for casuals to do. Classes get nerfed. Specs get nerfed. Dungeons get nerfed. Mobs get nerfed. Everything gets nerfed at one point or another during expansions

Mythic raiders; you are not special. You do cutting edge content, yes, however, it gets nerfed just like everything else. Now, those competing in world first are something else, but if your guild is NOT doing world first, then it literally does not matter to most of the world/playerbase that does not know you what rank you are or how hardcore you are or how long it took for you to clear the raid.

Not a single thing there matters. You got the achievement, the gear, the pet, the mount, etc. You did the content, that’s all that matters and that is all most people will see if they look you up. How many people can name who came in world 10th without looking it up? Answer is; very few people know of this because it just does not matter. World first is all that matters and if you’re not first, or maybe second, third tops, then you’re in the same boat as those who are world 10th, 500th, 10000th.

Back to the original point, though: now let’s say all mythic raiders who weren’t doing world first decided to somehow take a break from that mindset of min/maxing to the .0000001 degree. Let’s just say they decided to go casual and relax a bit on their perfectionism. What do you think Blizzard is gonna do when they see this kind of thing happen and bosses not being cleared? Yes, nerf it. Nerf it again, and again, and again, until casual players are fine doing it.

…Just out of curiosity, have you fought any mythic bosses, like ever?

Most raid bosses have an ability or two that’s constantly pumping out raidwide unavoidable damage. It’s not a hard dps check like enrage, but the raid can’t exactly keep tanking forever. Plus, mythic raiders are still humans, and human errors are fundamentally inevitable. Doing enough DPS before human errors wipe you is how you down bosses.

It’s identity, not configuration. Honestly, the game could use more of it.

Why can’t i choose my identity based off the theme i like the most and not have my power punished?


Because not meaningful. Whatever that mean.



Didn’t really disagree with me. If people die from standing in the fires, there’s deficiency. But it’s human error and not a numerical one.

The thing is, currently Blizzard does this thing where they push out new things with numbers that are clearly bad ideas. So basically, your choices are:

  1. Be unoptimized for however long until Blizzard finally fixes things.
  2. Hop on the bandwagon knowing it won’t last.

And please stop with things like “optimizing doesn’t matter”. Every single player will have an easier time with whatever content they do by building an efficient character.


How dare people stand in stuff you can’t avoid! Urg would never!

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