#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Urg wish he had queen to simp for.

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You know what I’d love to see. Every single player opt out of the systems.

Never pick a covenant at all for the first 2 weeks. I wonder how fast they would scramble to pull the rip cord then.

God tier response

Right. So if theyre locking this capacity to change on the fly, the burning question really should be why are they doing this? And it really concerns me that folks are missing this, because theyre gonna get caught pants down by the next move. I really feel this is a deliberate design choice and not just an accidental oversight. And if raiders want to be part of the conversation, they need to address the core of this issue: why are blizzard looking to change the current raiding meta? And how can we preserve the challenge of high end competitive raiding, whilst accommodating those drivers (which im going to have to assume are player trends (solo) and sub trends (cyclical)) on Blizzards side?

Ion has literally stated that they’re obliterating optimization to make the game less serious/competitive/exclusive.

Basically, they’re making it so that the CE players can’t build CE characters, at least not without grinding until they become as bald as Asmongold. They think that if the CE players don’t get to play to their full potential, they’ll collectively rediscover their humanity and start carrying LFR players through raids or something.

It’s kind of funny when you actually put their thoughts into words, isn’t it?


True story, I’ve lead two separate groups through 12/12M Nyalotha, I tried to raid lead LFR and told to shut up it’s just lfr you try hard.

Also i love your description LOL.

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Do you know much about clearing dungeons?
Such strong opinions for someone who hasn’t cleared a 15.
I guess whatever decisions blizz makes wont impact you that much.

Is Slugbite an alt or something?

I’d love my own description too, but this is legit what Ion told Preach with a straight face lol.

I’m honestly just scared for SL now.


Well hello.

All this time wasted on covenant skills, conduit trees, random system #5, etc., could have easily been new talents and abilities for every spec. Something we haven’t gotten in 3 xpacs now.


Watch out watch out the man came back with his KEYSTONE MASTER DH that’s also cleared 4/12 Heroic Ny’alotha!!! He’s basically on par with the MDI folks already.


And this one’s 12/12 heroic Ny’alotha.

So you’re still in that phase where you pretend it’s only Mythic raiders that don’t like the current locked Covenant system?

Man, the 1%ers sure seem to make up a lot of the playerbase for only being 1%


Nuts. AotC and Keystone Master? You must be related to Faker, you’re so talented at video games.

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Thats not entirely it. If they wanted CE players to go into LFR or run mythic zero they’d throw stuff in there to incentivize them. That they havent (and arent) should be a strong indication that isnt the reason. Why go through all this elaborate nonsense in the hope that a hardcore 12/12 mythic player will hop on his or her alt just to help out when you can instead have this one thing that drops on a 4% PL roll and have them farm it once a week for 11 weeks.

That aint the reason. The reason is clearly that they have metrics showing whats going on in the playerbase and theyre designing to cater to it. If optimisation is being actively discouraged (aside the going bald bit you mention), there has to be a reason behind it. And that reason is very likely, as you said, accessibility. So why do they want the game to be more accessible?

Two reasons: 1. Players are probably trending into solo content. 2. Players are very likely peacing out once they achieve their solo goals in game instead of moving naturally up into the group game. (cycle subs).

How can we infer this? Well, look at the importance theyre putting on both accessibility features and also solo content in Shadowlands. Its a very strong indication that they’re shifting focus in their design philosophy. And this begs the question: What’s currently happening to the group aspects in game. Well, this thread is one of those discussions: They’re locking players into a covenant and a load out weekly. Perhaps even fortnightly depending on the covenant lock-out itself. There is no reason on earth they couldnt have just put a teleport cap on the conduits, and if they really wanted the RPG covenant choice to mean something, theres no reason they couldnt have given you a short fetch quest to switch covenants. But they didnt (covenants not-with-standing). And that indicates they want you locked in at least on a weekly basis.

And if you’re locked in, that means they cant design the content around an ‘ultimate set up’. And this in turn indicates that those incredibly narrow windows of success preach would talk about will invariably be widened. And if its widening, what are the knock ons to the heroic and normal game?
There’s a lot of moving pieces here.

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…Ion literally said, they think that people will accept worthless garbage into their M+ groups and take the L of a depleted key, if worthless garbage characters are all we’re allowed to build. They’re trying to kill optimization, so that people will stop optimizing, and also stop expecting other people to optimize.

Also, once again, they 100% can design crazy spreadsheet bosses while locking you into your choice. It’s called bad game design, and they’ve done it plenty of times before.


So your argument is that theres no wider issues going on, they just want to punish the hardcore out of spite and make you all obedient and compliant so you do what youre told and carry trash specs in your mythic dungeons? Okay, i suppose. If that’s the narrative you’re all going with i can see why they are completely on board with all these threads and are no doubt scrambling to change the game to your satisfaction now that you’ve rumbled them.

I guess English is not your first language or something? This is the third time I have to explain this simple concept for you. Blizzard is lowering the “skill ceiling” of building characters, so that the garbage players won’t be excluded as much. It’s not spite, they’re just pandering to the bigger playerbase, and it’s the exact same thing as MOBAs gutting noobstomper champions.

Tbf, the flaws of the covenant system were exposed the moment any details came out about it. I’d rather they not “pull the ripcord”. I’d rather they rework the system before release, even if it requires delays.

Covenants shouldn’t affect gameplay in any way.

The problem is, assuming that is their intent, that will never happen. Players will still be expected to pick the best one for the content they are doing. Pugs will pick someone over someone else because of covenant/soulbind choices. This actually makes that worse. The sad thing is, the devs know this. They are headed by a cutting edge raider (or at least he was, once upon a time). They know how the game and the community works, they are just choosing to ignore it and push through a terrible system.

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