#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Except all your progress is saved. Again, non-issue.

Current Covenant is designed so that you can’t go back to anything you leave. And, looking at how Blizzard handled number tuning for Corruptions, I have a feeling that we’ll need to be able to swap as freely as possible. First Echoing Void, then Gushing, then anything Versatility related for the PVP folks…

Seriously, I admire Blizzard for always coming up with crazy cool ideas. I just don’t trust that they can back their ideas up with reasonable numbers.

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Urg think they back up with big big number. Make people feel good about selves. But game bad as result.


The issue is the playerbase, itself, is a spoiled rotten brat who has rich parents that grant them everything they want without having to work. That is, essentially, this dilemma in a nutshell, and if you think I am wrong you, too, are pretty spoiled. They were not meant to be talents, nor should they be swappable like them. People need to accept things and stop trying to perfect or be perfectionist at every single aspect. Yes, limitations are built in and should always be there.

If covenant be balanced, there be no problem. But covenant no balanced, so big problem.

History prove this.

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This post does not deserve to be flagged in the slightest.

Such a bunch of snowflakes and trolls on these forums, christ.


Daily reminder - flagging a post because you disagree with it is not a dislike.


That’s pretty much their whole argument, if you don’t push past X, you don’t matter, if you do, you’re just 1%.

These players are so selfish.

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Balance is a numbers fix. That can be done with time. People end up gravitating towards things they want or towards what people like Preach end up saying is BiS. Either way, numbers tuning is a thing and it’s a beta. It’s not live. Even when it’s live, they can still be tuned and fixed.

Funnily enough, the people with harsh, unforgiving, and borderline abusive parents permanently breathing down their necks are the ones who are more likely to have a complex about perfection.

We’ve had all of 8.3. And all the specs in this game still sim like 30% higher with specific set of Azerites and Corruptions. Now in Systemlands, your Azerite/Corruption replacements will also dictate where you get to quest and what transmogs you get to earn. If that sounds fun to you, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree because we’re 100% incompatible lol.


This is the same thread spammed each time she comes back from a forum vacation. It’s pretty sad at this point.

Urg agree.

Not with blizz.

Because blizz no can balance big big number.


Beta for Azeroth say “number no fix.”


No, it’s just that there’s an obvious benchmark when min/maxing takes over. Not my fault you want to pretend differently.

Who’s “she”?

Timbaeslice, or whatever alt she happens to post on.

Timbo be hot dwarf chick.

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You better be careful, that’s Ralph’s woman.

What if you like doing different forms of content on one toon ?

Should I or any other player be forced to make new toons for content we have done for years on only one ?


What is this Ralph? Sounds obnoxious.
Urg no like.


Ah I see. I understand your point that it might seem like spam, but honestly, I can’t help but agree with some of the sentiments there. I’m a casual raider myself and this attitude of creating powerful abilities and then nerfing them to the ground as the only way to “balance things out” is very frustrating.