#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

Same, but if they were the kinds of people who would get their heads out of the sand then we wouldn’t have gotten into this mess in the first place. Bit of a Catch 22.


I haven’t been hopeful for a good damn class design since Cata.


Make sure to heart/like the OP. If it gets enough it will no longer be “temporarily hidden”.


Enhancement has me really hopeful, it’s so close to perfect (for a post-mop class, anyway) that I’m just waiting for something to screw it up.

They’re just different colored paper bags, hate to make you a sad panda.


If only we had shamanistic rage or stormblast.

There’s another panda it could be though.

I would be happy for Enhancement if they gave us back our original kit. I’d do a backflip. As of right now a chain stun and we ded.

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It’s almost like the old team gave us those self heals and defensives for a reason and that removing them was stupid.


True, I forgot about Yesuna actually, the guy that wants critical decisions in the game while he multiboxes 20 characters at once lol. He’s gonna have some bad news with Covenants!

HAHAHAHAHAA. I’ve had to explain that a billion times on a few different threads that our unpruning is incomplete.

Bring back AG for resto shamans :frowning:


At least we have a gimped fire nova back.

WTB flame shock spreading.

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I want us to be able to have a chance of recovery from our ability to get stunned for forever at a time.

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If we’re going to be glass, how about some cannon?

Ancestral guidance to convert some of that chonky burst into healing? You know, like in the better expansions.

Hell, how about just un-nerfing ride the lightning? With the cleave requirement it’s substantially less good than it was in Legion.

I’d just prefer WotLK/Cata shaman back or an actual proper overhaul. Dervish from the Sethrak would be a nice touch to Shaman.

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I’m relatively new to the shaman game, myself, but it was always a class I wanted to try. Lock/rogue main till WoD ruined both of them.

Not sure how great it was. BFA has been IMO one of the least well received expansions. It’s been hard on guilds, teams and players.

There are a lot of things within this conversation that I agree with you on and am of the wait and see mindset. However, some of the fixes, taking several patches or an entire expansion hasn’t been successful.

There are some real concerns about the system, and I think they are reasonable concerns. However I have also seen a concerted effort from the developers to interact with the community more, have seen a lot of dramatic changes over the course of the past few weeks and am happy to give it a benefit of the doubt.

The one thing I do know… is that the passion comes from all because we love the game and want it to be the best it can be. ::Fingers crossed:: I truly hope that Shadowlands is all it looks like it can be and that these systems don’t bog everything down.


I have a deep suspicion this is the case. They are pushing the covenant choice so hard now and not letting us easily swap because they already have the plans in place to make it redundant but they need the story to progress to let them do it.

They have hyped the Jailer to be something even more powerful than Sargaras, with an army just as big as the Legion. There is no possible way we defeat him without bringing all the covenants together. And when that happens I believe the covenants will become a non issue.

This is my guess on how it will go:
9.0 we get to know the covenants and get exalted with one.

9.1 takes us deeper into the Maw to learn about the Jailer and his plan, maybe free the Arbiter and Jaina/Thrall etc.

9.2 we work to bring the covenants together now that souls are once again flowing into them making the covenant choice moot.

9.3 we take on the Jailer.

You realize people can enjoy the game in spite of parts they don’t like, don’t you?

Just disliking one thing isn’t always enough to drive someone to quit - but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t talk about it. Having little niggles, and parts that bring the rest of the game down for no good reason is just raw. It’s why we moved away from things like Weapon Skills, Hit and Expertise.

You can love the game without loving every single part of it. Heck, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with BFA despite having been intensely critical of some parts of it.

… That doesn’t mean I want those parts to come back, though.