That’s stupid though, because the commitment should end at the class I chose.
If I have the gear for the spec, I should be able to play the stupid spec.
That’s stupid though, because the commitment should end at the class I chose.
If I have the gear for the spec, I should be able to play the stupid spec.
dude imagine having a new talent row
something so simple yet it brings so much joy
i feel like crap pls blizzard help me make it a talent row
That’s a system failure, but at least the option is there. In my opinion this is much more fair that the current planned Covenant.
It has been like this since vanilla and now been an issue, why are they trying to stamp it out now?
You can curb that by having… an extra set of gear.
We could have been a Sentry Totem side by side… but seeing as that got pruned…
I would love talent trees to come back, personally.
Skill points felt better, and the spec kits were more complete. I’m not a fan of current talent trees without glyph support to back them up, usually the choices are “This one is best for everything and the others suck” which never gets fixed.
My thoughts exactly. On the bright side, Shadowlands being a dumpster fire might finally be the thing that gets us new developers.
That’s really the silver lining, release a dumpster fire. Everyone mass unsubs and Ion gets replaced with someone in tune with the community.
Bro the last three expansions where Dumpster fires.
Wouldn’t be surprised. He made multiple trolling threads every single day… After a while the moderators probably figured out he wasn’t going to stop on his own.
If BFA and WoD didn’t cause some fat trimming, I doubt anything would change if SL flopped.
Maybe, though. Three strikes rule and all.
I would rather the current team get their heads out of the sand, though.
Ion needs to go back to his former position, he knows raids in and out which is great. What he doesn’t know is PvP and the rest of the game.
That’s a system failure, but at least the option is there. In my opinion this is much more fair that the current planned Covenant.
I disagree. The difference between the two is that in BFA, if I don’t pay the cost, I have a non functional class. I can not heal without Azerite traits. In Shadowlands, my choice might be suboptimal in my offspec, but it is still functional.
Holinka’s the lead with class design right now, so.
I wouldn’t get too hopeful for PVP.
In Shadowlands, my choice might be suboptimal in my offspec, but it is still functional .
Since you’re a monk, I’ve got some bad news for you if you want a functional healing spec.
Tuning hasn’t happened yet, there’s still hope for it.
We can have an entirely different discussion where I lose my $!&% about Monk class design going into Shadowlands.
Bro the last three expansions where Dumpster fires.
Too true. Even Legion was horrible at launch with the AP grind and Legiondaries.
Maybe this is wishful thinking, but my hope is that the higher ups have finally figured out that pushing more revenue into the cash shop in place of actually growing subscribers is unsustainable.
Shadowlands could be this current team’s last shot.
Tuning hasn’t happened yet, there’s still hope for it.
Tuning started actually. The kyrian monk spell for mistweaver has been nerfed by 95 to 98% this week depending on the situations.
I’m going in as monk/shaman since I’m getting real tired of what they’re doing to mages, and those two look like they’re gonna fare the best under the new system.