Narrator: They were unable to do so.
dont be afraid to call him out
I haven’t seen Ralph in a while, was he suspended from the forums?
I don’t get it
The system it’s self sounds cool and the amount of fun builds you could around with is amazing
Then they added some dumb lock in system and didn’t give you the option to swap around freely
Can you imagine if they’d just said you can unlock all the abilities after you make friends with them all?
None of this would be happening and everyone would be hyped af
You know a choice is meaningful, because they keep telling you it’s meaningful instead of demonstrating how it’s meaningful.
Probably got a permanent ban at this point, by far the most hostile and despised player in here in the last days I’d assume
They been dropping the ball when there’s a bloody clear as day formula for all the experiments they ran in the early days of what works. I don’t get it.
Do you know the definition of insanity?
I have seen the flaws and yes the buffs from Dungeons should be removed or be random to encourage other members of each covenant to come.
However, I have seen things and done things on the beta like the venthyr teleport that you have been kicking and screaming about it skip potential, when testing this in the dungeon, I have tried to find every nock and cranny and see if there is a skip, most of the time its being blocked by line of sight rules and No path available rules and even too short to bypass a pack to skip without pulling it, so no skips are possible from Door of Shadows.
But yes, the system isn’t good and I don’t champion it and hoping it isn’t another Corruption 2.0
Yeah, he must be. I’ve been waiting for his new thread to get that easy like currency.
That’s the problem, It could be so much fun
I wish i could just pick what theme i liked, that’d be meaningful, but apparently I’m not allowed to have fun my way (doing mythic content with the strongest covenant for raid).
If you look at Legion and BFA, it’s pretty obvious this is the direction they’ve been going in for the past couple expansions. Legion had you locked to a spec at the start, BFA spec swapping hasn’t been fun, it’s not really new that Blizz wants you to commit.
Blizzard once they release Covenants and players realise its actually not fun being arbitrary restricted:
BFA spec swapping hasn’t been fun, it’s not really new that Blizz wants you to commit.
Can you expand on that please?
And then they have to loosen up the restrictions because they’re not working for anyone aside from people who never swap specs or talents ever
The covenant thing could have easily been another talent row, or the abilities themselves could have been for any covenant with their own flavor of skins.
There’s no reason for it to be this restrictive, it’s also a pain on the development side of things - the way they set this up makes it way harder to balance than it should be.
Doing the same thing over and over again hoping to get different results… ie, borrowed power!
I just want to be a fly on the wall for one day over there, I refuse to believe anyone could think this failed model is worth doubling down on unless they were either A: Mandated to do so by corporate (Unlikely), or B: Actually have no idea what they are doing.
Resetting Azerite traits to have a functional offspec sucks. “Farm an extra set of gear” is both lame and unfun as an answer to that. I’ve frequently considered doing something in an offspec, looked at what I’ve gotten my reforging cost up to, and decided Blizzard clearly doesn’t want me playing an off spec.
The covenant thing could have easily been another talent row
I’d much rather have it be four choices of Borrowed Power with a free swap between them, than a three-talent row with one choice pared out, if I had to choose between the two.